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About Presci1108

  • Birthday 01/25/1994


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    New User

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  • Gender
  • Location -
    France's north-east -Pronouns She/her-
  • Occupation
    , Student in zoology, writer (at least I try)
  • Interests
    Mika :)
    Observe wild animals (and photogrphy and filming)
    Writing books
    Playing piano

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  1. 13 years old, it was my age at that time. I had one little brother and one friend. At school, teachers loved me a lot, and promised me a writer's career. Children hated me at least as much, and promised me I would never have a boyfriend, nor a good middle/high school year, because I was ugly, nerd and socially awkward. I knew something was wrong but I didn't have the smallest idea what. A child, it's what I was. 

    One day, my mom made me listen some music from a young artist she just discovered. This music warmed my heart not very used to this kind of sensations.  Why ? How ? I didn't know. The only thing I knew was it was the first time I felt that. Something in me was awaken, and nothing could stop it. 


    I learned to play the piano because it seemed so nice when he played it. When I was paralysed by emotions I didn't even understand, he could make me cry and understands, and feel better. He cheered me up. And each night, when I had nothing else, it was like, each time, each evening, he saved me. 

    Then came my first concert, my first first row, my first meet and greet, my first smile, my first own private instants in concerts. I learned it wasn't always desagreeable when someone looks at you in the eyes. I learned we could feels connected with people we don't know and that "cry from joy" is really a thing. I learned I could travel and survive alone in a crowd... Not only survive, but also feel good. 


    My life, like for everyone else, was full of up and downs, and I made most of it myself. But at each step, he was there. He was there when I passed my final test at high-school, singing at loud  with my mother in the living room. 

    He was here for my baby brother who felt asleep with his songs, because I listened to it so much. 

    At the university, in my new studio of my own, or even after my grand-father or my cousin's funerals... Whetever happens, it's been so long he's here : he's part of my life forever. 


    Now, I'm 28. I have two little brother, a little sister, and also... one or two more friends. I managed to effectively write a book, though I can't say I have a writer's career. I don't have boyfriend, but it's not because I'm ugly, it' just my brain don't know how to fall in love. I know what is this thing I feel in me since I'm little, and there's absolutely nothing wrong. I've grown thought teenage and young adulthood, but what I feel for Mika and his music didn't change since I'm 13. 


    15 years ago, the first week of may, I bought Mika music from Internet. It will always be a special moment of the year for me. 




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