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Everything posted by southeast

  1. southeast


    Did you read this? The NME article on MGMT: http://bit.ly/a2XCvB , http://bit.ly/cfh7hH , and http://bit.ly/bOWbDo (pgs 1, 2, and 3, respectfully) What do you think of it. And yeeees they are thinking of doing a live show that's "even trippier and further-out" than this one! That would be great. Lots of space for us in the first row....
  2. Yo, that's what we all think. But we're his fans. Hope the press over there thinks the same way. Hope so!
  3. southeast


    Yes, yes, yes it absolutely does!!! Without any pauses btw. songs would be cool. Even if I love to hear Andrew's voice... And at the entrance of the gig: "Caution! Scary! MGMT play Siberian Breaks tonight! No KIDS! Only for hardcore fans!"
  4. Hmmmm, reading all this I am not very sure it was such a (searching for the right word).....wise thing to write this text before doing his first gigs ever in South Amerika in few weeks time... Perhaps it would have been better if he would have waited with this specific text. I hope he doesn't get problems at interviews with those things over there. I wouldn't be extremely happy with it, if I were his manager
  5. southeast


    Oh, how sweet of your son! I always find it cool when kids like the music their parents are listening to. Perhaps one day he'll be a Indie Rokker too and when asked about it he'll say, well my mum listened to MGMT, Violence... They were great. I could listen to hours and hours and hours of them... And you know what? It almost irritated me that they played "old" songs from OS. I almost wanted them to play only "Congratulations"... No, that's not right. I was irritated by Kids and E Feel and Time to Pretend. I only wanted them to play the "real" MGMT songs, like "Youth" and "4th DT" and the new ones... I must confess that Of BT&M never was one of my favorite songs, but last night it was one of the best! It sounded so great live. Amazing. Also "The Youth". I could have cried listening to it... I know it'll never happen, but it would be cool if they could make one gig only with Congratulation songs... it would be like some kind of trance.
  6. southeast


    Wow. Wow. Wow. They were amazing. The end of the gig was brilliant. Andrew was brilliant. Didn't saw Ben's face once (stupid camera). Destrokk but no IRokkers. And: a bit of playback in Time to Pretend, right? Andrew was too slow to sing in the micro and playback-Andrew sang instead of him. Real Andrew noticed and smiled wickedly... Such an experience...Cool.
  7. Oh, right, I saw "Notification" and thought: That sure is a message because of the new siggie. :teehee: Thanks, will change it right away!

  8. southeast


    Yep, me! If I manage to get ready with my stuff till then. I won't worry about that Jedward thing too much. Remember: those guys have a VERY weird sense of humor & even if they do something with those clowns it will surely be a very MGMT-sarcastic-kind-of-thing.
  9. southeast


    http://bit.ly/dwNQup And a small interview you've probably already seen (because on Twittah): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XqJoKmJMbw Such sweeties. they start writing again early next year!
  10. In Germany thousands of pple have left the church in the last months because of the recent scandals about money, child abuse and idiotic commentaries of some cardinals on sensitive topics. Pple leave the church all the time, but at the moment the exodus is really amazing. Most of them just don't want to pay any church taxes to support the church and the pretty comfortable lifestyle of priests and cardinals. Many of my friends prefer to donate the same sum of money they should otherwise pay as church taxes to some charity organisation they want to support. Not such a bad idea imo.
  11. southeast


