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Everything posted by maggie112

  1. Some people (all Italian ) posted on Instagram pictures with Mika, who is now on holiday in Greece... he looks pretty relaxed just watching those pics
  2. magari! e magari in venues con le tribune per chi non se la sente di fare le ore in piedi...
  3. siamo in due, anche perché abito in un quartiere di Roma dove ci si mette un sacco a trovare parcheggio, una noia in più!
  4. che cosa mi state ricordando...tornando da un concerto a Capannelle l'anno scorso, ho preso per sbaglio la corsia autobus e taxi... dove ci sono le macchine fotografiche...per miracolo evidentemente quella notte non erano in funzione perchè dopo un anno non mi è ancora arrivato nulla... ma ero convinta di essermene beccata una sicuro!
  5. The point is: making tours (and music) is expensive... someway he had to make money when the record company didn't support him enough, to make his new album, and later a tour (later...and I don't know what later mean this time) I don't appreciate everything he does, I just hope that when he will release new music, it will be exciting enough to make me forget about the waiting. (just my 2 cents) He prefers doing television than (maybe??) doing shows in small venues, that's a fact... ... television gaves him more money than small gigs, of course. And of course we don't know the reason why he prefers doing that, if it's just because he loves having a glamourous life in Paris and Milan, or because it's really just for the music He could have done Intimate Evenings in Europe, I think he could have filled 500-1000 people theatres in Uk with no problems (and personally, I prefer him making music, even if it's not in my country and I can't go to see him, than he being a tv star in my country, but that's just me)
  6. Hi Carol, welcome! I'm from Rome too!
  7. That's the reason why I think it's a pretty strange period to release it (except for Italy and France of course)....by the way, he said that he will release his book in Italy this Autumn too We will se....
  8. oh, I just noticed they have the same long skinny legs
  9. I guess he's doing XF's Home Visit in Sicily this year...I'm wondering where he exactly is, there are many really beautiful places in Sicily
  10. I agree with everything you said. In my opinion,also Origin of Love has a stronger meaning after this chat about his relationship with the Church. What an interesting debate/interview, Fo is amazing!
  11. Vai su USER CP (control panel) sulla barra in alto, poi su Edit your details nella barra a destra, la frase personalizzata (al posto di "Mika groupie") la metti nella barra di "Custom User Title", poi clicchi sul bottone "save changes" in fondo alla pagina per salvare spero di essere stata chiara
  12. posso aiutare anche io per un pezzetto, se c'è bisogno!
  13. many contestants, after passing the audition, run towards the judges to hug and kiss them. Mika didn't interact with the audience that much, he just signed some autographs during the breaks and after the show, but no chatting with fans at all. as Sarah said, too many screaming fangirls who pushed to the barriers as the judges were about to come.
  14. maggie112


    I don't like Italian rap music, so I really don't know almost any songs of his, but after having seen him judging XF yesterday, I have to say that he seems a really nice guy, he was really chatty with the audience, and nice to the contestants.
  15. fosse solo Giovanardi, è la mentalità generale delle persone... anche se lentamente, secondo me, si sta andando avanti, anche da noi sono d'accordo con voi che il pezzo è molto estivo e che almeno in Italia, se promosso, potrebbe avere un suo seguito (ma non penso in altri Paesi non francofoni) tra le altre cose, sono molto curiosa riguardo il progetto a teatro di cui ha parlato nelle radio francesi!
  16. Popular song con Fedez, altro che Ariana
  17. benvenuta Federica!!! e complimenti a Laura per la traduzione! mika per favore,niente versione italiana ,ne duetti con Chiara ne con gli Ape Escape ne con nessuno,merci
  18. I agree with you, but I guess he doesn't use the French words for "he/she" so he can let people guessing
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