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Rosie-Posie Boffin

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Everything posted by Rosie-Posie Boffin

  1. You're giving me some very wild images dear... That's not good for a girl who's trying to sleep... :roftl:
  2. Oh my god!!!!!!! You've just read my mind girl!!!! :roftl:
  3. Let me help you with that love... Have the other ones too but they are not good for this thread... Maybe gasmics?
  4. Hey Natacha can I borrow your teddy bear just for one day?? Pretty please with a cherry on top?? I have plans for that teddy bear...
  5. Nope it's not that one but I'm pretty sure it's not him because the pic looks new... It's here... http://mikafan.forumcommunity.net/?t=39143579&st=75
  6. Where??? WHERE?? I need to see that hun!! Bigger is better...
  7. Forse tutte quelle donne gli hanno fatto passare la voglia di stare con loro XD Da bimbo aveva un'espressione abbastanza assassina ma era così tenero Ora spiegatemi come fa ad essere Mika il bimbo nella foto se abbiamo visto un'altra foto sua in bianco e nero (la prima postata) Those were written under the pics I found... Don't wanna put them here until I'm sure the baby is him...
  8. Ahhh... I want to run my fingers through that soft and curly hair too... Oh yes and the smile is also adorable (Really need to stop fantasizing...Or else I'm gonna meke my gueats run away )
  9. We can clearly see that he did not give a s*** Girl you're killing me with your pics tonight...
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