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Rosie-Posie Boffin

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Everything posted by Rosie-Posie Boffin

  1. Ahhh don't be sad dear:huglove:!!! You know you're going to see him again soon!! Even the existance of him is should be enough for us to be happy!! And when you see him again it's going to be even more special for you! Like I said before sometimes waiting makes it even better! So be patient and you sure to be awarded...
  2. Ahhhhh... I whish I was there too... You are one very lucky girl!!
  3. And one of my favourites... So sad and adorable... Makes me wanna hug him!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Like I said they are people who doesn't ''really'' listen to his music. They are just being prejudice... But he actually tells us very dark stories ( I don't think that we can just call them songs... every song tells us a different tale) even darker than most of the songs considered dark or sad... Because nearly all Mika songs are about the real things... real people with real sorrows or real problems... But some people look how happy(!) his songs are and dare to say his songs are childish...That makes me so
  5. Oh when I say ''like a kid'' I ment the sweetnes of the expression on his face... He is annoyed when peaople think he acts like a kid... Or when they say he's music is childish... Those are people who has no idea about him or his music... Besides even he says that when he finishes a song and if it's good he is being happy and dancin around like a seven years old boy (or girl it changes:roftl:)...
  6. Ahhhh now that's great... Glad you make it hun!!
  7. Look at that little smile!! Isn't he looking so innosent???!!!!!
  8. If everytime you post, you're gonna post pics like this one (warmest looking eyes, cutest little smile on the lips ) than that means I'm gonna very often...
  9. Yes!! That is so true!:blink: Actually it usually looks bigger to me from the front and more statue-like-perfect from the profile... (It should have been the opposite!! But like he said before, he is so wrong in every way and that's why he's so right... :roftl: )



  10. Oh don't worry!! You can always come here and enjoy the pics when you are available again... And don't forget! Sometimes waiting makes it even better...
  11. that neck drives me crazy(and the beauty marks)!!!!!!!!! Whoops!! Sorry the eyes thread
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