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Everything posted by mamiam

  1. SO SO HAPPY with this new MIKA video - his best ever!!! The story and message is very clear, and he's devilish good in this role This takes him to a new level - and yes, they look like siblings, really Well done golden actor MIKA!!! Love,love me
  2. Christine and Nas: Take a look at page 9 and 10 - the 24th on this thread, there you can read what I'm talking about...
  3. Well - I understand I'm not wanted here, because I'm "brave enough" to give you my honest opinions, and tell you what I mean. I'm 61 years, and surely one of the oldest members here - I have two "kids" at MIKAs age, and have been his loyal fan since March -07, even I didn't join MFC till 26.11.11, mostly because I have mixed feelings about fanclubs in general. For me it doesn't feel right to be given the tongue, and spit at, and being told to "keep away from Mika" - just because I ask polite questions, related to the craziness following MIKAs choice about how he wants to use and spend his time! In different ways we're repeatedly told that we're licking his ass - just because we want to show him our love, respect and support!? But to me it seems like some persons from "the old and mighty fanbase" here demand the same from us -if we don't agree with them, we're surely not very popular. And I even feel quilty, it's like: "thank you for the time it's taking, cleaning up the mess I'm making". Some time ago I was surprised, and quite shocked, about "Kodes 100" constant message following comments at Mikasounds: "Stand up against the bullying at MFC" Now I've learned what this means. Poor MIKA - I think he has too many "bosses" here. But if you think you're so important to him, that you can allow yourself to "threathen" him, like in this last post of yours, why don't you ask about a private meeting with him, to sort it all out that way? It's very destroying - both for him and yourself - to spread all this **** via MFC I feel I have two choices: Shut up and be quiet - or quit MFC I will choose the last. But before I leave, I want to thank all the members here, who have been nice and kind - thanks for sharing so much good stuff!! I really loved it all Maybe I'll see you at a MIKA concert one day. I will recognize you because of your photos here, and if so, I'll make contact - cause I'm not shy - or afraid of speaking All the best!! Love,love me
  4. Thanks - exciting - sooo much to look forward to!! Love,love me
  5. I really hope "he's not aware of all the drama around his decisions" - because it's too stupid for words, imo ... Love,love me
  6. Thanks a lot Lucrezia - for always being so quick with your translations! Love,love me
  7. I think I might be one of those Love,love me
  8. Well said - totally agree ! And yes, we'll soon get to know why - I fully trust him, and will continue to follow him with excitement Love,love me
  9. I only follow quality artists, always have done - that's why I've been stuck with MIKA from the day I found him, 09.03.07 - and I don't intend to change it But I have no problem with tolerating that he wants to try out new things , added to writing music, recording and performing:wink2: I'd rather see it as a healthy signal, than go crazy about it:naughty: I'm very sure that "our golden boy" will keep on giving us quality music, and excellent live performances, in the future:blush-anim-cl: Didn't he prove it with his intimate NA tour this month ?! Love,love me
  10. I don't say or advise anything, I you think so, you're twisting it! But everybody who has been following him from the beginning, knows about his talent, skill and quality - he has proved it so many times during the last 6 years, and that might also be a reason why he now wants to do so many different things - he's not insecure anymore, and feels free to do whatever - even more than earlier:blush-anim-cl: Nobody can prevent him from normal changing - how much we should like to keep his freshness from 2007 alive And I'm not upset about it at all, but there are obviously others who are ... Love,love me
  11. I don't think any fan, being active here, tries to get close to MIKA - I assume his fans are far more intelligent than that!! But people have different opinions, and should be allowed to present it here But there are things I really don't understand: When MIKA once told that he couldn't stand X-factor, and shows alike - was that a lifelong opinion which he has to repeat, and stand for!? So he has no right to change his mind? - I think it's normal, and everybody does, from time to time I also have read here several times that some fans think he lies about things Why should his earlier opinions about TV shows etc. suddenly be so deadly serious - that he should be nailed forever? Love,love me
  12. I don't think he will be forgotten just because of these few months in Italy - it's not that dramatic, imo MIKA will take his time with making new music, as he always has done ... Love,love me
  13. Ahh - I see, it's beautiful - tell her that Love,love me
  14. Just a little ? : Do you draw this yourself - now without glasses ? Love,love me
  15. I will not complain - as told before, I'm a very patient fan Love,love me
  16. I do hope it will show up again on YT - it's such a wonderful song, both the CD version, and the live version Love,love me
  17. After all this discussion, I get the feeling that MIKA has signed a contract about the release of a new album, with his fans - and not his record company! Why should we even bother ?! His working schedule is really none of our business, imo Love,love me
  18. Of course you are still in your own, pink cloud! - if it was me, I really would need quite some time to let this special experience sink So just save it in your heart like the treasure it is! And now I'm very excited about this new song! Love,love me
  19. YES - he's so beautiful and charming that it almost hurts, hehe It must have been such an unforgetable day for you, and other real fans, yesterday - having this opportunity to share some time with him Love,love me
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