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Status Updates posted by norikothesweetmaker

  1. Hi, I am so sorry to take so long to reply.

    During this period, I have done 5 events and 1 birthday party for my daughter... exhousted. I need a summer holiday right now!


    So my Brazilian friend's handlename is "Lui" (http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/member.php?u=13296)


    Brazil is big coutry, so I am not sure if you guys are living close each other. But she is very nice girl.


    So, I have two more events next week and the following week. Then, I will have a break for my children's school holiday. which is also very tireing in anther way. One day, i will come to visit you without children, so we can spend time for Mika as long as we want.


    Take care!


  2. Oh, god, I am so sorry that I didn't come to this page for so long.

    Ok, I am still alive! I am just too tired for now.

    If I could go to summer holiday somewhere...prefably without kids, I will recover.


    But for now, I am checking all the videos on Youtube recorded on 9th July in France.

    Love u-! xxx

  3. Happy birthday, Iona!

    Where are you now?

    I wish today is a lovely day for you.

    with love nxx

    (sorry, I wanted to make more frill on this message, but i haven't got time! I am a bit paniccy as I need to make sweets more than I have ever made by this weekend. So allow me to send you this an extra simple message!!!)

  4. Ooooooooh, Brazil! Lovely place.

    I live in the UK, so no eathquake here neigher.

    I have another friend there...Anna. she is here in Fanclub.

    Have you seen her?

    Brazil is one of countries I really want to visit. Maybe, maybe...


  5. Dear Silver,

    Thank you so much for this lovely birthday card!

    Looks so sweet and tasty!

    I am so sorry no to reply earlier...well, I haven't been to this fan club for sometime...

    I was very busy working for a big event in early March. Then, Japanese earthquake happened.

    Since then, I had attended many fundrising events (including one iMMa organised) and stayed in Japan for a month to see how the damage is and took some money for people helping the affected area. I came back to the UK, but still busy and have 3 events in this month + 1 in July.

    I don't know how much I could do for my home country, but Japanese people are not giving up, so I would like to support them as much as possible from out side of Japan.


    I have to say, because of this reason, I may not be able to be involved by preparation to the Mika's birthday do this year... sad:crybaby:


    Kind regards


  6. Thanks for the lovely sweet card!

    Yes, I am making sweets all the time、but never get enough of it!

    Sorry for late reply.

    I was working very hard for an event for Japan through my birthday and just after my birthday, the dreadful earthquake happened in Japan.

    Since then, I am running around getting involved by the events raising money to send to japan. I still have events this weekend and next and the next...It will go on till Japanese nuke problem is completely solved.

    I am not sure where you live, but I really wish you won't be affected by this incident.


  7. あまりにも日本語クラブで忙しくなって、その後いろいろな地震への義援金集めのイベントで走り回っていて、こっちの方に全くきていないことに気づきました。で、今日久々に来たら、素敵な誕生日カードが!




  8. Hey, Ana!

    I am glad you are at home safely...well, I wanted to spend a bit more time with you, though. I should have asked your plan before hand! Never mind, there will be the next.


    I have been watching some videos from the secret live over and over. He is awesome! I really envy you, you were the witness of the special event.


    You might have ready about Kath thinking about next get together already! I hope I can see you then, or closer!


    I hope you will have a lovely graduation ceremony, which may be one in the lifetime.

    Take care and have a good day on the other side of the earth!

    with a big hug and kisses,


  9. Hi Julie! It was lovely to see you.

    You are so sweet.

    Hopefully see you soon.


  10. I have never bought it, too! :P

    Shall i come to the restaurant directly?

    I don't think I will have any luggages on me.

    I am really looking foward to seeing you.


  11. Wow! It's cheaper than my train ticket!

    Thank you for offering me the place... I cannot thank enough!

    Is there anything I can bring for you from brighton?

    How about brighton rock??? hehehe.

  12. Thank yoooooou, Laurel!!!


    I am sooo interested!!!

    However, I will be with you only on Saturday night, as I need to take my children to Saturday school in the morning. It will be so hectic weekend for me as I will be in London from morning to afternoon for the school, and go home in Brighton to feed and put my children to bed, and come to London again for the dinner...


    what is the room charge like?


  13. Anne,


    Thanks for this lovely message! Yes I am having a happy holiday with a bit of snotty nose and sore throat for every member of my family. X-(

    there are still so much to do, as for Japanese New year's day is more important event. Clean up home to get ready for the brand new year to come. So many rituals to make ourselves to be lucky!


    I hope you will have another exciting year...maybe meet up with Eriko somewhere in France or UK? Do you fancy? Anyway, we both family so we shall enjoy ourselves to the limit!


    Have a happy new year!

    with lots of love,



  14. Hi if you are there, could you let me know whta's hapening in the message section? Thanks. nx

  15. Hi!

    Well, I have no idea where you picked this... a shop or something?

    I guess It's a phrase about a noodle called 'torotto tamago no nabeyaki tenpura soba', the direct translation is...Japanese buckwheat noodle in dashi broth, with tempra (deep fried veges and prawns in butter) and soft cooked eggs drizzled on top, cooked (and served?) in an individual pan.


    And here is the translation; "I chose GooTa's 'torotto tamago no nabeyaki tempura soba' for this year's getting-over noode (Toshi koshi soba=Japanese eat a bowl of noodle on the 31st December before the new year starts. It is a kind of ritual hoping for good health and long life)."


    It could be a bit hard to imagine the food unless you have eaten it...nice in winter day like today in UK...if you still not sure, please let me know. Nx

  16. Hello, one of my friend pointed out you live in Brighton, too. I was feeling a kind of lonly as I don't have Mika friend near by. I am sooo excited!

  17. Hi Thanks for your friend request. wow, you are so young. nx

  18. Hi! Well, I have no idea where you picked this... a shop or something?

    I guess It's a phrase about a noodle called 'torotto tamago no nabeyaki tenpura soba', the direct translation is...Japanese buckwheat noodle in dashi broth, with tempra (deep fried veges and prawns in butter) and soft cooked eggs drizzled on top, cooked (and served?) in an individual pan.


    And here is the translation; "I chose GooTa's 'torotto tamago no nabeyaki tempura soba' for this year's getting-over noode (Toshi koshi soba=Japanese eat a bowl of noodle on the 31st December before the new year starts. It is a kind of ritual hoping for good health and long life)."


    It could be a bit hard to imagine the food unless you have eaten it...nice in winter day like today in UK...if you still not sure, please let me know. Nx

  19. Oh, it's your birthday!

    I hope you will have a lovely day!!!


  20. Hi I have just sent the sample pdf.

    I hope it's ok.


  21. Oops, I didn't check the size. I wil simplify the image a bit. nx

  22. Sorry Kary. I have just come back here after really busy month of trading.

    I mistook the final deadline was at the end of October...

    I am going to read the thread now.

    I hope I came back here on time.

  23. Kary,

    sorry that I missed the vote.

    My internet provider has gone down and I didn't have any access to internet for a few days.

    I will check up the thready now.


  24. Hi Luke,

    ummm. To be honest, I didn't use my camera although I kept it in my bag all the time.

    So my answer is unfortunately 'No'. Sorry.

    Have you calm down from the night?

    My tension is still sky high!!! I don't know what to do with this feeling!!!


  25. Mixiでは、友人までの公開でライブレポ・・・と、言うか私中心の日記ですね・・・を書いています。あまりにも私中心の記録で、しかも私の感想が入りすぎているので、友人までの公開とさせてもらいました。

    もう少し客観的に書いたライブレポをこちらのJapanese threadにも書こうと思っているので、もう少々お待ちください。

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