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Everything posted by Presci1108

  1. I really love Jane Birkin, but I'm totally in love ith that acoustic version His lower voice, with those little vibratos, got me each time... Thanks, Eriko !
  2. Love it I wasn't hyped for this song (don't know why, but I just strangely wans't) but really, I love it very much. It's a song everyone can relate to, and extremely joyful in the melody, a song who gives confidence.I think the music really gives an impression of freedom. Typically the knid of things I love to hear when I feel good and want to feel even better. I really love this song, and the lyrics, all.
  3. I started a very long text about all my emotions, but finally, I can't say so much, it would be a total mess. I'm way too moved and grateful for him, he made a wonderful job with those children, he found the best words I could imagine, and I felt at the same time very sad and empathetic AND cheered up and pride of him for that . When it comes to bullying, Mika's story and mine are related in a way it's impossible for me to be clear in my words, since my feelings are not very clear neither, between sadness and reconnaissance. I was at the receiving end of his message as a teenager and I know first hand how his words can help a child. It helped me a lot (like a lot of his fans), in a time where bullying wasn't an issue at all in France and nobody cared about what I lived, as long as I still had good grades, I don't even know who I would be now without him, and I will always be grateful for that. So seeing Mika makes that means a lot for me and probably for a lot of children too. All I can say is all he said made me hurt for him, and also resonated with my past and present. I admire him a lot for being able to speak like that with those children, and very much for what he made about his past... I would want to make a giant hug with Mika and everybody here right now...
  4. Me too. Like, renew the "calypso dance", makes it something new, don' care of the consequences... The two are plausible, in fact. Why it's so hard even for us french ??
  5. Honestly, the lyrics are precisely what stops me to totally fall in love with that song, so I understand what you says, @mellody I feel the same, it's clearly not my kind of lyrics. It's what I was the most afraid of when he announced his french album, the fact I knew there would be lyrics like that and I couldn't ignore it this time because well, it's my language. I tell that, but I'm in the ones who immediately understood "baiser" in the most vulgar way, even if the other signification is also plausible, and the double-meaning, even more plausible...
  6. Funny, because for me, it's the same, for the opposite reason. I'm used to hook at the music (or not), then I discover the lyrics, and if I don't necessarly like so much the lyrics, it doesn't change so much my perception of the song,. There, the lyrics jump into my face (especially for this one ) Exactly what I thought too ! He totally is. No doubt possible I like it better this morning that last night. To be honest, I expected a song on that subject, it was pretty evident, but I didn't expect it to be THAT explicit, and at my first listening, this precise word used to make me get out of the song each time. But this morning, I'm used to it, so it's not the same. For once, I have a lot to say. First, I must admit that even if I love C'est la vie's lyrics way much more, infinitely more, than this one's lyrics, musically, I find apocalypse calypso more rich. I'm totally in love with the pre-chorus. Totally "Tomorrow", and my love for "Tomorrow" is absolute. I like the rest too, it's very sweet, even the chorus, though not really what I expected, I imediately understood the purpose, and liked it. So, yes, the melody, the music, is totally great for my ears. Like it very much. Now, for the lyrics. Usually, in french, the word "baise" is used in some familiar, vulgar way. But it's absolutely not the case here. Even if the lyrics are indeed explicite, it's not vulgar at all, in fact, I'm surprised we can make a song that explicite and that sweet at the same time. Because of the rythm of the music, it even has some "romantic" vibes, that's definitely a love song. This song, for me, is an affirmation to love whoever you want, and even if people says homophobic or other mean things about your love, we're together in that world, and our love is defying even apocalyptic things. The "Quoi qu'ils en pensent, des conséquences", immediately made me think of that, and the reference of some apocalyptic calypso, though not clear in signification, made me think it was definitely the case. For me, it's a little more than a simple love song, but maybe I'm overthinking there. .. Don't know, I immediately understood the song that way. My general opinion is : I like that song, thought I would love it more with different lyrics. But since I will naturally be used to lyrics, it can still grow in me since it reminds me of Tomorrow, who's a favorite of mine. For the moment, I like it, I listen to it in repeat, but it's not one of my favorites. But it has the potential to change...
  7. Like everytime, I'm at the same time very happy, and very anxious for the next album. It's an even more special feeling since I'm french, don't know how the others french feels, but for this one, it's very hard to describe. As for the title, I love it very much, very symbolic indeed.
  8. OK. I told myself this month, I would spend nothing, and I already bought CD and limited edition vinyl (I couldn't resist, I still have nothing signed yet, it will be really nice in the living room of my studio). I really love the notebook too... It would motivate me a lot for my writing projects ! I know. I will try to make someone offers me that for Christmas Oh, and I'm really happy with the stickers too. It's the kind of little extras I really appeciate !
  9. I go, of course. Standing area for this one, like I made in 2015 and then, going home and jumping at Strasbourg in the afternoon... It seems I must not making too much...and then, there's Mika who comes at two cities I live exactly between in two days. Too bad for the "not makes too much" thing
  10. Got my tickets for this one. For once, it will be a seated show for me, since I'm already going in standing area at Nancy, and later, at Luxembourg. But it will be the occasion to share a part of my life with my little brother and sister who come with me, and to discover the same show at different points of view !
  11. So, I didn't take seats for Strasbourg, because I came since the opening of the presale, and realised we couldn't take the first rows ones, and some places in the rows they sell couldn't be taken neither, so I have the hope those ones will be in sale friday... I hope it's the case, we will discuss it with the family, maybe I will change my mind But I already took my Nancy ticket, because why not
  12. Just for you to know : Strasbourg and Nancy, at least, have seated places. Saw thanks to the Spotify presale. Also, the very best places aren't in the presale. Guess Mika doesn't want his fans to be penalized.
  13. OK, I checked, I receive emails from Spotify... like all the six months, or one by year. So I suppose it will work for me since I follow Mika on it, I have Premium, and I'm french, I shouldn't have problems... I really hope so, and I hope you will not have problems neither. We will see tomorrow anyway...
  14. Oh yes, I get you on this, I often had those problems at my first concerts ! Now, I'm used to it and I don't really feel bad during shows anymore. Just before, sometimes, when it's hot. The most important was you made it, and enjoyed it. I'm better now, thank you. Physically, and morally. I concentrate on the future, I'm used to this kind of things, it's the second time already. I don't have other choice than move on to the next occasion and not being too regretful. The fact I know I have other concerts really helps me to feel better !
  15. Well, one word to say, I couldn't make it to Châlons yesterday finally. My autism took me by surprise. I made a violent meltdown just before and understood it was over, because after a meltdown, you basically feels very, very sick and bad. I could'nt run for the first row. I could'nt even be sure I would make it all the day at the waiting without collapsing. All I could make was, rest. Talking with my family, I understood this festival was beyond my limits for different reasons. I was very frustrated and sad all the week end, but now, I feel better (especially since I saw the organisation...) because I told myself there's three other I will make, and this crisis will not stop me to go at the three next ones. I lost a battle, not the war. I will fight against crisis. And see everyone in march. Will start over, everystep, with my parents. And WIN!
  16. You couldn't find me, I couldn't go at the last minute. Yes, it was very, very frustratring I'm autistic, and it seemed waiting all day + hotel + my first in open air + organisation problems I knew about... was too much. But I'm happy you loved it, and for me, it will be Nancy, Strasbourg and Luxembourg next.
  17. Well, even if I obviously don't have the tickets yet, I really want to update my signature with the three other dates I'm planning to make for the 2024 tour. Having 4 dates in my little going section is a dream, and it will only last until tomorrow... :lol3:


