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Everything posted by mer

  1. Okey A6rngIwdl9s i´m hearing something special at the good intrepetacion the girls & the modern music a litle Heavy
  2. http://xfactor.sky.it/2013/11/14/la-gallery-della-seconda-manche-del-quarto-live-show/#20 * * * * & the song that he is going to sing .... Lof0vEwtXHs from Spain with Miguel Bose. I lolve guy arfe you at the top yet?? Uff hard with Gaia la PRESENTE and Violetta with or UKELELE and ABA with big voice .... Good Lucky for all ..any of them it´s lost... I´m yes...no can pay it... http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3968302&postcount=2800 i could see very good...
  3. i´m thinking about this ..this monrig exactly... It´s Good for him .. my thinking about him was a bout the Italian´s Girl about her character more...hard, stronger the character ... like animal or gross more .. But i´m thinking aabout a girl who is the daughter of another musician...Like Jay Lenox it´s abosolutly pretty and model for example. She is now at the TELVA review... THKS MIKA FOR YOUR APPEARING AT THE DEEJAY TV AND RADIO DEEJAY https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BZCl3-TCQAAskAv.jpg:large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BY5fL17IEAEHYZm.jpg:large
  4. Siamo arrivati a metà gara e la tensione è alle stelle. Questa sera il gioco sarà spietato: due concorrenti dovranno lasciare X Factor per sempre. Chi supererà indenne la doppia eliminazione di Hell Factor? Quale giudice perderà uno (o due…) dei suoi talenti? Lo scopriremo stasera alle 21:10 su Sky Uno con il quarto Live Show di X Factor! In attesa di questa serata esplosiva, ripassiamo insieme i brani assegnati ai concorrenti questa settimana! UNDER DONNE Gaia – Monnalisa (Marlene Kuntz) Roberta – True Colors (Cyndi Lauper) Valentina – When I Was Your Man (Bruno Mars) Violetta – One Day / Reckoning Song (Asaf Avidan) OVER Aba – Crazy In Love (Beyoncé feat. Jay-Z) Fabio – La Casa In Riva Al Mare (Lucio Dalla) GRUPPI Ape Escape – Mentre Tutto Scorre (Negramaro) Street Clerks – Some Nights (Fun) UNDER UOMINI Andrea – Grease (Frankie Valli) Michele – Reality (Richard Sanderson) [YOUTUBE]CevxZvSJLk8[/YOUTUBE]&uNCONDITIONALLY bUT I LIKE SO MUCH http://www.deejay.it/eventi/x-factor-alla-terza-puntata-esce-alan/357817/ aND THKS SO MUCH sIMONA vENTUR OFR HER VIDEOS OF bACSTAGE OF xgfactor7 http://it.screen.yahoo.com/backstage-tv-sorrisi-e-canzoni-120244415.html I HOPE THKS ..lOAD MORE VIDEOS PLS OF cIELO tv. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BZERMC2CcAArnUE.jpg:large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BZD-uwICUAAu9nL.jpg:large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BZDJViPCAAA4NRu.jpg:large
  5. INside a week amazing of XFACTOR audizione i like the music english & International in my Spain win Bonny Tyler of program tu cara me suena ..The acutacion She wants another Baby like me... HAPPY CHRITSMAS AND NEW YEAR.. [YOUTUBE]HWv72L4wgCc W6XxY1aU_go Good luck for the election...
  6. Tb the actuzione of Valentina & Robie Williams with Entertein you like me so much..sorry for forgot the names..Thks Simona G Comemnt anticipazione of MOrgana: Brani in italiano, vogliamo i brani in italiano dei grandissimi artisti che ci sono e che abbiamo avuto!!! Ditelo anche a Mika!!! Morgan è l'unico che ogni tanto prova a far fare ai suoi ragazzi qualche pezzo di grande artista del passato"I´m not with him... i love this video a good job.. MIKa but .. RWB6nDITt3E Il quarto Live Show è alle porte e questo significa che l’avventura di X Factor è giunta a metà. È un momento cruciale, il punto in cui il gioco si fa davvero duro e la ricerca per la nuova popstar italiana diventa sempre più spietata. Come annunciato da Alessandro Cattelan durante la scorsa puntata, giovedì tornerà Hell Factor e due concorrenti lasceranno #XF7 per sempre. Una doppia eliminazione, quindi, che ridurrà senza pietà il numero dei nostri 10 talenti a 8. Il rischio è altissimo anche per i nostri giudici: le squadre di Simona Ventura, Elio e Morgan sono composte da due talenti ciascuna e perciò ognuno dei tre mentori potrebbe potenzialmente rimanere senza concorrenti! Mika, con ancora quattro ragazze in squadra, nella peggiore delle ipotesi rischierebbe di vedere dimezzate le sue Under Donne. Un vero inferno! Quali concorrenti abbandoneranno definitivamente il sogno di X Factor? Quale giudice si allontanerà ancora di più dalla possibilità di raggiungere il traguardo finale? Scopriamolo insieme durante il quarto Live Show di X Factor, in onda giovedì alle 21:10 su Sky Uno. Is Still to do anything of Hell....??
