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Everything posted by sofi_4

  1. you're welcome me neither! I'm super excited about it
  2. Tim Burton's movie, Dark Shadows. It's based on a old TV serie, it'll be released on May 11th
  3. I know but it's all over the Internet as his second last name, I guess they took it from there... I never knew if it's actuallly his real last name or not
  4. you're welcome mee too! I love what he says a bout his mum making his clothes and that he doesn't need to wear a well known brand
  5. http://elpais.com/diario/2009/12/24/tentaciones/1261682575_850215.html Translation: When Paulina Met Mika The mexican is the golden girl of the most festive and least brainy radio formula. The british-lebanese boy, paradigm of the lighting pop with a dark back side. We met them on the dressing rooms of the last gala of the 40 Principales awards to talk about fame, fashion and other nonsense things. The end of the world was predicted at 20.10 hours last Friday 11th December. Exactly at that time, a comet from the constellation of Leo and a star from the constellation of Gemini would get into the same orbit and they would be on the same point of the infinite vastness of the universe. OK, ok, less drama. it's true that it all would happen inside the galaxy called "pop petardo" and that the maximun that could had happened (because of the amount of hair in the fusion) would have been a verbal attack, or at most´, a soft hair pulling. It was all predicted. The characters: Paulina Susana Rubio Dosamantes (México, June 17th 1971) and Michael Holbrook Penniman Ismaili (Beirut, August 18th 1983). The stage: 40 Principales Awards on the "Palacio de Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid" and a few more stars to witness the nuclear explosion. A trifle: Robbie Williams, Shakira, Nelly Furtado, James Morrison, David Bisbal, Carlos Baute. But what happened was that, according to that day Cosmopolitan's horoscopo, the Moon was on Venus, and the thing tourned out to be more like a film comedy.And at the end, the "pop petardo" world became the "When Paulina met Mika" movie. "Fashion sucks, but I do believe that, like in the song, life in plastic is fantastic" The blondie's and the dark haired's (there's a word for that on spanish, doesn't make that much sense in english) curls got intertwined in the perfect unpunctuality of 20.39 in front of the dressing room door of the mexican girl. She, beautiful, super skinny, wearing a blue and orange dress with a loop. He, beautiful, super skinny, wearing black skinny pants, a same coloured jacket and a shirt with a neck cut saw shaped. Despite the 10 centimetres of difference, Mika did a kind of reverence to kiss the diva. It was the first time they saw each other. And there, as later the golden girl admitted, started the "superbuena onda". (sth like they really get on well) Paulina Rubio. Pop petardo. Well, ok. I'd rather laugh to cry, of course. I don't cry a lot. Lately, just because of the jelousy my husband [Colate Vallejo-Nájera] feels for my shoes. Mika. Well, I share the feeling, but in another way (about that he'd rather laugh than cry). Maybe because of the hard situacion I had to go through when I was little [the exile from Lebanon], but, even though my song have a fun and sparkly coverage, if you take a look below all that, the lyrics are quite sad. EP3. Good bye, then to the Pop Petardo theory? (I have no idea what he's talking about, but the translation of Pop petardo is sth like: firework pop. I guess that the theory is sth about pop music being all happy, I don't know...) P. R. Of course, and even if you don't like it (you can still kick me out of the room) I see Elvis, The Beatles and Freddie Mercury echoes in your songs. They sound new, but they also sound vintage. M. The Beatles, not so much. I was raised listening flamenco, Dean Martin and Nina Simone. [The conversation happens in english even though Mika understands spanish, but he doesn't speak it very well.]. P. R. In some way, now there's a coming back of the clasic on some radio formulas's "cadenas" (she's talking about some radio's channes of sth like that, I guess...) . To the old topics of all times. But "Causa y efecto" [her lastest hit] sounds a lot like your music. And by having new technology, we don't care! They play us in the radios and we have more instruments, like Internet, blogs... M. That's true, is something that the people of our generation have to think about. The radio, the Internet and the artists can coexist perfectly. My blog, my MySpace and my web are a wonderfull tool to keep in touch with the people that like pur music. And the people that, later, make your concerts bigger. EP3. So, good bye, for the second time, to the Pop petardo theory? Let's don't let reality ruin such a weird meeting. What about fashion? [they'll surely bite it]. P. R. I have already recognized that I like shoes. But what drives me crazy the most is the colour. The colour and Michael Jackson [she says it on purpose and causes a huge laugh].Of course, I am the queen of the market, that's where the best things are. M. [Looking to his fluorescent green watch]. The fashion world sucks. Yes, I do believe that, like in the song [barbie girl, by Acqua] life in plastic is fantastic, but I would hate to walk around like an ad man with a huge brand all over me just to make a point. (the exact translation is "to make a point" but because of the context I guess he meant " to show off" or sth like that") P. R. You're so right. M. Look, this wonderful jacket and this shirt that you wouldn't find anywhere else, were made by my mum. She sewed them for me. They're wonderful. I like the Bowie style: a look that defines your music. P. Yeah, that's what our producers can't stand, us wanting to do the most amazing live show, even if we earn less money. M. Exactly. We could create "Paulina & Mika, SA.". It would be a wonderful business that would go bankrupt. Definitely, good bye to "pop petardo" and Hi to two new friends. Sorry that I took so long, and for the bad english, I did my best Enjoy!
  6. oh, I'll translate it, I have nothing else to do anyway if you don't mind waiting a few ore minutes btw, I just added 2 more links to my comment
  7. the only thing I know it's that the woman is called Paulina Rubio, a well known Latin American singer EDIT: they met at the "40 principales" awards http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20821 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2718966&postcount=300 another pic of them: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2692446&postcount=206 here there's an interview to them both, but it's in spanish, I can translate it if you want http://elpais.com/diario/2009/12/24/tentaciones/1261682575_850215.html
  8. his wife tweeted about it? such a shame I love Jimmy, and they had so much fun on the stage...
  9. just saw this guy at the Grammys wearing Mikajara I honestly have no idea who he is sorry for the bad quality, it's livestream
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