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Everything posted by Jaya

  1. Lol, the golden donkey talks too ?! Golden Albert : long live the golden donkey. may he guard my page. fear the donkey, love the donkey, donkey is GOOD
  2. I'm pretty good and you? :biggrin2:

  3. Lol definitely, when I mention Mika here, Pppl get confused with Mika Singh and they think i'm crazy because he's totally Gavaar (that means like he's weird and i mean when you see him it seems like he's illiterate or something lol ) and them i have to explain that i'm talking about the British singer and they're like oh you mean the one who sang Blue Eyes? Lol !

  4. Oh, I'm from India,

    What is it like in Belgium :wub2: ? :biggrin2:

  5. aww! get well soon!:)

    A lot of ppl here are getting the flu because of the rain ! I hope i don't catch it , I can't afford to miss too much of school lol. :aah:

    I'm doing great :D

    Where are you from ? :)

  6. :aah: please add me to the list like the person below me said :)
  7. Hey!

    How are you :) ?

  8. hey! Thanks for the request! How are you ? :biggrin2:

  9. Wow , your brother is getting engaged! and you're planning everything ! How exciting ! :D

    Awesome man, is he your only brother ? and are you younger than him? ( i mean how are you arranging everything ?)

  10. Seriously, It's getting colder by the day!

    actually it's 7:00 PM and it's 29°C so it's not all that cold lol :teehee:

    Yes, school is fun but it's getting to be a drag.... :sneaky2:

  11. Aww! thank you, i'm sure she will :)

    so how was ur day? :wub2:

  12. haha yup.

    So how was your day?

  13. You're probably right, but i probably won't realize that until I graduate lol

  14. That's alright :)

    Yup! but school opens tom! :(

    Yes , I suppose so!

  15. Aww! that's alright ( and really sweet :) ) !

    No man! I was supposed to go to another place for holidays but my grandma got hospitalized and everything so when she came home so we couldn't leave her alone with the maid the whole time so I didn't get to see the games lol :(

  16. Oh well atleast he's sometimes on radio ( which is still unusual) that's why I've monopolized my family to tell me whenever one of his songs coming on lol my friends get reallly irritated when I mention him

  17. Haha! It sure is ( the pic too :naughty: )

    Wow! you're kidding right! How did you get a ticket for that price i mean do you live somewhere close or what? From where i live it's gonna cost atleast 2,734 euros ! ahhh !

    Yes yes! I sad mika is so depressing :(

  18. Hahaha Hilarious man really I've got one- You Know you're a Mika fan when you've read more then half of the ones listed on this thread
  19. Hi Mikita !

    No man I'm not going :(

    But I still hope it doesn't get can canceled, it has been some time after the last show anyway and just Imagine how disappointed everyone will be !! :tears:

    Of course, him family ( ofcourse Paloma the most ) needs hi right now so I wouldn't be surprised if he cancels , but still!

    Haha! On his doorstep!? Seriously!!?

  20. I've said this before and I'm going to say this agin. The beautiful sentiments here, if you think about them being tiny hugs from each of the well-wishers here at MFC wishing Paloma the best, you can feel that each of these hugs united have the power to, if not heal Paloma but to at least brighten up her day, which is the least we can do and I'm sure you all agree that, you would also feel better to know that someone somewhere, possibly from almost every country in the world, wishes you a speedy recovery and knows that even the sunniest, happiest days would not be the same without her .
  21. I want to join this group too guys, can I ? We should keep our hopes and faith and we will be sure to see Paloma healthy and that beautiful smile on Mika's face again
  22. Srslt man,

    It's so sad, but they could probably hardly believe it :tears:

  23. Srsly mann,

    For some unknown reason, a *lot* of people here think of Blue eyes when i mention it, probably because for I don't know what reason, It came on the radio say....after every other song and I didn't even recognize at first that it was him! AHHHHHH

  24. I hope Mika's sister recovers soon, don't you?

    Her accident was terrible!

  25. Seriously,

    Here, everyone has probably heard Lollipop, Blue Eyes maybe Kick ass and Mayyyyyyybeeeee Grace kelly At the most But they can't even connect the song with Mika or even the song's name!! :thumbdown:

    Ughh! so irritating ! I either have to send them a youtube link or sing it to them ! :P

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