  7. esta semana tambien es la mejor para mi MICA..Tu eres un Bambini molto simpatico... y Puedo verte y los videos de X-Factor... como este tan bello. i adore Musica Pop so much... !! Thks for sharing it...Oh MAMA miA ME GUSTA TUYO ITALIANO. :thumb_yello:
  8. but I notice that life is rather low maybe need to take some vitamins and mineral complexes ...naturals.i noticed him a litle tired. i like so much your blog from Mika i love you all your personals cofessions.....so much...
  9. ONLY YOU NEED THE TEETH OF DRACULA FOR BE THE DUTCH. i found this old post with a mesages secret. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3679032&postcount=738 i found to the thread looking for something a enterview about his likes... like but i like this LajJUoKRwPQ the top first words i understand very good. http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2009/sep/26/mika-interview about he like... MIKA Happy Halloween!! Mika’s clearly an Angel, but what will you be dressing up as this Halloween….? Speaking of dressing up… don’t forget that the Wicked/“Popular” fan video competition ends tomorrow! Dress up as your favourite character from Wicked for your chance to be in a special “Popular” fan video! All the info here... http://www.wickedpopularvideo.com/ uDEZ5qXqEzg
  10. mer

    Bruno Mars

    Gif Soup " it will rain"&Run away " or "This Just the way you are" - ©
  11. http://bcove.me/hpr6vd8j Uff amazings revelations and shared Xtred video CV .. but ... u think Italy is now at controversy fight for rights and very slowly...see the group I´m Gay man...http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/group.php?groupid=13 But anything that money can buy no?? but interesting article by diretty Gay people i think http://www.vanityfair.it/tag/diritti%20gay In Italia siamo ancora indietro. «Sì, è incredibile l'influenza della Chiesa. Ma se l'omosessualità non è un reato, allora che c'è di male nella parità dei diritti?». Lei, vuole sposarsi? «Se intende il matrimonio classico in chiesa, no. Ma se la domanda è: voglio avere gli stessi diritti di una coppia sposata? Sì, al cento per cento. Voglio prendermi un impegno? Sì, al cento per cento. Voglio affrontare le conseguenze del rompere quell’impegno? Sì, al cento per cento. Penso sia giusto che io abbia dei figli? Sì, al mille per cento. Penso di essere in grado di dare a un figlio amore e una buona educazione, un ambiente accogliente e libero? Sì, al mille per cento. Non ho alcun dubbio. E chi dice che ho torto non sa cosa dice, è un povero sciocco». Si sente pronto ad avere una famiglia? «Forse sì, forse no. Ma se mi proietto nel futuro, mi vedo con un sacco di bambini». Un sacco? «Il numero giusto è 4 o 5. Vengo da una famiglia numerosa e vorrei crearne una simile». Ma non le interessa il matrimonio. «In realtà non escludo di sposarmi, un giorno. Il punto è che un impegno l’ho già preso, sto con il mio compagno da sette anni». Come mai ha aspettato tanto a fare coming out? «Ho aspettato perché non ero pronto. L’ho fatto quando mi sono sentito felice. E poi, dovevo sistemare tante cose, prima. Dovevo dirlo a mia zia, a mio zio, agli amici che non lo sapevano. Dovevo parlarne con la mia famiglia e con la famiglia del mio compagno. Non era una cosa che riguardava solo me». L'intervista completa sul numero 44 di Vanity Fair in edicola da mercoledì 30 ottobre 2013. In Italy we are still behind . "Yes , it's amazing the influence of the Church. But if homosexuality is not a crime , then what 's wrong with equal rights ? » . She wants to get married ? "If you mean the classic wedding in the church , no. But if the question is: I want to have the same rights as a married couple ? Yes, one hundred percent . I want to take a commitment ? Yes, one hundred percent . I want to face the consequences of breaking that commitment ? Yes, one hundred percent . I think it's fair that I should have children ? Yes, at one thousand percent. I think I'm able to give a child love and a good education, a welcoming environment and free? Yes, at one thousand percent. I have no doubt . And who says I'm wrong does not know what he says, is a poor fool . " Do you feel ready to have a family? "Maybe yes, maybe no . But if I project myself into the future , I see myself with a lot of children. " A lot ? "The right number is 4 or 5 . I come from a large family and I would