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Trix the Mubbin

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Everything posted by Trix the Mubbin

  1. ... *shrug* You can if you want...

  2. Actually it is night time here, sort of... It's 3:27. Early morning. But I'm nocturnal, so... :D

  3. Yay! So we can talk more? *picks you up, spins you around, then sets you back down and nuzzles you* Zephy_and_Ziffy_by_ManiacalMuffin.gif

  4. Huh.... I've been playin' games here... sowwy. :puppy_eyes:

  5. I'm suddenly grumpy and my ADHD has kicked in, so that idea is confusing, rendering me unable to like it. Mind you, I do like the video, butt (i swear I didn't mean to spell it that way, I just left it like that 'cause it's ) that.... *mumble*
  6. Although, even if he isn't now, having 5 crazy kids might eventually do that to him...
  7. Mika: Bryce? Caller id. What is it... ? Me: So I heard you're worried about what we think of you... Mika: Well, yeah, 'cause- HEY WAIT! How do you know that???? Me: *ignores his question* It's okay Mika... We'd never say or think anything even remotely mean about you. Mika: ... Are you being sarcastic? And why didn't answer my question? Me: *ignores that question too* Am I? Mika: Grrr. Me: See yah... "bee". *hangs up* *I call John* Me: Dude. Seriously, I only get 50 bucks a month, man. And my dad pretty much forces me to use it on stuff I don't want to use it on. I'm a teenage boy, for cryin' out loud! You gotta lower your costs... John: If you can't pay for what you use, don't use it. Me: ... *hangs up* *John calls Mika* John: Mika... About that Bryce kid... There's some things I need to tell you about him... *tells him everything that I didn't have the money to pay John to keep secret* Mika: ... ... How could he? John: I'm sorry... But you did say you wanted to know... Mika: I... I know... *hangs up* *somewhere off in the distance comes the mingling sounds of both a man and a boy wailing*
  8. Me: *calls up Mika innocently* Mika: Hello? Me: *hisses in a whisper* Liar. Mika: Bryce? What are you talking about? Me: *in my normal voice* You said you're "the bee". If you were really the bee, you'd have answerd with "buzz" instead. Mika: You aren't going to torture me about this like you did with the kilt, are you? Me: Wait. One question... Would your species be a boose or a mee? And would you look like a miniature moose with a stinger and wings, or a really large bee with antlers???? Mika: ... I really don't know. And that was two. Me: Well either way... you better live up to your creature names. Moose are weird, you've got the weird covered... But bees are dangerous. You're cute and cuddly. Sometimes a bitch, sure, but mostly cute and cuddly, like a panda. Mika: I can be dangerous! Me: Sure, sure... I'll be here when you lie. Picking them all up. Memorizing them... spreading the truth... I'm watching you Penniman. *hangs up* Mika: ... MMMOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!! I HAVE A STALKEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!! *runs off, locking doors and closing blinds and turning off lights*
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