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Everything posted by Alexandra1

  1. I made a translation, sorry my english is not so good. It is also a bit weird as you don't have the questions in the soundcloud recording (except for the one about inspiration), only Mika's answers.. Anyway, here is my translation It is one of my favorite festivals in France. Also it’s… In the U.S., it is called a shed, a baseball shed. It is like a kind of amphitheater, in the summer, it feels great for an artist to have such a contact with the public all around, almost at 360°, well 180… Hmmm. Yes it’s great, it’s like a circus. I am a bit confused by the accent, this is the only thing, to me it sounds like the accent from Quebec. Everybody gets upset when I say that and I don’t know why because both accents are beautiful. No they are very warmhearted and fabulous as an audience, they completely take part in the show, they sing, they dance. I already write in French, I already have 3 songs in French for the new album, in addition to the other songs that I have already written for the album in English and well I have fun when I sing in French. It is like being two persons at the same time, it allows a lot of musical possibilities. Being able to sing in French is really a great pleasure. This time, the album is different. It sounds very pop but also very original (he says “organique” in French.. not quite sure what he means sorry) as the 70s or 60s pop albums. And I am truly excited about that because in my opinion, when you think about “organique” music, most people immediately think about folk and stuff like that but I think that doing a very very pop album but which would not be overproduced is very exciting, I like it. It is something new because the last album I made was very much produced, and well now of course I am doing the opposite. I think that there are so many melodies in the songs, this is how I work, I put one melody on top of another. I can also do it on stage, it is not only dance music to which you only have to press play, no, we are musicians, we play everything, we sing everything and yes.. it does work pretty well on stage. You said you had difficulties finding the inspiration for your last album. What about your next album ? Was it easier to find the inspiration ? I found inspiration quite easily. I don’t know why but I am not the one who has to find the reason why. I don’t ask myself too many questions, when I feel like I can do it, I put great efforts into it otherwise it would be foolish and I would be wasting my time. If I have changed? Well, I changed my Shampoo. Aside from this, no. You don’t change, you become… well I know I am very lucky to be doing what I do in my life. I have a huge freedom. I’ll turn 30 in 6 days, I was eleven when I got my first job in classical music, on the London Royal Opera stage in London and now, next week I’ll be 30, I have been on tour or recording for almost 9 years, I know that… I think to myself… I pinch myself… I think waouh, merde… I feel privileged. I think you have to evolve, not necessarily to change. You may change but when people ask me wether I’ve changed, I always feel like they are looking for something negative. I like the program tonight, I appreciate the artist who will play, Asaf Avidan, and of course I know some of his songs very well but I like the fact that an Israelite and a Lebanese share a stage tonight, in Colmar, thank you for that privilege, it’s cool. Yesterday, Sziget in Budapest, tonight Colmar and two days ago, I was at the Faroe Islands, so 3 shows. In the Faroe Islands, 35 % of the population came to the show. I am delighted to be here for the third time, thank you very much, I have to get prepared.
  2. Coucou Stéphanie !


    J'ai passé ma soutenance donc ça y est cette année horrible est finiiiiiiiiie !! :)

    j'espère bien ne pas avoir des éléments à repasser l'an prochain.


    Comment vas tu ? Rien de grave au niveau de ta santé j'espère ?


    Oui j'avais vu cette photo, il est chou :huglove: On dirait qu'il sort tout droit d'un film je trouve


    Gros bisous à toi :huglove:

  3. Coucou !!


    j'ai encore deux soutenances à passer, le 10 et le 14 juin... je suis un peu à bout :s Oui j'ai vu que le concert à Zurich était annulé, je suis vraiment déçue... je vais réfléchir pour Liège ou Compiègne, tout va être une question de transport et d'organisation !


    et toi comment vas tu ?


    gros bisous !!

  4. en même temps, je trouvais ça bizarre que vous alliez au Portugal et pas à COmpiègne, qui est près de chez vous !! :D


    J'aimerais bien oui venir aussi à Compiègne mais ça fait un peu loin... à voir !! en tout cas je pense allez à Zurich, c'est déjà ça !!


    gros bisous !

  5. Coucou audrey :)


    c'est génial pour vous, j'espère que vous me raconterez ces deux concerts !! Je le sentais que Stéphanie n'allait pas résister à Compiègne bien longtemps, ça aurait été trop dommage de la rater alors que c'est près de chez vous !!


