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Posts posted by Ellenowl

  1. Yes it is :teehee:


    I'm excited for the Olympics now but it's only recently that I've been able to get into it even though I'm a sports fan. But the buzz has really increased these past few weeks, as you'd expect.


    It won't be rebroadcast as it's just a nightly news magazine, but quite a good one, well respected and usually well watched. But it'll be available on BBC iPlayer (I hope). I hope someone can record it, I don't have the technology to do so i'm afraid :huh:


    I watched some of the Olympic opening ceremony and it confused me. I'm supposed to be an English citizen and it seemed very boring and strange. Now watching mika. Never boring, sometimes strange!

  2. For me the Heaven gig was – well, a little bit of heaven, a little bit of hell.


    Once again, the lighting looked great. Love the flags stage set – so simple, and being neutral coloured, the lighting could transform the streamers into different colours - looked beautiful. Probably because of the nature of the venue, I did feel Mika seemed particularly comfortable, at home and relaxed. There was a really good buzz in the crowd just before he came on, and when he kicked off with BG, followed by Relax, BIOTG, BB etc., it was sounding and looking great, and he was definitely enjoying himself and on form.


    I’m afraid I still can’t really see what advantage the new band has over the previous band, except possibly less personality, and therefore Mika’s ensured he’s the only star of the show? I’m not keen on the new arrangements of SITM (which has lost it’s swing) or Rain (the previous live version used to bring the house down and this version misses something), and on several songs it seemed the band was too high up in the mix and the sound went muddy and distorted. Also I don’t want to see him dance on the piano, I want to see him play the damn thing.


    But it was the new songs (sorry Mika) that was my hell. Lola I find repetitive and dull. TOOL the same. MYH does nothing for me. And Celebrate – well on the eve of the Olympic Games all I could think of was that it would have been totally suitable as a theme song for that, but as it’s not going to be, it’s pointless and disposable pap. On the plus side, I do quite like Underwater.


    I don’t think the new material will do badly, probably the opposite, but somehow I just don’t personally feel inspired by it. On a personal level – as someone who embraced Mika from the word go and thought he was the most talented and unique artist to emerge in a decade, I feel he’s lost his grip on what he’s best at – MELODIES.


    I don’t like the electronic stuff creeping in, I think autotune should be reserved for people who can’t sing – like Jedward, and as far as I’m concerned rap is simply spelt wrong (missing the “c” at the beginning). I fear that as more of the new material replaces the old, I won’t want to listen to it, or even want to go to the shows in future. And before everyone argues back – it’s only my opinion, and I have no objection to “change” per se, it’s just I feel it’s change for the poorer. As I have no interest in getting autographs or photos, and couldn’t give a flying f*ck about Mika’s personal life, for me it’s JUST about the music, and sadly I just don't like the new stuff.


    BTW, regarding the “coming out” which so many seem to think was a monumental “big moment”, I didn’t even notice it! I thought he was always “out”, at least as bi, if not gay. So, his current love is a man. What was the news?!!!


    Me neither. It was a real shock for me when I heard about this: Mika's live performances aren't the same without the old band, especially Martin and Cherisse. They were touring together for nearly 6 years, so this is hardly surprising. I don't really care about mika's private life either. If I did, I wouldn't be a proper fan: since 2007, the most he has revealed is the gender of his partner (yesterday!). I prefer to concentrate on his music and awesome personality!:mikacool:


    If mika literally stood on a platform and announced to the world "I'M GAY!" the really boring questions about his love life would probably stop ( how long will it take them to realise he will reveal nothing?!). But, like you said, he hasn't done this. He might just feel more comfortable with his private life a little less private, so it's not some massive secret though.

  3. The Protector INFJ


    You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.

    Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.

    You are an excellent listener with almost infinite patience.

    You have complex feelings, and you take great care to express them.


    In love, you see relationships as an opportunity to connect and grow.

    You enjoy relationships when they are improving and changing. You can't stand stagnation.


    At work, you stay motivated and happy... as long as you are working toward a dream you support.

    You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher.


    How you see yourself: Hardworking, ethical, and helpful


    ( I didn't manage to copy and paste the rest!)


    And I definitely do not want to be a photographer,alternative medicine guru or teacher! Fun quiz but tricky- I wanted to chose both options for most questions. My desk is definitely an organised mess but that wasn't an option. Maybe on a different day, I will get a completely different result!

  4. Nice, I played it in the key of F like this: F, C, Dm, Bb, gonna try that one too, thanks :thumb_yello:


    And basically if you play the notes of the chords backwards, F C Bb Bb, it will sound like that cute little melody in the intro and outro, very childish and sweet.


    Yup! Works too , as with any key with the same chord progression. I find F major a bit depressing though, for some reason, so I'll just stick with c major!

  5. LICM: Love Today, Any Other World

    TBWKTM: GGG, Rain

    TOOL( so far): Underwater, TOOL

    OTHER: Holy Johnny, Overrated (studio outtakes version).


    At least at the moment. I love all of them so it's hard to choose.


