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Everything posted by Presci1108

  1. I like that snippet ! I really love his lower voice too, and I'm happy if he uses it more.
  2. I'm not directly concerned, but I'm so sorry for all of you... That's really awful to have such a big desappointment. I think I understand how you all feel. It must be awful for Mika too, he doesn't like to cancel concert, so a whole tour... I wonder what could have happened... I hope you will all manage to have fun in Verona anyway, and be together despite all that.
  3. Last night was crazy ! I'm totally high... I will not have the time to make a report later (summer vacations) so I will tell some random feelings I had through the day. I don't have pics, unfortunately. It appeared my phone don't recognize my finger when he's sweaty. So between try to make it function three time before each pic and enjoying the concert to the fullest... the choice was quick. My parents made videos, though. Post its there later. First, I arrived at Colmar around 8a.m and had a beautiful number 15. It started well. I never had such a number at Colmar. Then I waited alone, because like usual I was too shy and socially awkward for tell hi or talk, though I talked a little with some other girls from time to time. I visited the fair some times too, so it wasn't too long. I was in shadow most of the day, so the heat was bearable, fortunately. It was more difficult when we made the queuing under the sun and before the concert. But well, we can endure it for Mika's concert, right ? I didn't regret it one time, though. I had a first row place, just before the piano, "my" spot since my first concert. (Seriously, I'm ALWAYS before the piano, I don't even mak it on purpose, but I don't complain ). This perfect place taken, I felt really tired, and dizzy, like every time before the concert when the stress falls and my body is tired. That's the harder time each time, but I'm used to this moment now, so I didn't panick and tried to think at something else that my spinning head and I looked at the people who came. I played "Where is Waldo" with my parents as Waldos. They decided to come saturday evening, very quickly. They probably had some of the very last tickets since the show was sold out sunday morning. Clara Luciani was nice, a good way to take people in the atmosphere. She had some of her fans, too, fortunately for her, though I liked her performance and participed to it (I know some of her songs, it helps). But of course, I waited Mika more than everything. It was a big joy to see him again, like always, and I found myself jumping like a teenager again. As soon as it started, like magic, I felt wonderfully well and started to dance and sing, forgetting all the world beside him, the music, and the joy. And I never stopped. I will not detail the songs. Everybody knows the setlist, it was the same as for the other concerts of this summer. I didn't listen to the live versions of this tour before, though, for keeping it a surprise, so I discovered a lot of things. All was great, from Yo-Yo I heard for the first time in live (this acoustic intro ), to all the old songs I was happy to hear again like Underwater, (will never have enough of it), Tiny love, love today (always crazy), my dear We are golden, EMD with the fans who could dance on the stage (I hesitated a semi-second too much, but it doesn't make the thing less cool to see and participate at), Happy ending, always wonderful, with a moment who seemed like a snippet of a new song, I guess it's only a new version, but it seemed really new like that... I loved every bit of each moment. I think I never appreciated a concert so much. I mean, I was perfectly aware that was real, I didn't have this feeling of unreality, but I was totally in it, like never before. I guess it will be the case everytime now i'm getting used to see Mika in concert. Before, I thought it couldn't become better than the feeling I had when I found myself make my dreams comes true, but finally, it really becomes better. I'm more aware of what I live, the present moment, have more contact with other fans and Mika. It's the only moments in my life where I can feel insouciant, and thinks only at the present, only at me enjoying the moment, the music in my ears, Mika before my eyes, and the communion we all had, Mika, his audience, and me. Before the concert, I felt so tired I felt like I would die, and now, I felt more alive than ever. I still feel the positive thing about this feeling now. I FEEL more alive than saturday, more than I never was. Strasbourg's gig in 2020 keeps the first place in my heart, essentially because Mika interacted with me a lot, but this one at Colmar was wonderful for me and probably my second favorite... I must say that Mika was really, really in good mood for this concert. He said he was happy to be back here, and honestly, we saw it. He was energetic, playful, and talked a lot. The best thing was the audience was as happy he was there, so it was wild. Normally, people sing on Relax, Elle me dit, and chorus of the other songs, but this time, I had the sensation the 10,000 people were real fans. Seriously, all the theater was crazy, sung and danced continuously. In eight concerts, I never saw an atmosphere like that.Of course, it's probably not the only time there was an audience like that, but it was for me. All the atmosphere became crazy in no time, from the beginning to the end of the concert. Mika had difficulties to quit the stage, there was Yo-Yo remix, all the musicians dancing with Mika who left, came dancing again, and left, and came again, and that three times if I remember correctly. Incredible. Like I said, he talked a lot, often for funny things, but there was also this moment before Elle me dit where he talked about his mother, how it was the first time he came at Colmar without here, and how he wanted to thank her friend from Colmar who was there and who helped him at the moment he lost her... It was the first time I saw him like that before me, so I felt moved. It was like a moment out of time in another moment out of time, sad and beautiful at the same time... I danced and enjoyed myself so much that after the concert, I started to walk like a drunk person. Really. There wasn't any difference between me and the people who enjoyed the party at the fair and who were a little drunk. I just couldn't walk normally, had zero balance, a disaster. I wanted to cry like at the end of every Mika's concerts, but thanks to that, I just laughed, it was so funnily ridiculous... I started to wait for Mika after the concert, but I couldn't wait until the end, because we had too much road. I don't know how to say more, it feels like I didn't say half of what I wanted, my heart is still too moved, happy and full, I can't put my thoughts in order correctly. Maybe that's not even a matter of thinking, only a matter of feeling. I'm not good in that before time, and with summer vacations, I'm short of time. But I wanted to write this report (that's my tradition on this forum after all). So, if I remember other things better, I will add them. Anyway that was GREAT, like always, and I feel the PMD coming... and with it, the desire to go at another show, and another...
  4. Ah, I recognized this statue of Liberty and the landscapes at first eye !
  5. Hi ! I'm back ! I had lost my account because it was registered in my old computer who broke, but I finally found my account again ! I'm happy !!:lol:

    1. silver


      Good to see you back :bye:

    2. Paoletta


      good welcome back with us

  6. 13 years old, it was my age at that time. I had one little brother and one friend. At school, teachers loved me a lot, and promised me a writer's career. Children hated me at least as much, and promised me I would never have a boyfriend, nor a good middle/high school year, because I was ugly, nerd and socially awkward. I knew something was wrong but I didn't have the smallest idea what. A child, it's what I was. 

    One day, my mom made me listen some music from a young artist she just discovered. This music warmed my heart not very used to this kind of sensations.  Why ? How ? I didn't know. The only thing I knew was it was the first time I felt that. Something in me was awaken, and nothing could stop it. 


    I learned to play the piano because it seemed so nice when he played it. When I was paralysed by emotions I didn't even understand, he could make me cry and understands, and feel better. He cheered me up. And each night, when I had nothing else, it was like, each time, each evening, he saved me. 

    Then came my first concert, my first first row, my first meet and greet, my first smile, my first own private instants in concerts. I learned it wasn't always desagreeable when someone looks at you in the eyes. I learned we could feels connected with people we don't know and that "cry from joy" is really a thing. I learned I could travel and survive alone in a crowd... Not only survive, but also feel good. 


    My life, like for everyone else, was full of up and downs, and I made most of it myself. But at each step, he was there. He was there when I passed my final test at high-school, singing at loud  with my mother in the living room. 

    He was here for my baby brother who felt asleep with his songs, because I listened to it so much. 

    At the university, in my new studio of my own, or even after my grand-father or my cousin's funerals... Whetever happens, it's been so long he's here : he's part of my life forever. 


    Now, I'm 28. I have two little brother, a little sister, and also... one or two more friends. I managed to effectively write a book, though I can't say I have a writer's career. I don't have boyfriend, but it's not because I'm ugly, it' just my brain don't know how to fall in love. I know what is this thing I feel in me since I'm little, and there's absolutely nothing wrong. I've grown thought teenage and young adulthood, but what I feel for Mika and his music didn't change since I'm 13. 


    15 years ago, the first week of may, I bought Mika music from Internet. It will always be a special moment of the year for me. 




