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Everything posted by giggels

  1. hi hun *hugs*

    just checking in hope you are well

    luv you


  2. ye tell me about it iv missed all MFCers the thaught of all you got me thrugh
  3. been sleeping rought for six days had blow out with dad
  4. oh it dosent matter im just realy wearded out by being incide sorryi shouldent blow out at MFC
  5. see noone knotesis me on here or off whats the point (sorry)
  6. cool thanks hun anyway long time no chat how are you

  7. its sool hun ty but im a compleat beginner i strggel with stickpeople

  8. wow thays soo cool i get it (it will take me forever but ill try) ty hun
  9. wow cool thankyou hun it will be ok i will understand the images
  10. i addor your drawings hun im tryint to learn how to draw and i was just woundering if you coulds do a step by step exlpaning how to do it (maby a thred of you owne) if not dont wurry hun i'll still juv your work from a far
  11. hi hun hope you ok dont want to disturb your fun

    juv you hun


  12. ohh hun i hope youll be ok soon id hug you but i feal like i might be sick
  13. horred in bed on ceep laptop crappy internet conection with miled (HA frals savear) food poiserning i feal like death warmed up
  14. i have lots of dreams with M in... but i remember in such deatail it get to where it feals soo real but there realy sadated compaird to some i dont know if i should tell any it just days together you know silly things wallks in the park bike rides sitting together watching the world go by shopping playng colwd shapes you know nothing much i tend to tell dream M all my trubbels and he always makes me smile
  15. 1 laptop so i con come on here anytime 2 top up internet usb 3 re get sotlen nintendo wii 4 separat littel to family 5 some to MFC 5 chiken fm (the chiken will live)
  16. got to go im up early with dad (ohhh the life of a cere is busseyone ) bye
  17. Baptisms and Christening are rughtly the same thing the washing of sines and welcoming into the famly of god
  18. i was a donater but last year iwas going to donate blood i got to the bed se cleened my arm then inserted the needel not into a vain but into a nerve it was agoney they had to call for a raped responce to help ever scince then i cant bring my self to go do it i know im a caword
  19. hi all it been soo long scince i was on here so i thaught id say hi
  20. yo emma just knotest you were on

    i didnt want to disterb you hope your ok

    imssing you LS

    all my juv


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