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Status Updates posted by MelodicFreak

  1. You're very welcome, and I'm glad depression is over with you.

    Yes, it hurts and I'm going to try to talk to people when I'm really depressed, so thank you

    Finn IS very cute alright :) Update me more about him, can you?

    I have two half brothers who have their own families now, and I have a sister who's 4 years younger than me. How about you?

  2. You're very welcome :)

  3. Then we have something in common! We're both MIKA AND Michael Jackson fan :)

    I'm really sorry about what happened. You've recovered from depression now right? I can understand how you feel because I'm also suffering depression. I wish you the best ok? If you ever need someone to talk to, there's me

    MIKA's music always make people happy :P

    Finn's adorable. I hope he's doing just fine.

    I'm still at school, studying grade 10. I'm 16.

  4. Happy birthday :)

  5. Happy birthday :)

  6. Happy birthday :)

  7. Wow, now that I notice, you have the same exact birthday as Michael Jackson! Michael Jackson is my most favorite artist of all time, you see :) MIKA is second :P

    What's your grandson's name? I wish him and your daughter and of course, your whole family, the best!

    And I know you love MIKA :D So, how did you get to know him?

    I love traveling too, even though I can't afford it now, but when I grow up, I SHALL!


    Hmm, about me...

    I'm a Christian in a family of Buddhists.

    I suffer depression and recovering.

    I'm trying to get over someone.

    I love rock music.

    I enjoy reading books, especially thrillers.

    And I love traveling as well as you do!

  8. Ohh, I thought he must have been your favorite YouTuber that you take his username to create your username :P

  9. You're absolutely welcome :)

    We can talk anywhere you want.

    So, tell me a bit about yourself :P

  10. Heehee, I see what you did there :D

    Well, say, we're both sweet. How about that?

    I hope you're enjoying your day too!

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