    Going : 09/09/23, Châlons ; 09/03/24, Nancy ; 10/03/24, Strasbourg ; 26/03/24, Luxembourg...


    My ancient me, do you see that ?? :cloud: 

  18. Thank you, mellody ! Strasbourg and Luxembourg, I expected it, but Nancy in addition !! I'm at one hour of Nancy and Strasbourg and two from Luxembourg ! I don't even need to travel... I'm so happy !! Though, I hope there will have other dates as well, for the no sprench-speacking countries, especially outside Europe...
  19. edit : My internet connection is pretty capricious tonight, so I didn't see your previous posts about the tour announcement and I saw the one from Mika only like, one hour after it was posted. Tomorrow at 10AM french time !! I still can't believe it ! It means I will make my baggage for a Mika gig AND see when will be my next (at least, I hope...) the same day ! Gosh, I'm gonna explode...
  20. I will be pretty early, because I'm very short too. I don't have the choice But I don't know when exactly, it will depends on the circulation, how we can take the hotel room, and all sort of things... If I dare, I will definitely say hello. I agree, that would be nice if we make some group of lonely fans, if we manage to find ourselves . Well, my father comes at the Foire, but I will be alone at the concert and that's only the second time
  21. I wonder if he will make big venues, since he talked about a "ball", I see that in more intimate, little venues, maybe with a center stage or something... I would love that, but I'm probably totally wrong. Answer in a few days, anyway... That said, all those interviews makes me questionning more than something else. There's songs I'm really curious to hear, like Passager. I really love what he says about his concerts : "all outsiders feels at home", because that's exactly how I feel it : a safe-place where I can be myself without worrying about others, free to have fun, feeling strangely connected with all the other people... And I find that really cool the tour will not be only in France, I hope there will be dates everywhere in the world for all the fans, and it would be great to see people enjoying themselves on french songs everywhere !
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