    Joyeuses Pâques !

    @ bientôt

  6. you're welcome :) no I don't know whose dog it is... But the pic is really cute !

  7. Salut Stéphanie !!


    Oui je nourris de grands espoirs pour Zurich ! je pense que je vais y aller :D !! j'ai hâte ! AAAH j'aimerais tellement aller à Compiègne aussi ou à Liège... à voir ;)


    ça va être génial pour toi ces deux concerts !!


    bisous et joyeuses pâques :)

  8. hey :)


    thanks, I love this pic too ! here is the link, hope it still works http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l520/alexandra128/mikaetchien.jpg

  9. stéphanie !!! ouiii j'ai vu pour compiègne, j'ai tout de suite pensé à toi c'est génial !! je sens que tu vas passer un bel été :D !!


    j'attends d'avoir plus d'info pour le concert à Zurich, c ce qui est le plus près de chez moi, et comme je ne sais pas si je travaillerai d'ici là ou pas... je ne peux pas trop me lancer sur du trop loin en distance... Mais je sens qu'on aura des supers trucs à se raconter en juillet !!


    gros bisous !

  10. Coucou stéphanie !!


    j'ai bien pensé à vous ce week end !! j'ai hâte d'avoir tes impressions et de savoir comment ça s'est passé :D


    @ bientôt

  11. merci ça me fait chaud au coeur... dans deux petits mois, il faudra que j'ai fini d'écrire quoi qu'il en soit et les exams seront passées, je pourrais à nouveau souffler :) et profiter du mfc !!


    bisous !

  12. Coucou Stéphanie !


    Toi aussi tu me manques !! Je pense beaucoup à vous, malgré que je ne peux plus me connecter aussi souvent pour le moment.


    Je te souhaite un très bon week end !!


    gros bisous !

  13. Rosie !


    I know it's been ages and I am so sorry about it ! Right now and until june, I have too much work for my research to do, and I have to be able to finish it in two months :s


    I miss you girl :) I'll come back when this bloody thesis is over I promise. Meanwhile, I think about you, the mad tea party and Mika a loooooooooot !


  14. Hi :bye:


    :aah: No, it is a either a random dog Mika is stroking or his dog... It's not mine for sure !! I picked that picture on the internet, Mika was so cute with this dog... that's it !!


    see you !



  15. Thank you so much for your report !!! Seems like it was a very intimate gig indeed, must have been so great !! and you even met Melachi, that's awesome !!!!
  16. Hey I would like to thank tiibet and suzie for their reports... can't wait to hear more, if possible, and to see more, if possible of course !!! Awww MEEEEEKs !!! he is just too cute imo I have nothing against the ear ring !
  17. Hey Tiibet !! thank you so much for sharing ! Aww I am so happy to see Melachi, all grown up and she seems to be such an adorable dog !!! Ok, now I completey about Mika's dog ! Can't wait to here more about this gig !
  18. coucou ça veut dire you miss me I miss you ça veut dire tu me manques...
  19. But I have to admit... "silver planet" would actually not be that bad... I mean as lyric in this song... yes it would ??? ok sorry..
  20. OHHHH :roftl::roftl: I've just looked it up in the dictionnary... At least, I've learned a new word tonight !!I'd mingled it with "blade"... which could have made sense.. btw, I've just listened to it again and focused really hard.. well now I hear "on a silver PLANET !!"
  21. What's wrong with silver bladder ?? I've always heard that too NEver checked the writtn lyrics though...
  22. this thread is so much fun !! I've misheard a lot of lyrics in Mika's songs actually... In love today, I always sung "well you ain't gonna TASTE no other" lol instead of "tease"... and even with the written lyrics, I kept the taste habit ! edit and "we BUY each other" instead of BITE in stuck in the middle...
  23. Hey Alba :huglove:


    yes, well there are still moments of sadness, but I try not to be too upset and live day by day with it.


    I think it takes sometime to return to a normal mood...


    But, fortunately enough, I can still come to Mfc and look at Mika's beautiful pics !!


    I love that photoshoot... HE is absolutely stunning !! A dream man ! :fangurl:


    See you soon sweetie :bye:

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