    Oh, and whenever WAG plays, and wherever I am , it makes me wanna jump around. I've had lots of bumps and bruises from crashing into things when I hear it so I guess WAG is my MOST DANGEROUS MIKA SONG!:thumb_yello:

  6. In this picture you see Mika as an angel who is entering the door to hell. I think it means that he stops to be a "good" person and begins to do a lot of "bad" things. And with "bad things" I mean things that the church sees as bad (not that Mika will be a bad person of course :wink2:) More in this sense:





    I'm not really sure what Mika meant with this picture. But I'm sure his intention wasn't that he thinks he will be dead in 5 years.


    That video creeps me out. Dunno what the whole angel mika going into hell picture means, but I doubt it's death. The 'doing something against the catholic church' explanation from earlier might make sense, but 5 YEARS? Is he gonna turn bad? Is it a juxtaposition of his dark lyrics and happy melodies? Guess only mika knows!

  7. This thread is amazing!


    One of my favourites:


    MIKA, to Randy:


    "You are honestly the most talented rat I've ever met, and there are lots of rats in the music industry"


    He then gives Randy a 'nose'.

  8. I don't see how 'celebrate' is a particular 'coming out song' ( if there is such a thing!), it seems to be more about 'coming home'. There are also 'trees' and 'finish line(s)' too. Maybe it's just a generally happy song- IDK! Songs are always fun if they can be interpreted in loads of different ways.


    The part of the interview everyone is going like :shocked: to is hardly a 'whole world to celebrate' moment, and not even necessarily changing/ expanding on what he's said before. Calling the album 'The Origin of Love' is obviously going to invite these love-life questions in interviews, so maybe he has it all planned out already.

  9. Awww:mikalove:


    But i don't get why he use break a leg instead of saying goodbye or something!:aah: is that normal to say for english people?


    I don't really get why he said it. It is an English thing. It's kind of a traditional thing to say before a performance: it essentially means 'good luck!'. Quite how 'break a leg' is equivalent to 'good luck' I don't know, but English is a very odd language.



    He seems so happy and relaxed in this video!:mikadas:

  10. Unfortunately, there is still homophobic bullying and prejudice going on, which is maybe why he keeps so quiet on the subject. He has been bullied lots in the past. :( I'll support him whatever and he seems to need it at the moment. He really has had a rough time over the past couple of years.

  11. I am. Also did it fast! But i am busy and from the phone.


    What is it you don't understand in the interview?


    Thanks for translating. It's interesting, just a surprising thing has arisen: mika supposedly said in the interview that he had broken up with the BOYFRIEND he'd had for 5 years. It's just a very unmikalike thing to say something so revealing about his private life in that kind of detail. Just wanna check if that's really what was written! :thumb_yello:

  12. It should be her ofc.. just a mistake google translate probably made, i didnt see:thumb_yello:


    But i am not sure what you mean with 'ta' and all your mandarin.. here is a mandarin a fruit


    so you kinda lost me:aah:


    Yep, you're right! But it's also the English way of saying one of the most spoken languages in the world. It's the most common way of speaking Chinese. They call it 汉语 (Han yue).


    Exucuse asking, but are you Danish? Could you translate?

  13. I was just kind of hoping he wasn't gay, I'm not homophobic or anything, just...:wub2:


    Anyway, the 'lost I translation' explanation is plausible. Paloma is referred to as 'his' somewhere. As far as I was aware, Paloma is a girl, so it would be more normal ( and make sense in English) to say 'her'. I don't know Danish, but in mandarin 'ta' can mean he/she, with identical tone and pronunciation. Naturally, mandarin speakers can offend people quite easily when they come to speak English!


    Would it be possible for a native speaker on here to clear this issue up? I.e. yes, it does say boyfriend; no, it's actually girlfriend or dunno, it means lover.

  14. Gatagordinha: "Wand Erection may be a boyband but at least they are young and current and not a sappy Manband like Boyzone were at the time of GIAA. So anything he wrote for them would have to be better than GIAA. But please don't give them one of your good songs, Mika, keep it for yourself :aah:"


    Lol! I personally think 1D ( WE!) are worse. Their formation proves it: they were put together for x factor because they weren't good enough to compete as solo singers.They offer nothing more than a couple of slightly good-looking guys, and 3 very annoying guys. They don't write their own songs, and only one of them plays an instrument ( guitar at beginner level, I think!)

  15. Yuck! Justin Bieber and One Direction? Thought mika was better than that! He might be taking pity on them, and says he would maybe write a song 'for them', not 'with them'- crucial difference!:mikacool:


    I've just read the actual 'interview'. It's a bit pathetic. They were having a conversation , I assume, on loads of different topics.


    Interviewer says 'Do you want to work with 1D or JB? '


    Mika says 'actually, I want to write a song for a boyband. It'd be fun. Oh yeah, I met Justin Beiber once too!'


    Interviewer chooses to write up only this part of the interview. So what? Mika writes for other people ( not only Boyzone) , under different names - in an interview he said that he had a few cover names, one being 'Alice'!

  16. Hmm... Just heard mika's snippet of the album version. Sounds refreshing, somewhat similar to MYH ( although that could be because of the accompanying picture!), but a little shallow. There seems to be something missing from the song ( as with hmdylm and maybe OFB), and lacking any kind of layers.


    IMO , LICM songs were perfectly arranged; TBWKTM had loads of awesome layers, although many were too hidden; but some of TOOL so far seems not layered enough, maybe too simplistic. Having said that, I love The Origin of Love and Underwater is perfect. Guess we'll have to wait and see! :)

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