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Status Updates posted by anthusa

  1. Thank you so much Mana!:)

  2. Tatlim selam nasilsin iyi misin?


    Nasi gidiyor bakiyim:huglove:

  3. Your beautiful heart has been reflected to your face, that is why you see even me as a nive person:)

    Dear Eva, I hope you the best in this new year

    :huglove:Cant wait to see you again!


  4. Oh perfect!


    Thank you very much really..:)

  5. Dear Mana,

    Thank you so much for your and team's effort for the yearbook and keeping us updated. I am so thankful and happy to be able to participate...


    Were there any cuts or changes made just because there was no way out?


    Cannot wait!

    Thank you again and again :huglove:



  6. Surely, right about friendship!:wub2:I miss talking to you my lady, and must tell you immediately that nobody around me is as stunning as you are at the moment:wink2:

    Hope all is well, do not worry about writing. Whenever you can, and you feel like.

    Yeah Cattolica! Italy and Turkey, both very hot even now that my mind refuses to believe you had no sun today:boxed: But hopefully you will have other things to enjoy rather than the weather.

    Take care!


  7. How come we are not friends????? :(


    Love you amazing looking lady:wub2:

  8. :boing:Thank you Karin, your welcome made my day, we are colleagues now:blush-anim-cl: I hope I can be a good rep like you.:blush-anim-cl:


    How is everything, your new job-maybe?:teehee:


    Once in a while I keep visiting German Fan club web site, wow, you are such a leader I find it difficult to keep up with one web site and you are managing 2 of them:biggrin2:


    You are not a hug-person, but then again, lots of hugs and love!!!!:wub2:

  9. Oh gosh I missed your bd!!


  10. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I AM SO HONORED AND HAPPY MANA! hope all is well! I am sure you will do a great job in yearbook!:blush-anim-cl:

  11. Hello!

    I have many things to send (Message, MFCer pics, FaveLyrics and Artwork) for the yearbook but I cannot attach them to PM for some reason I am dealing with problems (I am still tryning:))Do you have any suggestion about how I can send you my stuff?:)

    Thank you!

  12. I am sorry to be a little late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY:wub2:

    Hope you have a wonderful year, and your wishes come true!:biggrin2:

    Also, thank you for your awesome job on this forum and taking care of us:)

  13. Hello Karin! hope all is well. I visited your German MFC website and loved it! Btw, could not see any pics of your gift in the forum. Have you put it? Sure he loved it, what do you think?

    Take care!:)

  14. thanks and hope you have fun!

  15. Dear Mellody, hope all is well. Cant wait to see your work and hope Arbon goes AMAZING! XOXO

  16. Oh Suzie I really missed you over there! Wish I could go to Sziget too but you see..

    How have you been?

    Hope to see you in a gig next year!:blush-anim-cl:

  17. Thank you for an amazing preparation and all you have done!

    Hope you had a nice trip back home and good luck in Arbon!

  18. :wub2:cannot wait to see you, statute, tiibet and him!

    hope all is well dear Karin!

  19. Thank you Allegra!:) Excited to come to Milan!

  20. Suzie!

    Wish I was gonna rock with you in Budapest! My heart will be with you though!:) Have fun and be in those pics, wanna see you haha!

    Oh 35 Celcius is hot!


  21. you got an e mail-love love love

  22. thank you mellody for ticket info! so yes, i will be in cattolica!! ill be there way early though-what about you?

  23. im glad you had a nice trip, and very glad to meet you (again saying:)) so... i think i will be seeing you next year? sounds like a nice plan:)


    have a good night!

  24. wish i could but it is too soon! i need to sell some clothes and find a weekly job to purchase tickets, which makes budapest very difficult:( but i would love to see you again..hope you have such a great time that when i am reading your report, i will feel as if i was there with you:) where are you now?

  25. oh suzie your so sweet!

    hope all is good, couldnt make it tallinn but maybe italy!

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