  7. Finally ! I like this song. I immediately loved the "run, run, run" part and all the second part is great ! At the beginning I was surprised by the urban vibes, and I wasn't especially fan of the first part. But I had the same sensation with "Celebrate" when I heard it the first time, so I knew it would grow in me. And that's the case. Now I'm not surprised anymore, I really love all of the song The song reminds me "China boy", it made me remember when he sang it as Celebrate's intro at Colmar in 2013, though I didn't think of that for a long time. Also I see a little of the instrumental part of the live version of "Love today" from the Revelation Tour in the instrumental part there, not the melody or something, but the vibes (and the fact that's instrumental) I also appreciate the "rock" vibe the instrumental gives me. Though I'm curious to hear the studio version, I think that's really the perfect song for live. That would be nice if I could hear it this summer, though I don't have any illusions on the subject. Also, don't know how to explain it, but even if this song is definitely not at all like "Tiny Love", it gives me the same sensation of "concept song". Like, I saw the "Tiny love" melody like if I felt all nuances of love in it, there, I really feels the frantic, though sometimes dull, "modern times" in the melody and the music. It feels like there's the sang lyrics, but we understand the lyrics without actually know its though the piano. It's hard to explain, because well, what I say is what music is, but I feel it's somehow different and more explicit there, like it was in "Tiny love", at least from my feelings.
  8. Yes, same thought, Clara Luciani is so popular right now. I already bought mine, because why not ? It's good to have something good to wait for. By the way, I waited that for months. Thats THE date I wanted more than any other, because I'm at 2 hours from Colmar. The time I was desperate each new date was too away for my limited capacities is finally over Of course I'm going !
  9. YEEEEEES !!!!! I waited that announcement for months. Finally I can go !!
  10. So Mika plans to tour the rest of Europe, does it means we will have more tour dates ? That's what I wanted to hear. Before, I used to go every two years or so, but it seems I'm very rapidly used to see him at least every year now, and I would love this habit to continue Oh, and I love the song's snippet, though it's hard to judge on this little piece ! I feel very well just after hearing 10 sec.
  11. In theory, I think we must It explains the legal obligations on wikipedia (well, I know it's not always right, but it seems it is in that case). It seems the "dépot légal" is an obligation, and also the protection of youth commission's approval when it's a book for children and teenagers. Auto-édition — Wikipédia (wikipedia.org) (that explains pretty much why I self published, too...) In the facts, I'm not sure every auto-published authors make it,especially since we don't sell much, but I think it's better, like that we can prove we're the author and if we start to have some readers, we're sure we will not have problems in the future. Anyway, I don't know if it's the same on amazon (or maybe they make it automatically ?) ... that's strange they didn't explain that... When I self published mine, there was some explanations on this subject... It's how I knew.
  12. Ha ha, me too ! I thought I was the only one ! In fact, it's simply a legal obligation. As soon as you publish or auto-publish a book you plan to sell in France, beside your family/friends, you have the obligation to register at the national library. I auto-published one (because I can be quite stubborn when I want and I simply wanted to make all on my own), so I had to register as author at the national library, with my book. I have an ID as a writer and people can find me, though, it doesn't change anything for me until I can win my money with its, and that's not the case at all (an as soon as I'm afraid, it will not be the case). That's why I'm "already a writer" in theory, but in reality... I still have a long way to go !
  13. You know, I'm not so sure anymore I can. Specialised agencies cost a lot of money, and without, I think it's simply impossible. That's way too hard for me. I don't abandon, but yet, I think I will know if I can go only some moments before, so I will stop to pollute the thread. Anyway, in any case, I hope the poeple who are sure they can go have their tickets monday, because that sounds really great !
  14. So good idea ! I'm in it ! In theory I'm already a writer, I'm registered at France's national library. The problem is, it's only theory, and it will probably be the case for a long time ! I feel like I will enjoy myself here, though
  15. Yes, I definitely think I will. I always hesitate because I'm not independant but I just saw there was travel agencies just for the people who have an handicap who help us travel and feel good... Sounds nice !
  16. What happens in me at that exact time is something like this : My heart : Oh gosh, I want to go. My brain : But you've only a few days to decide, you hate that My heart : Still. I want to go. My brain : There will probably be other dates, don't hurry. My heart : You don't know. My brain : Yeah, but you, you know your family will kill you if you take them in unwanted week-end AGAIN, right ? My heart : I WANT TO GO !! I don't listen to you anymore More seriously, the concept sounds amazing, I never went at small venues yet (excepted for the symphonic), and I die to see him again. Honestly, I find it strange to be only in Italy, I'm nearly certain there will be other dates in other contries -maybe where I live BUT ! We never know with Mika and I would be sad if I miss that. So... at the second I saw that announcement, I thought my decision was already took. So, I think I will take a look at the fans' presale monday and maybe I will take one sitting ticket, like that, I know I have one. I will see after if there's something else nearer and if not, how I can make it to Milan... And if I can't, I suppose someone there would be happy to have a ticket when it's sold out... I will definitely see monday and decide then... what I usually never make, but for Mika, I could make nearly anything I guess... Seems like I finally have wings...
  17. Ah I feel less alone ! Being two idiots is better than being the only one !
  18. I just can't wait to see it ! It's like a chrismas present. I still think so much of that concert, that week-end, so wonderful for me, I still remember it at the evening. I want to hear it again, I want to see my memories come again, re-live it, hear the songs again in high quality, and feel the emotions like when I was there (and maybe even better, since I was totally stunned by what I lived I just couldn't realise it was real). I can't wait It's my first time seeing a concert where I was at TV... Well, now I think of it, I don't know if that's so good. I really hope they didn't film the audience so much. If you see an idiot at the third row balancing herself because she just don't know how to sit even in daily life, so at a Mika's concert, just forget it... It's me.
  19. -10°... Ok, so now, I know I would be dead if I was there. I already thought I would die in queuing at Luxemburg last year and it was 18° more Doesn't seem to be a problem for Mika, though Joke aside, it's very, very good to see Mika perform "normally" again, and with so much people...
  20. Yes ! That's so great ! Maybe we will FINALLY dream and plan again for a whole tour !
  21. I don't close the door at this one, if there's nothing nearer... But it's not my priority. Will wait and see...
  22. Sounds good ! Sounds VERY good ! (don't plan to go, though, it's too away for me but it feels good just to dreaming again... )
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