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Everything posted by anthusa

  1. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I AM SO HONORED AND HAPPY MANA! hope all is well! I am sure you will do a great job in yearbook!:blush-anim-cl:

  2. Hello! Thank you very much, I am so happy to be here:blush-anim-cl: Dilek has been very busy, and I am glad to give a hand. This is also a great honor. As I am new and Silver is helping me out very kindly, please know your greetings mean a lot:wub2: Hope to be around here for a long time and have eternal friendships!
  3. Merhaba arkadaslar Raporu begendiginize sevindim:blush-anim-cl: Oley! Sizi de kalbimde goturdum ama.. Tesekkur ederim gercekten! Biliyorsunuz onursal rep olarak Dilek her zaman bizimle. Onun gibi muthis bir rep olmak icin calisacagim, soz. Ancak o bir efsane:blush-anim-cl: Cok yeniyim, yardim ve goruslerinize acigim:thumb_yello: Silver I managed to do it, thank you:blush-anim-cl:
  4. You see, since you are awesome, life has to come up with the worst conditions to test you harder! the results wont change though! And still you are the same person I know, no exaggerations:wub2:



  5. Dea Mari:wub2: You made my day!


    I am glad to hear all is fine. Let me say you would make a fantastic manager (I know how you can handle people, help people and have things done through perfect communication skills) therefore I assume you manage your life amazing:blush-anim-cl: It is just me, checking.


    My studies are getting complicated now that I am at school 6 days a week:boxed: Lectures never end. I have the possibility to have some funding from Warwick in UK and considering to have an Management MSc. I will see though.


    Thank you for your nice comment, and a pm is waiting for you!:wub2:

    Love and hugs!


  6. raporumu koydum, ingilizcesi basit, bak bakalim!

  7. "Just look at my eyebrow. Your argument is pointless."


    Efsanesin. Hep demek istemistim.

  8. And all this time I thought you were on my Friends List-please excuse my stupidness!

  9. Dear Mari, how are you? I have not been checking often, sorry. I missed talking to you!

    How is life treating you?

    Hope all is well!



    Love and hugs,


  10. Dear Nina, where are you?

    Hope all is well!



  11. oh I am so happy for you-dang, isnt this a miracle!:teehee:


    I remember you writing to Neo gig but back then there was only messages between you two (I was only too shy to say "You go girl!") and now the gasmic thread sounds awesome!

    Waiting for new pics!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin2: Hey, take it slow so that it becomes a fairytale :naughty:


    Excited for you!:blush-anim-cl:


  12. where are you my lovely friend?hope all is well. I love you very much!

  13. have seen the avatar and wow, amazing! never posted but knew how you felt about Neo, and I hope things will turn out to be AWESOME! best of luck!

