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Everything posted by flyingkites

  1. Didn't comment this on my last post, but DAMN I'm jealous to whoevers hand that is! And it looks like a guys hand too. Oh I missed you and your ambiguous posts! The more the merrier... Yeah! I mean if I had a fanforum and there was an entire thread dedicated to my butt I'd be flattered! ... Not creeped out at all...
  2. I am. And may I say there's a lot of filthy thoughts in here. That actually brought me back to my childhood. I can't remember how old I was, but I have a memory of seeing Marilyn Manson's video for "The Dope Show" on MTV and I couldn't tell if he was a boy or a girl because he's got boobs in the video etc. From that moment on I knew who he was and was interested in him, but it wasn't until I was 14 that I got into him. I guess it was one of those defining moments in my life that have affected me greatly. Because even though I didn't know if the person was male or female, it didn't bother me. On the contrary, it made him even more interesting. Another one I remember was seeing one of the Star Wars movies when I was little. I always loved C-3PO because I felt like he was gay and he acted so feminine. Of course I didn't know what 'gay' was back then, but I did notice his behaviour. Nas you're such a sweetheart, thank you. I know it's not like I have to change the world and do great things in order to be like that, but I do feel like I need a reason to be noticed by others, because that's what that type of behaviour usually does - you get noticed. And at the moment I feel like I don't have anything like that in me. Same here! I don't know what it is, maybe it's because I'm not a teenager anymore and being gay isn't as "exciting" as it used to be so I don't pay attention to it as much as I used to.
  3. Where have you been?! The butt thread hasn't been the same without you! Your effort was most definitely missed! Oooohh I might force one of my mates to watch it with me too! Thanks for the excellent idea! That's so true! Plus it's kind of a hard quest since his butt is so small you actually have to look for it... Isn't that the theme song of True Blood you just quoted by the way? It's HAWT. Definitely fits Meeks and what I'd like to do to him.
  4. Don't mind if I do! Mika, where are you, I believe your thighs are calling for me...
  5. For some reason that description reminded me of Brian Molko. I used to have a HUGE crush on him when I was like 16, he was one of those people who made me question my identity and sexuality. To me he has the same thing going on as Mika: I don't think of him as a 'man' even though I know very well he is one. Neither of them highlight their gender and neither of them are afraid of breaking the rules or pushing the limits and that's why I admire them so much on a personal level. Teehee, reading that makes me blush. I feel so smart all of a sudden. I'm a silly little girl. I agree. I think of him as 'Mika', the same way I think of Brian as 'Brian' - to me both of them (and people like them) just appear genderless. Usually I note very quickly how a certain person behaves, are they masculine or feminine. Most people fall into either category. But then there are people like Mika and Brian who are spesifically neither and that always amazes me because that's how I feel like sometimes. Sometimes I even wish Mika was more camp and flamboyant - I've always loved those kind of things. I'm so into that whole over-the-top thing, I wish I had the courage to be like that but I feel like I'm not special enough for it, like I've got nothing to say.
  6. Oh yay! I'm glad you liked it, I was a bit worried people wouldn't find it amusing. :aah::wub2:

  7. Well the good news is that when you get the DVD it'll be your friend who delivers it right? Mine will be delivered by an anonymous mailman... So I'll be watching it all alone... No friends for me!
  8. I knew I wasn't the only one who felt this way about him! He is special indeed, and almost too beautiful to be a boy... But it's not just his appearance that gives me that 'vibe'. It's in everything he does. The way he carries himself, his manners, his laughter, his opinions, his voice, his music. And I envy him because of that. It's so natural and comfortable for him. I know it hasn't been like that always, but it is now and that's what matters. I wish that someday I can be as comfortable in my own skin as he is. God, now I know why this thread keeps dying: I'm being a complete buzzkill!
  9. I'm getting mine by the end of this week...
  10. I'm not entirely sure why, but for some reason that made me laugh a bit. I'm glad you're making an effort in revitalizing this thread though! Since this is the gay thread I thought the whole gender identity issue would be suitable here. One of the reasons I love Mika so much is because to me he appears to be genderless. Obviously I know he's a man (and a very hot one as well), but somehow I can't identify him as one. It's not as if he acts so feminine or anything like that, so I don't know why I feel like that about him. I've always been drawn to people like that though - something about the androgynous type has always attracted me. Not necessarily in a sexual way, but I've always felt close to those kind of people and I've found them interesting. Maybe it's because I struggled with my identity a lot when I was younger.
  11. Naughty naughty! Yeah baby! Ahh he looks so slim, I love it! +1... Be it either way, I love this look...
  12. Aww, well I'm glad you sent it now! :teehee: Have a good day tomorrow! Good night! :bye:

  13. Hahah why were you surprised? :teehee: I'm good, thank you! Having some trouble with getting sleep though, luckily I've got a day-off tomorrow...

  14. Why does this thread keep dying? I found an amazing quote some time ago by none other than Mr. Clint Eastwood himself... "These people who are making a big deal out of gay marriage? I don't give a f*** about who wants to get married to anobody else. Why not?! We're making a big deal out of things be shouldn't be making a big deal out of. They go on and on with all this bulls*** about 'sanctity'. Don't give me that sanctity c***! Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want." It's official: he's awesome.
  15. Thanks for befriending! :huglove: How are you?

  16. YAY for pics with underwear showing, they're the best! Though I have to admit that in the second pic where he's wearing the green skinnies I feel like lifting up his boxers, he's almost showing us his crack.
  17. I only now realised that she said "the subject is too small", earlier I understood it in a totally opposite way. Anyways, even if it's a bit small it's a very important subject! I need more pictures too. For the love of all that's good and holy, MORE!
  18. You're more than welcome to join me and Nas in our team. I realize this is a subject that needs to be carefully inspected so I need professionals in my team. Come on people, time is money! Get yourselves busy investigating every inch of Mika's bum!
  19. Well seeing as I AM an expert on this matter, I'd say he most certainly needs two experts for this job! After some very thorough research I've noticed that buttology isn't such an easy subject after all, there are many aspects you have to take into consideration. So this definitely requires the undivided attention of at least two people. We want to be professional, right?
  20. OMG! You can mock me all you want, but think about this... My masters degree in Mika's butterflyology will give me the best job ever! Not to mention the perks!
  21. FINALLY I'm getting some recognition here! Thank you!
  22. No I didn't, I love butterflies and other insects! Please ignore everything I said in the second vlog last night.
  23. Of course it is! I just finished this wonderful book about but... butterflies. Yeah.
  24. That's the burden of being the older one, I guess...
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