like to create a similar ". But not interested in marriage. "Actually, I do not exclude to marry me one day. The point is that I have already made a commitment , I'm with my partner for seven years . " Why did you wait so long to do coming out ? "I waited because I was not ready . I did it when I felt happy . And then , I had to fix so many things , first . I had to tell my aunt , my uncle , friends who did not know. I had to talk about it with my family and with the family of my partner . It was not something that just about me . " The full interview on the number 44 of Vanity Fair on newsstands Wednesday, October 30, 2013 . a tragic : i bambini possono essere crudeli molto piú degli adulti.mi prendevano in giro per la mia sessualitä.prima ancora che yo stesso iniziasi a capirci qual cosa. e poi c´era un insegnante che me masacrava. Torture psicologiche all confine della violenza fisica. Quando mio padre se ne acorse, andó a fare una escenata a scuola.. dissero che ero un bugiardo., fui espulso. con la stampa invece? e stata dura. una volta un giornalista gay dise che erá un stronzo perchë non volevo dire di essere omossesuale. mas si tratava della mia vita!. e questa pressione e bullismo , lo stesso bullismo omofóbico, di cui ero stato vittima da bambino a scuola. un personaggio publico che fa coming out non e di essempio che ha paura a dichiarare la propria omossesualitá? l´essempió é la persona non la sua sessualitá.e io e sempre cercato de sere un esempio per tutti e miei fan. mei canzioni parlano degli esclusi della toleranza. amiei concerti sono sempre venuti i secchioni i gay, gli etero,tutti insieme. E il mio messagio dal palco ; siamo un grupo di gente strana.ma andiamo bene cosi, e per un paio de ore possiamo di menticare tutto.
  12. poor dog. your master is not busy this week contigs in X FACTOR. AND UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU SOME HERE A VIDEO ... I HOPE YOU LIKE fACTOR x IN SPANISH .... e3QLyHctNg4[/YOUTUBE]
  13. mer

    Bruno Mars

    XFactor Run Away Bruno + Baby Bruno dancing like Elvis Presley
  14. I´m now hearing it. http://www.los40.com/player/ i like the gifso of flower to Xfactor.. HAPPYHALLOWEEN
  15. thks for http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16elmu_street-clerks-wake-me-up-vs-little-talks-x-f-7_shortfilms
  16. Do not listen to what your eyes have not seen before. not speak what your heart does not mean ...
  17. so sorry i lost the lats entervieww so much sorry. http://video.sky.it/news/spettacolo/xfactoroltre_1milione_di_televoti_per_la_prima_puntata_live/v175699.vid thks for sharing to viedo sky it. and all mikafanclub for this.. Thks to dermoment1630 and for load to youtu Another video: http://it.screen.yahoo.com/mika-conf...184500372.html Edit: http://www.mediafire.com/watch/447zc...onference_.flv or http://www.epictv.com/media/podcast/surfing--tennis-20---tweets-of-the-week/233177SORRY http://www.tvblog.it/post/422499/x-factor-2013-il-live-conferenza-stampa-in-diretta?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+tvblog%2Fit+%28tvblog.it%29 and to mary 62 too for the latest searchs. about 24 October to 21.00 hours to skyfactor Hd can you see it?? ITALIAN dESIGN SURE OR SPANISH FOR THE SUIT mika
  18. fromf i love your rumm rum the voice tohttp://www.mediafire.com/?dva9mrmgi0cmeuh otherhttp://www.vevo.com/watch/britney-spears/work-bch/USRV81300425?syndicationid=bb8a16ab-1279-4f17-969b-1dba5eb60eda&shortlink=Y4TIRf&country=ES&referralurl=http%3a%2f%2ft.co%2fKFrKKsODtr brit
  19. Thks for sharing i couldn´t see it cause i´m not register or something slowly my computer. Congratulations for your new Book song. recopilation your best songs. MIka:thumb_yello:
  20. i think must to do to http://nrjmusicawards.nrj.fr/votez-4539/votecategorie/?876 but i´m reading the reglaments. translate to English would say the next: Votes are reserved exclusively to the public, who will appoint two rounds a winner from the pre- nominees for 10 of the 11 categories defined above , the " French song of the year" subject to votes during issue . A) ROUND 1 - ELECTION OF NOMINEES NOMINEES - October 21, 2013 to November 3, 2013 The public is invited to choose the final nominees , choosing up to 4 artists from the 6 available in each category October 21, 2013 from 11:00 am until November 3, 2013 at 8:00 p.m. included (date and time French