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Everything posted by Sherlocked

  1. This is such a wonderful news, I'm really happy for him and for his family! A baby boy
  2. Just a question: what does "ta gueule" mean? Is it offensive or a joke? my French is not improving much, I'm afraid.
  3. Nope, not in a taxi.. but my friend was mugged when we were there, and I got really scared that day. Still, I guess that if one sticks to the centre of the city, things are probably better.
  4. Ciao Mari! Si, sono su facebook. Vuoi aggiungermi? Il mio profilo è questo: https://www.facebook.com/federica.sagone.9?fref=ts

  5. I second that... I've had some bad experiences the last time I was in Naples, but I'm trying to see if I can organize a trip for that day, I'd love to be there. Let's see...
  6. Io spero di riuscire ad andare a Napoli, non è tanto distante... Solo che dovrei proprio organizzarmi, agenda alla mano e amici al telefono, per vedere se sarà davvero fattibile. Speriamo!
  7. I have found this video but it's not available for my country... Could someone put it somewhere so that I can watch it, please? http://videos.tf1.fr/the-voice/coulisses/garou-et-mika-se-chamaillent-en-coulisses-8402610.html
  8. Well, the first two pictures were the pictures of a rehearsal before one of the live shows. At the moment I can't remember precisely when it was, though. Talking about the outfits of the final, it's true that she only performed twice, and the outfit in the last picture was one that she wore only for her introduction on stage at the beginning of the show, together with the other contestants. Then she went backstage and changed her clothes to the other outfits you posted, if I'm not wrong.
  9. Grazie mille per il resoconto, Simona! mi piace sempre tanto leggere i pareri di chi era in studio, perchè sicuramente ci sono tante cose che, a guardare la trasmissione da casa, sfuggono o non vengono inquadrate.
  10. Thank you so much for this report, I was actually waiting to hear from the people who went to the live show yesterday From what I've seen he looked really quiet compared to the previous shows. Also, and please correct me if you saw something different, it seemed to me that he didn't interact much with the other coachs. I'm sure he will be fine next week, though.
  11. I can't say I'm 100% ok with this, but I guess it's going to be fine. At this point, I'm waiting to see who the other judges are going to be, and I'm hoping that a friend of mine, who's going to the castings, is going to make it. She has an amazing voice.
  12. Welcome I was really moved by your introduction, and don't worry about your English. Personally, I had no problem understanding what you wrote You'll have fun here
  13. Thank you soooooo much :wub2: this is really useful for me, together with the translation. I can't thank you enough!
  14. Thank you so much for the reports, I always love reading them. I'm sorry to hear that Mika wasn't feeling well, I didn't know that.
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