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Everything posted by southeast

  1. :shocked: No, no, don't send me there, I was never there....Anyway I don't know the way. :teehee:.
  2. Ouch! What? I am sorry about the dog. EDIT: Oh, I am sorry! I just wanted to lighten up the mood on the thread. I am going to hide on the MGMT thread again.
  3. southeast


    No, it would be the first time, I just discovered their music this spring, so I was soooo happy to see they are doing a gig in Munich 6 months later. But I have watched lots of vids on UTube and the live stream from Brussels was great. Oh, there also is an video of an old gig in Paris, on Arte. They perform Metanoia there. Amazing. I'll try to find & post the link here. EDIT: Here's the link! Enjoy: http://www.arte.tv/fr/Videos-sur-ARTE-TV/2151166,CmC=2316348.html Anyways, I hope to get a good place in the audience, but I don't think I'll ever get as good look on Andrew's face live as watching those vids.
  4. You know the joke about a scientist, a RK priest and a Jewish rabbi who discussed the question „When does human life begin?“ The priest said: “Human life begins in the moment when the egg cell has been fertilized even before she has settled in the uterus.” The scientist said: “No, no, the life of a human being begins only after the fertilized egg cell has reached the uterus and has settled in there.” The Rabbi said: “Life begins when your children move out and your old dog dies.”
  5. southeast


    Oh, thank you so much! I hope we don't have to queue too - hate it, especially in winter! I would love to hear those songs live - really hope they'll play them. About being shy: Andrew said in an interview they aren't the natural born performers, they prefer recording much more to performing and added: "Ben never talks on stage". To which Ben said: "No" & and looked very embarrassed. Funny, if you compare them to Mika, then he's not shy AT ALL! Or perhaps they are shy on stage (as I would be) and not shy in the real life? Anyway that's why some of us here are afraid that sooner or later they'll stop performing and switch to producing only. I pray to God they continue performing till they look like Methusalix.
  6. southeast


    I could translate it, if I could have a closer/better look at the whole text.
  7. Oh, poor things! That sounds pretty horrible. Some people can be horrible... :shocked: But they were very lucky you took them at the end!

  8. Oh, poor things! That sounds pretty horrible. Some people can be horrible... :shocked: But they were very lucky you took them at the end!

  9. southeast


    "We don't care" I tried to buy the album, but it's not available anymore . What's up with that festival in California? I don't know anything about it. Oh, you lucky woman! Yes, I agree, I would love to hear/see that too.... Btw. it just dawned on me that they are singing a bit of German in Flash Delirium! "die wolken drifting blinding smiles circling (einkreisen)" means "the clouds drifting blinding smiles circling (encircle)" Huh? EDIT: Have you girls ever read this? http://www.memphisflyer.com/TheBruceVBlog/archives/2010/04/25/live-its-saturday-night He's such a great guy.
  10. southeast


    Tell us something about the gig. Did you like it? Which song did impress you most? How was the crowd? How was queueing? You know, the usual stuff.
  11. Your cats sound so very nice! Were they already friends in the shelter you took them from?

    We also had a cat who was treated very badly by some pple and was already old as he came to us. He missed his tail and his front teeth and when he was asleep his tongue used to hang out of his mouth. He was such a sweetie! He always showed how much he loved us and how thankful he was for everything he got from us even if we didn't do anything really special.

  12. Yes, I love cats. They are beautiful and smell nice and are truly independant and all are different - some love to be near you and need lots of body contact, others keep distance - you have to take them as they are... Do you have your own cats or do you have them from time to time? I always find it difficult to have cats and travel - that's the only reason why I would ever consider having a dog.

  13. southeast


    For them it must be like some kind of paradise... No, I watched it on a live stream in Internet. But I have tics for December! Looking forward to that! They didn't play Indie Rokkers at Brussels, they played Destrokk and Sib. Breaks. I suppose it would be too much for the fans to play both. I actually wonder why they don't play Love always remains? PPle would love it. Personally I would die to hear Boogie Down live, but I am not sure they can make this on stage.
  14. Violens :doh::teehee: How stupid of me... Thank you so much, I listened to the second and third song (first one I can't watch, thank you ever so much, YouTube!). I like them! They are really different from MGMT but I like their sound. Must listen to some more of their stuff.

  15. southeast


    I just looooove those shoes. And socks.
  16. southeast


    And right after that we will drop dead cause it can't get any better and go directly to MGMT heaven. But we must all be wearing matching sexy black outfits with high heels. Yeah, at the live show from Brussels they played Kids and at first I was like: Noooooo, poor guys. But then, Ben came out behind of keyboards and went to the first row and ....how do you call that in Englisch? touched hands with the audience and they both somehow seemed to have fun doing it, although they really can't dance so I was...ok....wouldn't have anything against Kids if I were in that first row...
  17. southeast


    Hihi, that's why he said it was the best evening of his life. At least I heard that on Twitter. IF you saw them in Amsterdam. The Amsterdam show must have really been amazing. I mean, they are always amazing, but this one evening must have been WOW. And now we know why....
  18. southeast


    The new background singer. No, I don't have an idea. Will look it up on tumblr. Yeah, he's one funny man! #imgonnaboreyoutodeathbitches It's a pity I can never thing of anything witty to answer in that very moment. All the great answers always come to my mind few days later
  19. And they sign their messages with "kittens". lol.

  20. Hi! I wanted to listen to some music by Violence, but since I don't know anything about them I don't know where to search. When I Google them, all sorts of things pop up, because of the name, but nothing about the band. :teehee: Can you tell me some songtitels so I can look them up on UTube or Vimeo? Thanks!

  21. Oh, it's nice to have someone who knows his way with music like that! But I'm afraid if you're used to Mika gigs, at MGMT you'll fall asleep :teehee: since they do even less on stage then B Flowers (I watched your vids!). They hardly ever move from their places and talk... But they have a beautiful lights show (I saw a live stream concert from Brussels on Sunday)


    Perhaps you'll like them more after seeing this: :teehee:


  22. southeast


    Hahaha. This sound a bit arrogant, doesn't it? Like they already know exactly what's going to work and what not. And sorting out their songs: Ok, this one's for the dancing dudes and this one's for the psychodelic ones... I am so happy to be going to the gig in December, but I really wish I could take you girls with me. I have someone to go with me, but he's not so much in MGMT as I am and it would be more fun to go with you, because you'll know what I am talking about...ah, well, one can't have everything... Hey, I found this very very old article. I like it somehow. And it shows they haven't changed at least in the last years, which is good! And they have a four record deal with Columbia. This means 2 more albums at least! Yay! http://www.venuszine.com/articles/music/features/2623/MGMT
  23. *reading report* Hmmmm.... What about some OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGs!!! And:
  24. Were you at the Flowers gig ystrday? I hope you had FUN!


    And yes, I knew they are coming to Milan. And I thought about telling you that :wink2: but then again I didn't wanted to make too much pressure about it, you know, like listen to them! go to a gig! love them! But if there are still tics (I am not sure about that :blink:) and now you know about it & if you have time & are curious - give them a try. :biggrin2:

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