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Posts posted by Ellenowl

  1. Mika didn't direct it - this was entirely the Director's vision




    There're several lines of warning under the video...:wink2:


    I missed that one then! That's something at least but these warnings don't come up unless using a computer to access the Internet I.e. not an app version. It should have a warning whilst the credentials are playing at the start. The video just popped up and played with no information (warnings) at the bottom. :shocked:

  2. Why would Mika direct the video like that. Just. Why?




    Please remember that you have other fans that are under 18 too and THEY NEED TO SEE THE GODDAMN MOVIE OKAY. Well I've watched it myself but shh



    Yes! And I'm one of those naive under 18 year olds. This was definitely not what I was expecting from a mika video, and I'm a bit shocked. Shouldn't these things come with warnings? Anybody looking in my history will be disturbed if they see that!

  3. Yes I am going to watch it later tonight. It's a complete song and I've already heard this song in so many incarnations already I don't think it matters.


    You know even in my don't-listen-to-it stance, for me the only problem is listening to it over and over again. You start drumming this incorrect version into your brain (even if it's the snippet is exactly what appears on the album you will interpret it differently out of context).


    I think I could listen to other version or parts of songs one time and it wouldn't impact listening to the album later. But I'm not going to risk just listening to it once. :naughty: It's easier to just pretend that the snippets and other versions aren't out there.


    Don't watch the video. I really like the album version of the song but the video does not match it in any way. I clicked off it almost straight away, the content was a little shocking! Not what I'd expected of a music video. I not gonna watch these 'mini-films' again.


    Just wait for the album and you will enjoy the song much more!

  4. It was, I believe, but I don't remember it being mentioned as one sounding particularly good - which does not mean anything, of course, as everyone hears it differently...


    Good point! Otherwise music would be much less diverse than it is. I think kids has potential to be a really good song, but the snippet of the cd version sounds a bit boring. IMO the live version is much better!

  5. Sometimes in life you come across people who are sad and lonely. To find a way of recognition, they sometimes start doing crazy things and say crazy stuff just to generate attention. Naturally, they have all kinds of arguments to justify their behaviour. Arguments only they believe. They are filled with bitterness and hate and eventually their own venom will destroy them. Beirut27 is one of those people. You know what they say, negative attention is better than no attention at all.:thumb_yello:


    Shame some people chose to do that with their life. Wouldn't it be better to have fun and make people happy? And why mika? He's too nice! Oh well, you're right, we need to just get on with life!

  6. I love Rain too. It's funny that we tend to thing of it as an electronic song, as strings play a crucial part in it. The first couple of times I heard Rain , I didn't like it: I found it depressing and maybe 'too mika' (odd feeling). But the harmonies and violin make it really atmospheric and beautiful.


    Up until the new album, some of mika's more electro songs are my favourite. The songs just make sense that way. What I hate about electronic music (although I disagree with much of it even being called music- it's horrible!)is when synthesiser sounds are more important in the song than melodies and harmonies. I also generally don't like a song when the artist's voice is distorted too (one of the reasons I don't like MYH).


    I don't necessarily mind electronic music, in small quantities, when a song works out that way. For me though, the origin of love is sounding too artificial at the moment.

  7. nope, wasn't me... after milan i said i couldn't remember much of it, so i probably found it boring. but i like it since i heard the live version from amsterdam. :wink2: and i like this album version.

    something in heroes is disturbing me... but dunno what, and in any case it's getting less since i listened to it about 100x meanwhile. :teehee:




    Maybe the disturbing bit about heroes is right at the end of the snippet. I can't remember the exact quote, but it's something about death. I badly need to listen to the whole of heroes though; it sounds nowhere near like a full song as it is.


    Anybody else disturbed by By the Time? The first time I heard that song, it virtually put me off mika, and I didn't listen to it or even think about it for several months! Everyone else on here just seems to say it's beautiful!

  8. the more i listen, the more i hate MYH, to be honest. i didn't like it in the beginning, then came to like it (probably cause it was the only new mika song we had by then :teehee:), and i still think it's ok. but really, was it necessary to put it on the album TWICE?! :aah: he could've put that faster version of step with me on the cd, i wouldn't have minded hearing *that* twice! :naughty: anyway, guess i'll listen to the french version more often then, as it has emd instead of the 2nd myh. :teehee: if he releases MYH as a single, i'll slap him. :sneaky2::fisch:




    MYH is grey and depressing, makes me feel low. It doesn't sound anything like mika- why is this the one he has to put on twice?!


    BTW, was it you who said that Kids was disturbing? I was wondering why!

  9. Hmmm....so many mixed reactions.....I guess I just need to bite the bullet and listen to it when I get home. :blink:


    I'm not listening to that version again!:aah: But it didn't ruin the original at all for me. :wink2: And I downloaded the demo version (somewhat illegally ) onto my iPod.:teehee: It will be OK!


    Apart from Popular song, Love You when I'm Drunk, Overrated and Make you Happy (half the album:doh:!) , it's great!


    And sorry to the people who haven't listened yet, we're not making it any easier to resist. I envy you though , it'll be better for you when you hear the finished product!:mikalove:

  10. Thanks for putting this up!:thumb_yello:


    The Origin of Love (song) sounds really amazing, a bit like a deeper version of we are golden. Lola and stardust sound good. Underwater sounds fine too.


    Step with me sounds different to live ( I'm not sure if I like it ATM) , and I agree with the person who said kids sounds less good on the album (maybe partly because he goes down an octave to sing 'make it worth fighting for')



    Make you happy had never made me happy, and I don't think it ever will make me happy. And naturally, I don't like this version of Overrated. Love You when I'm Drunk sounds a bit crazy, more like Love you when I'm drugged!


    But towards the end the lack of new material in popular song and Emily annoyed me.:sneaky2:


    So a mixed bag... Dunno if I'll buy the whole album!


    What do you think?

  11. It takes my iPod literally half an hour to load 1/3 of this song on YouTube. The Internet is so painfully slow, and I don't have the patience to wait for the whole song to buffer! Needless to say, this is a really lovely song from what I've heard. Just beautiful!:wub2:

  12. Just come across this. Was it really performed first several months ago?


    It's hard to hear the exact melody mika is singing, but it sounds quite beautiful anyway. I'm starting to think (and hope) that MYH is not the 'typical' song from TOOL , listening to the other songs. Time will tell...:fisch:

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