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Rosie-Posie Boffin

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Everything posted by Rosie-Posie Boffin

  1. No I'm back to collage... Unfortunately.... Which means I need to study my midterm exams and not wonder around MFC... but I just can't help it...
  2. Ahhhh... Great set of pics!!!!! Very Awww-dorable... Hi Alba!!
  3. Oh I didn't mean that... And I don't think that every man in Paris wear berets... But I think his love for scarfs is a bit from his French side... And the sense of fashion... And even his tall, skinny, curly haired silhouette reminds me of the parisian boys... Or it's time for me to see a psychologist... His accent is just perfect!! Because I love the both accents... Actually my accent is a little smiliar to his... I'm too american for british peaople and too british for amricans... Guess I'm cursed... Oh and his accent is while mine is
  4. Well... Than ''that'' somebody can go to hell... :aah:

    Don't care about that person and have fun with our boy... :wink2:



  5. Quote: i was feeling pretty crappy for a while


    Why is that??:boxed:

  6. As long as Mika is out there somewhere I'm great!! :wink2:

    Well how about you??

  7. He should indeed!!! I always had a ''thing'' for french which I can't explain fully... The language itself sounds so poetic, so alluring to me that even I don't understand a single word I can listen someone talking french for hours... And the first time I heard him speak french (or even better; sing in french) I just couldn't believe my ears (and forgot how to breathe...) The connection between him and France made him even more perfect for me!!! He has the look of a ''parisian boy''with an incredibly attractive english accent... what a mixture... So as you might have noticed I think I have a kind of obsession about France.... I've always had!! since I was a little kid (I even annoy people sometimes because of that:aah:)... So hear him speak French is something inexpressible for me...
  8. Ah thanks dear...:biggrin2:

    He looks pretty wild on my siggie eh?... :das:

    Yum yum... :naughty:


    But my favourite from that vid. is probably this one...





  9. Hey girl you need to see what I found while I was searching for this interview...A treasure!!!! Go check the undie thread... Maybe I couldn't find this one but... When you see the other... You'll be like
  10. Selam Silver!! Oh it feels a bit weird to talk you in Turkish hun... Have you ever been in Turkey before??
  11. Yok ya Mika'yı Okanın ellerine teslim edemem... Şimdi olmayacak bişey söyler basarım stüdyoyu sonra (sanki Mika ordayken ben o stütyoda olmicakmışım gibi) Ama bu eğer Mika Türkiye'ye gelirse Okana onu programa alsın diye yalvarmicam anlamına geliyo mu? Hayııııırrrr...:biggrin2) Yok gerçekten özel bişeyler yapmamız lazım eğer onu sık görmek istiyosak... Bir de ben burada daha fazla türk hayran görmek istiyorum... Organize olursak ancak dikkat çekecek birşey yapabiliriz... Yoksa biz burda Mika diye ölüyomuşuz, adama tapıyomuşuz ruhu bile duymaz...
  12. The first one actually seems very gasmic to me... plus... Cutie-pie...
  13. Well... He can be brown, he can be blue... :naughty:



  14. I love him sooooo much when he looks confused or suprised... He's being so aborable and huggable...
  15. There is not a proper word to explain how adorable the second pic is!!!!!!! Glad to see you're back hun
  16. Wow girl you're fast!! I'm impressed :roftl: :roftl:




    It does not always look good though... :aah:



  17. A chickeny one for your collection hun... :das:



  18. We want scrunch thread! :roftl: :roftl:





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