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Trix the Mubbin

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Everything posted by Trix the Mubbin

  1. :aah: Have fun, good luck!
  2. :aah: Ehm.... it's okay. I have no clue what you meant but it's okay! :aah:
  3. :blush-anim-cl: I've posted some like, 2 paintings. *shrug*


    I've never been to ANY gigs. I'm going to my first concert in September. :biggrin2:

  4. uhhhhhhh..... anything related to the right brain. If you didn't know, the right brain is the artistic side. :D music, painting, drawing, singing, writing... Creating things, in general. Mostly music and writing... okay, drawing too... okay really anything along those lines. XD You?

  5. No, I'm not finished school... I just don't have it. :D

  6. Holidays from school? I don't even have school. :kachinga:

  7. OMG. No one's posting! :aah: That NEVER happens!

  8. Oh! Well that's fine with me! :biggrin2: Feel free to add me as a friend! :thumb_yello:

    I'm in the eastern United States, so it's about 2:30 in the morning here. :aah: My best friend is sleeping over, she's asleep, but I'm nocturnal. :teehee:

  9. Am I the right person you wanted to message???

    If not, it's okay...

    If so... :original: I'm good... You?

  10. Weirdest gif I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot as you can tell from my sig.
  11. I played Love Today. I timed it well, it ended when the contest did. Now I'm playing We Are Golden. We did good.
  12. Silly fox is silly. I gotta remember to get FoxTongue instead of Windex next time I go to get window cleaner...
  13. I don't think the Doctor should try to escape, he did want to help... I think this is about the time the Doctor might start to try to reason with Mika/merman.
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