Connection authentic ) , for all categories ( except the " Francophone Song of the Year" for which voting will only be open during the NRJ MUSIC AWARDS broadcast on TF1 December 14, 2013 at 20:50 ) as follows using the following media: - Websites www.nrj.fr , www.tf1.fr , Facebook page NRJ Votes are limited to one vote per day per category per person. Management and accounting of votes was given to ATOS Worldline , the Atos core expertise in hi-tech transactional services . To vote , users should: - Or to connect with their Facebook (via Facebook Connect) account - either log on nrj.fr sites or tf1.fr : in order to validate their vote , users must first obtain SMS ( by calling a phone number laptop on the site in question ) , a valid identification code 4 digits for the entire voting period ( until December 8, 2013) , and allowing them to vote once per day per category. Beyond one vote per day per category , the votes will not be taken into account. In case of fraud, vote mechanically organized or too large number of votes from the same IP address, the organizers reserve the right to disregard any or all of the votes for one of the nominees . In each category , the four pre- nominated artists who have had the most votes will be selected (s) for the second round . The counters are reset at the end of the first round. Weekly scores will be made and in case of equality , the nominees were the top vote as many days on the voting period will be selected. B) ROUND 2 - WINNER SELECTION - November 4, 2013 to December 8, 2013 The public is invited to vote for the winning artists , choosing one up artist among four finalists proposed nominees in each category of the November 4, 2013 from 0:00 until 8 December 2013 at 23:59 included (date and time French connection authentic) , for all categories (for the category " Francophone Song of the Year" , the vote will be open during the show of the NRJ MUSIC AWARDS on TF1 December 14, 2013 at 20:50 ) as follows using the following media: - Websites www.nrj.fr , www.tf1.fr , Facebook page NRJ Votes are limited to one vote per day per category , with the same identification system as previously described . Beyond one vote per day per category , the votes will not be taken into account. In case of fraud, vote mechanically organized or too large number of votes from the same IP address, the organizers reserve the right to disregard any or all of the votes for one of the nominees . If, for any reason , the operation should not proceed as planned , for example following a computer virus , bug , a fake , unauthorized intervention, fraud , technical failures or any other cause beyond control of the host society and corrupts or affects the administration, security , fairness , integrity or proper conduct of the vote, the organizer reserves the discretionary right to eliminate votes offenders. Any attempt by any individual, whether or not participating in the operation, to injure or deliberately undermine the operation of the votes , is a violation of criminal and civil laws . The organizer reserves the right to prosecute and, in any event, excluding the votes of the author . Exclusively for the " Francophone Song of the Year" vote will only be open December 14, 2013 from the beginning of the ceremony and it will stop at the time specified by the presenter of the program , only by SMS and telephone . Numbers and pricing call will be a specific regulation . I´LL DO THROUGH THIS COLOR TO LINK WITH FACEBOOK nrjawards. I THINK THAT I REAPEAT ALL I LIKE NOW http://play.nrj.fr/nrj/nrj-music-awards-15th-edition.html AT THE TOP OF nrjaward APPEAR TO LINK TO MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT like: AND N THE WALL THE NEXT MIka for ARTISTE MASCULIN INTERNATIONAL DE L´ANNÉE Votez pour les NRJ Music Awards 15th EDITION
  21. Tks very much look for Dancing with the stars at ABC-TV USA. I w wont to see it sure. Thks i aprecaite the effort for to see it. 1 http://www.veoh.com/watch/v62560500K59zTZW2 2 http://www.veoh.com/watch/v6256111643E8htkC 3 http://www.veoh.com/watch/v62561742wBq6YfPr 4 http://www.veoh.com/watch/v62562052sdFf6weF
  22. Cause i haven´t seen yet. only this enterview of Kiss Fm thks for Xfactor irland and for Us television dancing with the stars. http://www.kiisfm.com/media/play/next-up-with-mika-23814157/
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