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Mika's boo

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Everything posted by Mika's boo

  1. Hey! Hope all is well dear! did you receive my PM?

  2. Helloooo! I am new to this thread Love the Idea of it! I am a bisexual male, although Im not too crazy about the term...and...yea...thats about it. I have had girlfriends who I have loved dearly, as well as relationships with guys. Regardless of the gender, I seem to fall deeply in love.(depending on the person of coarse) which is why I find the term bi a bit strange at times. I guess Id rather consider myself a person who finds nothing wrong in loving another human being, regardless of their gender. Its amazing when either gender can manage to spark up butterflies in your stomach- so I guess Im just a big ol' loving machine
  3. His Tan here reminds me of Brody Jenner lol, does anyone know who he is? Its probably only in my head
  4. Hey guys! Beautiful work everyone! Has anyone heard of Redbubble.com? Its an online art community where people share all types of art. From photography, paintings to poetry etc. Check it out guys! My profile is http://www.redbubble.com/people/Jperezx
  5. That is very true. I don't know if anyone is familiar with Plato's philosophies on his "Republic" dialogue which was one of his most influential works of philosophy and political theory. Plato believed, that by prescribing or instilling fear into the cities of roman empires through the Church, that order will be maintained through it inhabitants. Fear as in "You will burn in hell for all eternity" if you don't follow the Church's codes etc. His philosophy on this was very extensive and basically promoted this idea. At that time Religion was the most feared and the Pope held the GREATEST amount of power because of this. I just wanted to mention that because I do agree with Mika on this. When you study in depth all of the greatest Philosophers who played a big part in kind of playing with Religion (alongside the pope) in those times and adapted certain things in order to maintain "order" it makes you question Where they more concerned with the person being a strong believer? or was it all about world order? I dont know, I still believe and LOVE my one only GOD and I am a highly spiritual person who carries his faith everywhere.
  6. OMG! His radical views mixed with his traditional values are extremely insightful! He humbles the Idea of Faith and Love is 2 of the most important values the church should keep spreading! He reminds me sooo much of myself and my views towards to the church growing up in a catholic family. He never ceases to amaze me with his EXCELLENT writing skills; anyone could be a good writer, but conveying your message and grabbing the reader all the way through till the end is pure TALENT. I love him more and more. Brains are just as important as looks
  7. Thanks for posting robertina! I wonder if they sell this magazine in an international newstand here in NY:teehee: Will have to do some serious investigating. Cant wait for them to upload the english version!
  8. I LOOOOOOOOOVE how he says "A Crazay Monkay?? in this interview on Peter Live Here is the link, its at 1:36
  9. Hahaha that is hilarious. I am from NY :-)

  10. Hey! nice to see your from the US :-D

  11. Ah! Thank you so much Alba! that was so kind of you :-) Bug Hug!

  12. Ugh! yessss! I woke up torn between feeling happy and disappointed! and yes....it felt amazing in my dream to buy him a drink
  13. Ok, this is the first time I am writing in this thread...and Im glad I found it because last nights dream was so great! I have a friend who I was speaking with over the phone and she lives in the Dominican Republic. She was telling me she was coming to NYC next month for a 2 week holiday. This info ties into my dream. So I arrive a this hotel in Downtown NY where I went to visit my friend (the one who I had spoken to in real life) and I go to the lobby and ask for her name and they told me she had checked out. I was so sad and could not understand why she would just leave without even telling me. So I head over to the bar in the lobby (those bars Hotel's have in the lobby area) for a drink and to try and text message her/call her and see where she was! So I arrive to the nearly empty bar, sit down, order my drink and began texting her etc. As I look to my left I see a guy on his laptop sitting at the bar as well. I take a closer look...and yes, it was Mika. However, in my dream this was completely normal and I did not even panic. He seemed pretty out of it as well. So, I told the bartender to send him a glass of wine and to put it on my bill. When the bartender took it to him, Mika's face was a little puzzled and the bartender pointed to me. Mika then looks at me from afar, and smiles– as he raises his glass (kind of a "Thank You" gesture) -I do the same. So I look down at my phone and my friend had text messaged me back and I was really bummed to read "Sorry, I just had to go. Maybe we can see each other next time" Before I knew it, I see something approaching me; I look up and it was Mika, with his laptop in his hand. He said "hello! Thank you for the drink that was really sweet of you!" and I kind of just gazed at his gorgeousness and said "Your very welcome!, you seemed a little out of it as I am so I thought a drink couldn't hurt" He replied "Your absolutely right" as he extended his hand to shake mine "My name is Mika" he said as he gave me a firm hand shake. "Pleasure to meet you Mika, I'm JP". "You look a bit out of it as well! is everything ok?" he said, I look up and reply "Ahhh, its about a friend, but its ok...its too much to get into" He looked at me and laughed, "Its fine! Please tell, I am always talking about myself to people so it would be nice to listen to someone else's problems for a change" and I could not help but grin and begin telling him the story. Next thing you know, He tells the bartender "Hey, can we please have another round– this time its on me" as he looks at me with a sarcastic grin on his face. We spoke about different things but thats when it begins to get blurry for me (dreams are sometimes hard to remember fully ) So after several drinks and hours of conversation, I say "Well, I should get going." he looks at me and says "Aw! well thank you for the lovely conversation! I honestly didnt expect to have such a nice time tonight as I only came down from my room because I was bored out of my mind!" I laugh hysterically at his funny comment and said "Don't thank me! Thank you! for listening to my "stupid" story!!....ahhh I should not have drank so much! I have to drive home!" He immediately has a worried look on his face and says "Ok, I'll tell you what, are you hungry?" "Ummm, yea I can deal with some food right now" I said, "Ok, I am starving, so how about we go up to my room, order some room service and keep chatting while we wait? this way you can wait till the liquor leaves your system" He said, astonished by his sweet efforts, I say "That sounds awesome! your too sweet!" He smiled and we began walking towards the elevator. ...and that is where my dream ends! Such a lovely dream I woke up sooooo happy, because Im sure that is the way he really is, extremely sweet & compassionate. Well, thats all! I hope I didn't bore you guys with such a long dream/story!
  14. UGHHHH!!! I loooove when he styles it like that!
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