  14. We went to the hotel, it was 2 am. My flight was later in the noon but my friend had to be on the way much earlier than me. So she told me to wake her up in ten minutes, and I saw she was so tired so let her sleep. As we got the wake up call, she had got up, got ready, and wow, the only thing I remembered was she gave me a small hug and sneaked out. I feel sad about not hugging her properly (so sleepy I was) but she is that way! I woke up in a hotel in Tunisia the next morning. I still cannot believe to what happened that weekend. How happy I am, how lucky I am, how generous my friend is and how beautiful he is, inside and out. --------------Burdan sonrasini yazamicam sanirim aglamak uzereyim, Tanrim. Neyse arkadaslar bagislayin gerisini yazamiyorum. Kendi kisisel goruslerimle bogmayayim. Olay budur. Profilimdeki resim 3lu olan, en son cekildigimiz. Simdi ekledigim de Tunuslu fanlarla olan. Kafamin garip sekli omzumdaki eline degip de onu rahatsiz etmeyeyim diye, yanlis olmasin fiziksel bir bozuklugum yok:) Olur oyle. Sevgiler:blush-anim-cl:
  15. Could not shake hands, it was Tunisian fans’ turn. I was staring at him knowing this could be the last time, then all of a sudden, a girl told him “You know there is a Turkish girl here”. He looked at each of us, and found me blushing, said “Oh, hi!”. I knew I did not have time, so I started bonding my bracelet made for him, saying “Evil eye beads-again:biggrin2:” “Again? Have we met before?” I told him about Riga and Cattolica and when I was done, I said “Thank you for everything you give to us and all we receive” He looked so surprised, “Thank you, you are very kind”- sincerely, how can he be so sweet to every individual? It was not the most beautiful thing he had received yet he was looking at me as if I was one awesome fan. And I wanted to kiss his hand, saying “May I do something if you don’t get angry with me?” He laughed “No, no, no but thank you so much, I really thank you”. I am glad he guessed I was not normal but he is the nicest thing I have ever seen, there is nothing to do:biggrin2: Anyways we had photos, I talked to Cherisse about her address to send her some Turkish Delights as she had none even when she came to Istanbul ! She is adorable, and she remembered me from Cattolica. Also she was telling me she wanted to come back to Turkey but our boy would not write a new record because he loved doing gigs so much! Oh, that boy! Outside, I met Yulia, and kept hugging her forever! She had done such a beautiful thing for Mika (by bringing a fan to his concert), for herself (she did not want to be alone in Tunisia, lol) and for me (she knew I was not going to see him till the next tour). And her turn was coming! She painted “Free Bear Hug” and “Shoulder to Cry On” coupons for Mika to handle anyone to have what the coupons offer in case of an emotional burst-out, and she had one coupon “Free Mika Hug” to receive a hug from him. Mika came out; they had the nicest conversation ever! They kept laughing, it was lovely to watch. He asked her again where she was living (he also asked this in Riga) and he told her that he remembers He liked Yulia’s accessorize named Pirey (a pirate-doll necklace), thanked MFC for being there for him as Yulia was carrying a placard of “MFC IN TUNISIA-POPULATION (2)” and he was up for a photo! Imma took photos of us, and we thanked him before leaving. I was so high that I jumped to the middle of the road to get a taxi, probably I would be hit if Yulia was not there and worst of all, I was ok with it. He really should stop being like a drug-oh wait, he should not.
  16. We even had sightseeing time, being afraid the tickets were sold out. Finally we had to buy seated ones, and started thinking about what to do, could we change them or sell them to get standing tickets? Hours passed by talking to a security guy telling us “You cannot look inside because Mika is in there”, dancing, making jokes to the band, and finally Mika arrived with her sisters. His haircut was lovely, very nice looking. As he was passing, some girls (we were about 7 people maybe) called his name, he only looked at Yulia and said ‘Hi’ with a small smile. Lucky I for being next to her:biggrin2: Later on, to our surprise, the venue was almost open to Orange-Company workers, so we were among them, dancing in the soundcheck and trying to decide what to do. Talking to the ticket controlling guys did not work out well though. We went to Yasmine as she was trying to convince some people to be on the stage. We asked to be BGs, she told Yulia that she has been a BG twice, but she was glad to have me. So we split! I was worried about Yulia, deep inside I was sure she would be in the front row to look Mika in the eye and show him she was there for him, but what if she could not do it? Funny, right before the doors opened, she had talked to some group of people and asked for their help. What they did was putting her ticket between theirs, and in a rush of a moment, she had handled the tickets to the security and before their eyes she had ran inside getting the front row:biggrin2: She has her ways, isn’t that cute? So at the back stage, I gave Yasmine a bracelet I made, everything was smooth except for the masks were demanding a real talent to dance with. The gig was so nice, watching him from the backstage, being proud of him as if he is my ‘something’ in real life (Everybody has such feelings right?) and I kept thinking about the extent of the things I could do to see him one more time, to listen to him one more time, to make him smile maybe.. Even now it is difficult for me to cope with my own life; I wish I could stay in his world forever. Anyways, after the gig, we gave Yasmine our belongings for Mika signs. I had my DVD signed again, and we went inside to meet him.
  17. Merhaba! Hayat ne zor ya. Iyi ki burdasiniz ve birlikteyiz. Sizler icin Yearbook'a yetistirdigim Beginner English kullandigim Tunus konser yazisindan alintilar yaparak Tunisia Gig Report yayinliyorum soz verdigim uzere! bundan sonrasini okumak istemeyenler icin, maalesef bugun soyleyebilecegim hicbir sey yok, "Hadi ucak kacirip Guney Amerika'ya konsere gidelim!!" haric. OZET TUNISIA GIG -23.10.2010 On an ordinary evening, while I was looking up for the XL magazine October issue, I bumped into the news about what happened to Paloma. I was again late to hear something, and it was a terrible one. Suddenly my phone rang. Yulia was calling me from her apartment in Barcelona, I was so excited to hear her voice! She is so important to me because she was one of the reasons I got involved in MFC, I mean, looking up to her friendship, I decided I wanted to take a part in the club. We met in Riga and spent time in Cattolica, and I loved her from the first moment for being herself and a great person. Anyways, as I was happy to hear from her, we talked about Paloma, and she said she has a surprise to me just like she mentioned in her e-mail. I thought she found her way to come to Istanbul to see me, but instead, she told me she was going to Tunisia gig if he was not cancelling it. Wow! Happy for her, was not that amazing? But actual surprise was beyond that, she wanted me to come, although she knew I would not be able to make it. And she asked me if she could pay for my flights from Istanbul to Tunis and back!!!!!!! Can I breathe? Seriously?!?! Nobody in the world would do this to me except for my parents who stated that even with my own money, 2 gigs were beyond enough ‘to see a man whoever he is’. I would agree if I did not know Mika, they would have a point, credits given. Back to the topic, I was shocked; this was not a ‘surprise’ in my world. That was ‘something’- I do not know the right word even in my native language! That is how amazing her friendship is.. And I thanked her, wishing the gig would not be cancelled! Off the call… Staring blank at the walls, thinking, dreaming, praying… Was I going to see him? For more than a week, I could not stop smiling yet I was so sure it would not happen. And he had every reason to cancel the gigs. Really he should have, I expected. Her beloved sister was struggling with her health issues and they needed time. So one night in the week of the gig, I e-mailed Yulia, saying we had a try but he would cancel it naturally, so I told her to visit me. Her reply came with the news of Paloma getting better, with the attachment of my tickets!!! And the only thing she asked for was ‘FOOD’. Oh that was a lot to ask! And I packed some gifts for her as well. I could not sleep, could not get myself off the computer to hear from Yulia, could not live properly for days. My school and construction site that I am working for has meant nothing to me, the life I wanted to live was nothing like the one I had, lately realized. And on Saturday morning, getting on the plane, I was sure I would do anything to thank Yulia and chase Mika to the end of the world, for giving me real happiness. Around noon, I met Yulia in the venue, attempting to kill her with my hugs. And there was no one for the gig to our surprise! Even in the afternoon we were alone with some men working in the venue and checking us out-scary. We sat for hours, made a video of Yulia with her present cards, and at some point we met a Tunisian girl named Hideya and went to buy tickets with her.
  18. She is so back, finally! Nerelerdesin Dilek anne, ozlettin cok!
  19. you are an :angel_not:


