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Everything posted by doggyandi

  1. http://www.oup.hu/images/solupperintcov.jpg Így néz ki a könyv. Persze.
  2. Solutions a neve. Van a ki nagyon szidja, van aki isteníti Majd meglátjuk milyen lesz. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs601.snc4/58114_1386098575537_1324225878_30882386_7764462_n.jpg Itt van kép az oldalról Nem sok, de legalább benne van
  3. Jó rég jártam itt is. . Képzeljétek nemrég kaptam meg az új angol könyveimet és Mika is benne van. Kár, hogy csak jövőre kezdjük el...
  4. I have too much lessons =/, just that. But I like my classmates, so I can bear with it :D. Nope. :( I could only watch it on the TV. What happened with you this week? :)

  5. Hi :). I'm well thanks... and also tired. I hate school =/. :D. wby?

  6. Yesterday I dreamt with him. I had an ice hockey match, and when we finnished Mika was standing at the icerink's entrance. The security person doesn't wanted to let him come in, cause he doesn't had a card. (we don't have cards too, so I can't understand this part of my dream. ) And he started to swear in hungarian with a really cute accent. That was my first dream with him.
  7. A magyar MTV oldalon vannak még képek a koncertről. Nem tudom, hogy azokat berakták e már. Itt megtalálhatóak
  8. Nekem még régebben a volt osztályomban volt egy Mika láz, akkor mindenki Mika számokat énekelt, így ott szépen lassan belemászott a fülembe. Egyébként barátnőm viccből megkérdezte, hogy nem szeretem e Mikát. (ez lehetett úgy tavaly nyáron...) mivel emlékeztem rá valamennyire gondoltam meghallgatom, és az idő elteltével rájöttem, hogy nagyon tetszik az amit csinál . Úgyhogy barátnőm "szeretette" meg velem akaratlanul.
  9. I hope you'll win it :). It was great, but I got a cold, so I couldn't go anywhere. wby?

  10. Hi :)! Did you win on facebook? :)

  11. It would be great :). I hope so. We have more national days in Hungary but, we only celebrate with fireworks on this.

  12. I hope you'll find the best present. I'm a bit sad, cause I can't go to see at night the fireworks. We have a national day today, and I have fever :(.

  13. It was great. Did you buy something?

  14. I played icehockey for 3 years... :). It has to be a good film. I went to the amusement park with my family :D. And you? :)

  15. Guy really looks like him. Especially when he had curly hair. So I'm not the only one who noticed this.
  16. I love taking photos, walking with my dog in the forest, sometimes I go iceskating with my friends, and listening to music of course :D. Which film did you see last time?

  17. It was pretty nice. We were at the end of the summer, but it wasn't that smelly, or maybe I just don't rembember it. :D. And what do you do in your spare time?

  18. French is a really hard language to learn. My cousin learns french. Italy is nice too I were only for a day there. (i forgot it :D) In Venice. I hope you can visit Italy too. Okay, good night!

  19. Only english and hungarian, but my friend and I would like to learn russian in the school. I'm intrested in spanish too. And you? Only for an afternoon... but that's more than nothing! :)

  20. I found the people more intresting and more kind. But it's a bit confusing when you can't understand what are they talking about :D. I'd like to go there too. When I'll go to England we will go by bus. They said we will stop in Paris too. We didn't started the course yet, but my neighbour is a flight attendant too. She said she have to travel anytime when she has a flight. But I wouldn't mind it :D. I really like traveling.

  21. There are some nice people there, but the others... :). I don't really like my hometown. I visited other countries too. I were in Austria and Croatia and I'll go to England next sping. Paris is a really nice place in Europe. When I became older? I study in a mechanical school where I can get jobs like - airplane repairer, and flight attendant. I think I'll choose the second one :).

  22. You are really lucky that you live in england :D. I'd like to live there too, when I'll be older. Where would you like to travel? I really like Canada and the England :). Are you going to be a designer?

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