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Everything posted by giggels

  1. hi hun that Neo albem was cool i liked all but juved higher and wont sarender the rest i just liked so far thank you hun

    all my juv


  2. hi hun

    basicaly yes at home me and dad had huge blow out i ren waay sleped rought for a weekcops found me and braught me hone now its just weard

    kisses and hugs to you hun



  3. lol dancing with the golden boy(not M) in my pants
  4. hi all just woundering i you can help you see ive set myself three tascs but im realy strugling my TASKS are 1) make Boo(my nice) a lollipopgirl from barbie dolland give for Bday pressy (so i need pics of lollipopgirl from meany angels if possibel) 2)get sticker maker and make thousands of M stickers and mark everywhere i go today leeds tomorrow the WORLD (dot need help for this) 3)lookup all jack jpohson and Neo websights and music (could you tell me where i could down load for cheepfreeor there websights would help) thanksfor your time
  5. hi sweety

    it good to hear your well

    ive missed you too

    im good last week was crap

    JUV you sooo much

    hae a golden vaction

    all my juv


  6. ye its soo true

    but im better now im back here with my true family



    oh i should be on most of tusdaybnight hope to see you


  7. ye i know but it was soo worth it

  8. lol i got kicked off a randon chat sight lastnight for laughing everytime anyone said chicken



  9. im ok hun sorry ive been off for so long (been sleeping rough DONT ASK) missed you

  10. hi hun

    *bear hugs*

    ive missed you soo much

    me and my dad had a dlow out and i ran away and sleped rought for six nights cops found me and convinced me to go home

    ahh well

    im ok hun sorry ive been off for so long i missed you LS



  11. im ok hun sorry ive been off for so long i missed you juv you hun

  12. wow realy soo cool

    im ok hun sorry ive been off for so long i missed you

  13. im ok hun sorry ive been off for so long i missed you

  14. got to go sleepy and happeness(dad)is giving me evels
  15. hi hun *hugs*

    just checking in hope you are well

    luv you


  16. hi hun *hugs*

    just checking in hope you are well

    luv you


  17. hi hun *hugs*

    just checking in hope you are well

    luv you


  18. hi hun *hugs*

    just checking in hope you are well

    luv you


  19. hi hun *hugs*

    just checking in hope you are well

    luv you


  20. hi hun *hugs*

    just checking in hope you are well

    luv you


  21. hi ls *hugs*

    log time no chat

    just checking in hope you are well

    luv you sooo much


  22. hi hun *hugs*

    just checking in hope you are well

    luv you


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