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Everything posted by Alexandra1

  1. Oh c'est compliqué ce truc...

  2. ça y est ça y est !! j'ai créé un compte !! :teehee:


    Mais c'est pas fini, il me demande centres d'intérets etc...

  3. AWwww !!! Je n'ose pas, je suis trop timide...

  4. Hey Rosie :bye:


    Some gorgeous man told me I was 2 days late for your 19th birthday...




    So happy belated birthday sweetie !! :huglove: hope you are celebrating it as you should !! Aww... I remember when I was 19... Good gone time :aah:


    Gros bisous !!

  5. Coucou :bye:


    Merci pour la photo sur mon mur... oui il est trop chou :fangurl:


    Quel sourire, et quel regard !




    @ bientôt

  6. *commercial smile* "Buy a computer, you won't regret it :thumb_yello:"
  7. Ok, right... But then may be I have hazel eyes too
  8. Ok, ok... *will go on thinking Mika has the same eye colour as me anyway ...for my own mental sanity !*
  9. Hazel ? does that mean brown ? Coz they look dark water green on some pics (like mine !) !!
  10. Coucou Françoise :bye:


    Merci pour tes voeux, je te souhaite à mon tour une très bonne année 2011, emplie de bonheur !




    Gros bisous :huglove:

  11. Hey Françoise I agree with you, love the jumper too !! And about the pic, I think that he has the most beautiful eyes on it ! Are they green or am I delusional ?
  12. hey Alba Nice to see you too !! Oh, I'm ok. I've been pretty stressed up those last days. How are you ? Yes I saw them !! I was glad we had some news about him again !
  13. I get you 100%... studying Mika's smile is so much more interesting !
  14. Indeed, he may look like a geek to me but a handsome one... or maybe a greek god obviously !! he really looks like he is going to make a good joke... cutie pie or maybe plugging his ears bec of the screaming man behind him ! "hey, guys, come here, there's Mikaaaaaaaaa !!" you are so sweet Rosie ... I had very boring things to do irl... like preparing for finals and passing them. It was horrible Missed you to girl
  15. he looks like a geek !! but nice scarf though ! I'm wondering what was so funny there, everybody is laughing
  16. Coucou Stéphanie :)


    MErci pour la photo sur mon mur :fangurl: et pour tes encouragements pour les exams... ben en fait d'avoir de nouveau des partiels après tant de temps... hm hm pas facile. J'avais bien révisé mais j'ai eu un mal fou à organiser mes idées, à me concentrer, aussi à cause du stress je pense.

    là j'ai encore deux dossiers à rendre... mais pour l'instant je décompresse un peu :D


    Et toi ça va ?


    tu as vu les photos de Mika de hier à Londres ?? Il est trop :fangurl:, mais je le trouve un peu fatigué, je sais pas j'ai l'impression qu'il a pris un coup de vieux ces derniers temps


    Gros bisous ;)

  17. Coucou Stéphanie :)


    Oh merci infiniment pour le lien, depuis le temps que je voulais revoir ce moment du concert, je pensais que personne ne l'avait filmé !


    Il m'a beaucoup émue aussi, en plus ça m' a fait revenir plein d'émotions vu que je l'ai vécu ce moment :tears:


    Les exams commencent demain, je suis dans le stress :freak:


    @ bientôt



  18. Of course I want to be your friend !!


    To be honest, I thought we were already on each other's friends lists !


  19. Don't worry sweetie :huglove:


    I think all those girls are a little hard on you, you have the right to dream and everyone lives their lives the way they want.


    Don't feel bad for this, no one has the right to judge you

  20. I think it is a special pic, looks like it has been taken in the 80s !! why it looks so weird to me : the hair, the look on the face, the outfit and the pose outside the car window... It's too weird for me, I'll pass
  21. Ok... must be him then... GOd what did he do to his hair that day ??
  22. Are you sure the guy in the car is Mika ?? everytime I see it, I can't help but thinking that it looks like but it's not... DO we have an official source stating it is Meeks ?
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