    Did you see that: The Management General Info Member Since August 21, 2004 Band Website bgoldwasser.web.wesleyan.edu Band Members you and you and you and you and you Influences none Sounds Like upzipping of sleeping bags in the wilderness and it's cold but your sweating but you don't want to expose yourself because you're afraid of spiders If you like our music please let us know! You are the management. mgmtkittens@yahoo.com Record Label Big Time Records That's where it all comes from.... About The Management "If you could smell the dirt of our birth, the steaming mess of mud and sand that coated our placebal ceilings, our linoleum floor, our plush livingroom carpet, that dripped slowly as if from a broken egg shell, falling silently and forming in lumpy conical piles on magazines and empty ash trays, on dvd cases and unmopped floors, covering every inch of every possible space in a thick black skin until nothing shone through and all was dull and quiet like the inside of some ****ing strange hole, if you could smell that dirt, then you could taste the very essence of our souls. love, the management"
  12. Yes, I know, I have read Manzoni's I promessi sposi and the story of the girl that has to become a nun is really heartbreaking... But why can't they change them if they have nothing to do with religious issues whatsoever... Oh, well, I am too naive for all that but I don't think we will see any big changes in the church in our times.
  13. southeast


    Well, the fourth question is the silliest one! Hey, thank you, it's really very, very nice to suggest transcribing it , but I really don't want to bother you with it. I mean, I am sure there will be a director's cut or someone's copy of it on vimeo in the next days but also after your description of it I won't be very sad if I wouldn't see it at all. There are so many funny interviews with them and I still haven't seen them all, so I am ok with it.
  14. southeast


    Only three? Wow, that's nothing. How stupid. Are you sure Vevo isn't sponsored by Kellogs?
  15. southeast


    Ehmmm, did they by any chance answer a silly question about which way they would prefer to travel in time: in the future or the past? I would have asked something more serious, but I have noticed that journalists mostly choose the stupid questions even if there are good ones as well, so I thought: Better let them answer a stupid question that none at all.
  16. I heard that celibacy was introduced in order to save the real property (houses and stuff) of the priests for the church. If they were married, the family could inherit those after their death and the church wouldn't. So that's why they changed the rules about it! At least that's what I heard about celibacy here in Bavaria. Still can't really believe it, even though I heard it years ago...
  17. Hehe, I have already heard that said by a few other Italian fans here. Perhaps when he comes to Italy in October he should make a tomato sauce cooking contest. The winner gets a free painting session with tomato sauce and Mika. Or a cooking session with Mika & after that eating pasta with tomato sauce. Or a private gig with Mika, who sings a newly composed song about "sugo di pomodori". Or Mika starts an own company in Italy that produces different kinds of tomato sauce (like Paul Newman).
  18. So, Italian MFCers, what topic would you like him to write on next time? Berlusconi? Italian fashion? His favorite Italian composer/musician? The secret of his famous pasta tomato sauce? Italian soccer? ()
  19. southeast


    Dammit, dammit, dammit, *************************************, I can't see the interview on Vevo. Cause I live in an unpopulated, wild, uncivilized, underdeveloped country called Germany where pple don't understand English anyway and don't have access to Vevo. I also posed a question, but now I'll never know if they answered. So if any of you girls can see it, or has an external link for me, pls be so kind to post it.
  20. That's the reason why so many of my friends left Bulgaria to live in Canada after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Nothing humanitarian in my home country with or without religion, earlier or now.
  21. Agreed. Growing up in a religion free society I can understand why he says religion is important for ethics, since I know how horrible a society can be when pple don't believe in anything except money. On the other side now I live in Bavaria, the most catholic region in Germany and most pple around me are Catholics. Most of my friends, relatives etc. share his opinion on the subject so I am not at all astonished at his views, it is the "normal" opinion about the Cath. church and on those specific topics where I live. I would define it as a kind of "Middle European mixed conservative-liberal" point of view. (EDIT: Stuck in the middle ). Even the recent scandal about child abuse was something most pple just shrugged off like: "Yes, it is horrible but what else can you expect from them?" which imo is really a pity, because it shows the standing of the Cath. church here at the moment.
  22. southeast


    But in this article he says has a vet praxis. Or am I misunderstanding something? I also read somewhere his dad is a vet and his mum is into gardening. And that they both were/are hippies.
  23. southeast


    Yes, he is really a funny guy! I read on Twitter yesterday that at their next gig MGMT threw (past tense of throw? ) bread in the audience.... Bread and games!
  24. I like your new avvie! :)

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