    thank you:)

  20. It is a joy to me, really:) I am so happy that although you have the language barrier, you take care of us. Google translator needs some help for itself, imo:)


    You see, I have been a fan but did not know MFC before. I found out in Riga, on 2nd of August. In the venue when they approached to me and said "Are you on MFC, do you have a number?" I was thinking "Oh God, I freaking spent years to learn English and how nice that I still do not know what m-f-c word is..Where is my dictionary?" LOL. I do not try to say anything regarding to not being popular in Turkey (for MFC) but I really had no idea.


    So thank you very much for helping us out. We sometimes really get lost. I try to translate to the thread about what is going on-like discussions on the yearbook, or different gigs, or XL magazine, so that the ones who does not know English or who has missed the news well can be aware of what is going on as well.

  21. And I thought it is sick to scream directly to his face or doing crazy stuff (in Tunisia, that happened so damn much:aah:), he is so innocent that I find it irritating.:blush-anim-cl: So I said, maybe it is better to be silent and still be in love with the boy (this is the Turkish way I guess:biggrin2:). Finally, MIKATURKEY has written he has most concerts in France.


    I know, we are boring:blink:


    Btw, have not said congrats to MIKATURKEY although she has the title of leader now. I thought you knew before it happened, anyways, should go ahead and tell her good luck:biggrin2:


    Btw #2, come down here! You know what I mean:biggrin2: We will be waiting for him for 2 years as far as he told me(new record he needs, as if we would not listen to the old one, shame!:aah:) so before Turkey gig, come find us:wink2:

  22. Turkish Leader, congrats:)

  23. Has been my pleasure!:blush-anim-cl:


    Can translate anything you want me to translate:) Anytime, really.


    We were discussing why many Turkish fans are not active on MFC. Guess we are not that many who knows MFC and they probably think we are not cool which is unexpected:)I do not think there are other fan clubs like this one, so people do not know what to expect. MIKATURKEY was saying Turks do not know English and that would be an other reason. And she is so eager to see him here, as much as Italy, France or Japan sees him.


    Later on I was saying I have not seen France but I have seen Italy/Cattolica and I had #14 although it was 6 in the morning, in such a small town which is waaaaay far away (Milan-5 hours by train!). Here fans are not that devoted I guess, I mean not emotionally but in this way. :blush-anim-cl:

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