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That Girl Called Diddy

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Everything posted by That Girl Called Diddy

  1. I would love to see some of your works! And I suggested a Mika painting a few months before she did that. You should get a DeviantArt account. It's a great way to show your art and for people to give you opinions on them.

  2. Oh really? Maybe one day you'll get a chance... I really hope you do. Also, I have a really close friend who wants to do makeup for movies. She's amazing at waterolor and is a fellow Mika fan. If you want to see, she has a DeviantArt. http://jasonfreak13.deviantart.com/gallery/

  3. Aww... :( Well, what would you have wanted to do if your parents didn't decide?

  4. Wow... Well, our language arts, science, math, and history classes are required. The rest we pick ourselves. As for college, we pick what study or career we want to major in. I don't know if I could deal with people, even my parents, deciding what I do with my life. :(

  5. Well, we have elementary, then middle, then high school, then college. I want to go to a technical college to learn to design and write code, like html, xml, or javascript if you've heard of it, for websites.

  6. It's not that bad. Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by the question... But I'm getting a little excited to get out! :)

  7. Well, I should have graduated last year, but somehow I ended up missing a few technical classes, so thats mostly what I'm taking. It's all computer classes. In comparison, this year is a bit easier. I already had my Literature, Science, and Math classes. On the plus side, I graduate in May of this year. :D

  8. Well, for my schedule, I wake up at 4:00 AM, wait in the freezing pre-sunrise morning for the bus for ages, wait for another bus in the same weather once at school because I signed up for a computer training school. I spend what would be three class periods there, then I go back to the home school for three more classes. I get no lunch because of the way my schedule is, and then I go home and go back to sleep at 11. Sometimes I have homework, sometimes not. Anyway... Getting back to the main subject. Your horses are BEAUTIFUL! I love Lady jane's coat and the diamond on Billy Brown's head. Blue Eyes and Toy Boy are so cute, and Grace Kelly is so pretty. :)

  9. Sure you can call me Diddy, and Sunshine isn't a bad name at all. Laura is a somewhat common name here in America. I can see how you would get fed up with a school like that. I hate strict schools, and I have a hard time with routines. And of course I would love to see pictures! :D

  10. Thank you! As for my favorite nickname, I like Diddy. Elisabeth and Laurel are both very pretty names. Laura is one of my best friend's names. I go to a public school just outsiide of Atlanta. I don't like it at all... But I don't know if I'd survive at such a strict place as a boarding school... :aah: Anyways, I love horses. Especially Mika-related horses.

  11. Ah... Well, I'm from around Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States. It's snowing alot here right now, actually. It's kinda rare here, and very pretty. My real names Adriana. Everyone either calls me Andi or Diddy though. And how about yourself?

  12. Hi! :D I'm fine. How are you?

  13. Putting Out The Fire in my pants. Ok. That's enough out of me for now...
  14. Dead Skin in my pants. Sounds like you need to see a doctor...
  15. I love Marilyn Manson! Oh and... Colors in my pants. Oh my...
  16. I love origami! I can make some pretty advanced models. My favorite, though, is making flowers for my hair.
  17. Hi! I just got home from school... And yes, I was indeed in the video. I wish my microphone worked better, though. :teehee: I hate my voice anyway. Were you in it too?

  18. I was asleep for most of the day today. I left my Mika playlist play as I slept. I don't remember what my dream was about, but i swear I could hear Happy Ending in my dream. It's all I could remember when I woke up.
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