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Posts posted by Lorlore

  1. @mellody  @Anna Ko Kolkowska  we’ll  show the rainbow sheets in Perugia probably at the second song , that 's for sure .  We were even talking about the pink sheets in Cattolica but then no one spoke about it again.  Tonight I heard  that various groups plan to show gadgets and rainbow flags at all gigs , so I don't know if pink sheets can be accepted and liked .  I hope I was clear .

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  2. @Simona Scorza leggo vari post in cui ovunque si alzeranno foglio o gadget arcobaleno . Quindi mi sa che la cosa dei fogli  rosa viene meno anche perché dicono che probabilmente Mika neanche  sa cosa sia la notte rosa . Per quello che riguarda Perugia abbiamo circa 400 fogli più chi se li stamperà e i linea di massima prima alzata o alla seconda canzone  così non ci si sbaglia o GG o BB o GK

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  3. for Cattolica I saw pink sheets on Amazon. I think I will buy 500. In each we can
    write what Mika represents. For Perigia I have found a site that prints with acceptable prices. I'm ordering 200. If you help me spread the word in the various groups and publish the PDF that everyone can print, something nice could come up




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  4. we can try .  My idea was to print a number of sheets and publish the pdf on the social networks of the various groups so that anyone who wants can directly print their copy.  My printer is black and white, is there anyone who can test if the PDF image is fine?

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  5. 12 minutes ago, holdingyourdrink said:

    Oh I love this, he should definitely make the setlist as proud as possible!!! I love the idea of supporting him with that with a fanaction, so I will do whatever you all say I have to do :thumb_yello:

    I think to make it really simple for everyone we could put the photo of the rainbow flag on mobiles and iPads and show it if it sings GG or BB.  Simple, economical and ecological

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  6. @SilviaM scrivo in Italiano perchè penso tu sia Italiana . La mia idea dei fogli arcobaleno era nata perchè a Bristol ho parlato con Mika dicendogli che in Italia come sa la situazione per i diritti civili è pessima per cui sarebbe bello cantasse Bolly Brown , GG lui è stato contento ha detto che è una buona idea e lo farà. Io ho tentato di spargere la voce ma non ho visto un grande interesse. Comunque si sarò a Perugia 

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  7. Dopo l’enorme successo dei fiori  a Bristol stavo pensando a cosa si potrebbe fare per il primo concerto Italiano di Mika. Purtroppo il tempo è pochissimo , c’è qualcuno che possa lanciare una idea semplice e che richieda poche risorse ? si era pensato ad un foglio con colori arcobaleno da esibire alla seconda canzone . Pensate sia una idea troppo semplice  o fattibile ? Qualcuno ha qualche idea migliore ?


    After the huge success of the flowers in Bristol I was thinking about what could be done for Mika's first Italian concert.  Unfortunately time is very little, is there anyone who can launch a simple idea that requires few resources?  we had thought of a sheet with rainbow colors to be shown at the second song.  Do you think it's too simple or feasible idea?  Does anyone have any better ideas?



    Edit by mellody:


    Fan action CATTOLICA:

    Pink balloons for the beginning of the gig (first song)


    Fan action PERUGIA:

    Rainbow sheets for the 2nd song / Origin of Love (hopefully) ... plus hold them up again if Mika plays Good Guys and/or Billy Brown.


    In addition you can bring rainbow gadgets, which also can be used for the 2nd song / Origin of Love (and GG/BB), at both gigs.

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