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zia Giovi

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Everything posted by zia Giovi

  1. Marilyn, thanks for sharing your experience. I guess yours is a difficult disease to handle, because it has a strong impact on your social life. Nowadays it's easier to have a diagnosis and to get in touch with other people suffering from the same desease, but I think it must have been scary for you going to school and not recognizing your own classmates nor teachers, not to speak about picking up your son when he was a toddler. But it's a good thing that you are able to speak about your situation in such a calm way, you're really an amazing woman! Francesca, what an original choice for your thesis! May I ask you if you have chosen this subject because of a personal interest or if your professor have given you a hint? I'm not into medicine, but if you think I can help you someway... Don't know how, I don't even know if this going to be a clinical or a bibliographic study but you never know... Anyway I get from your description you are completing your master degree, am I wrong? Knowledge is the only way out, it's always sad thinking about how many people have been deeply damaged in the past because of a general, deep ignorance (along with insensitiveness, in most of the cases)
  2. Problemi non credo, è che è passato molto tempo e magari adesso ci sono altri interessi più recenti. La registrazione è di mio marito, direi... però siamo in comunione dei beni :teehee:, anzi mi sbilancerei a dire che l'ha fatta per me. Solo che se la carico per intero e se ne accorge... potrebbe non essere molto contento, direi che è abbastanza geloso delle sue cose. Quindi adesso devo "spezzettare" il file, ed è un'operazione che non ho mai fatto. Vediamo cosa ne viene fuori.

  3. Cara Roberta,

    chiedo anche ate la stessa cosa che ho chiesto a Marina: la settimana scorsa sono finalmente riuscita a mettere le mani sulla registrazione audio del concerto di Padova del 2012 (se lasciavo fare a mio marito aspettavamo il 2020...). Pensi che qualcuno sia ancora interessato se carico qualche canzone? Buona giornata, Giovanna

  4. Cara Marina,

    ti chiedo un consiglio: giorni fa sono finalmente riuscita a mettere le mani sulla registrazione audio del concerto di Padova del 2012 (se lasciavo fare a mio marito aspettavamo il 2020...). Pensi che qualcuno sia ancora interessato se carico qualche canzone? Grazie infinite, Giovanna

  5. In the examples above you have two verbs, indeed (even if the sentence is one!): "hai voglia" di "mangiare" (quelle cose) non mi "piace" "comprare" (quegli oggetti) now you drop the final "E" of the infinitive verb and you add the pronoun "hai voglia" di "mangiarLE" non mi "piace" "comprarLI" The pronoun (LE or LI) simply replaces an explicit direct object (QUELLE COSE or QUEGLI OGGETTI). My suggestion is that when you find a verbal predicate made by two verbs, you try to ask you this question "is it possible to replace the direct object with a pronoun"? If it's possible, you drop the final "E" of the infinitive verb and you add the pronoun (choosing the right one according to gender and number!) I remind you that a lot of verbs (called in Italian "verbi servili" or "verbi modali" or "verbi fraseologici") ALWAYS have an infinitive verb after the personal verb: the main ones are DOVERE, POTERE, VOLERE, SAPERE and for these ones you can apply the rule of the clitic pronoun instead of the direct object In general, you can consider "servili" all the verbal forms meaning duty (DOVERE), power or capability (POTERE), will (VOLERE), knowledge (SAPERE) In the examples above, "hai voglia" is equal to "VUOI" (volere), and "non mi piace" is equal to "non VOGLIO" (VOLERE) You are right, some words have more than one function: in this case "gli" and "lo" can be both articles and pronouns (and clitic pronouns, sometimes). Let's say that when "gli" or "lo" are followed by a noun they are articles (gli sposi sono felici), if they are followed by a verb (gli dico di sì) or they close the whole sentence (non è una cosa da dirgli), then they are pronouns. Sometimes the spelling can help you: some words have a different spelling according to their function ("la" is an article, "là" is an adverb, "se" is a conjunction, "sè" is a pronoun, "da" is a preposition, "dà" is a verb at present tense, "da'" is a verb at imperative tense, "fa" is a noun, "fa'" is a verb), but probably I'm going too far!
  6. maybe the vote has been reopened: I've spotted Michele Bravi in some categories, I'm not sure he was there a few months ago Honestly I don't think this is good sign: I live in Italy and I don't hear Michele Bravi on the radio, nor see him playing live. Does he really deserve to be voted for the WMA??? Anyway, considering that in some categories Mika is listed twice or more, do you think we should concentrate our votes on one specific nomination per category?
  7. my first suggestion is: don't panic! Sometimes you use these pronouns because some verbs requires them: Italian has loads of verbs called "riflessivi" and when you use one of these verbs you must build the sentence using pronouns, otherwise the whole sentence has no meaning or has a completely different meaning. Otherwise, pronouns simply replace other complements. Just think about this: when you speak, don't you speak to someone? In Italian you build the same sentence you'd use in English: I speak to Bob = Io parlo a Bob If you have already mentioned Bob in the previous sentence, don't you say "I speak to him"? In Italian you do the same, you say "gli parlo". So "gli" is a pronoun you use instead of saying "a Bob". The same rule works with other verbs, depending on their meaning: each time you need to add a complement in order to give a sense to your sentence, you can replace the complement with a pronoun. With some verbs you can add the pronoun to the verb: this works for the "imperative" and the "infinitive" tense, you can not use a clitic pronoun on a future tense. So when you ask someone to speak to Bob, this in Italian becomes "Parla a Bob", or otherwise "parlaGLI". Unless you say "I asked him to speak to Bob", which becomes "Gli ho chiesto di parlare a Bob" or "Gli ho chiesto di parlarGLI". Anyway, it will all become clearer with practice: you cannot learn by heart how to build the right sentence for all the verbs listed in the dictionary!
  8. I have voted today and I'll try to vote again in the next days, even if I think Mika has no chances to win. Are these World Music Awards based on sales, on web votes only or on the combination of the two? The most important thing is that voting rules are clear: apparently the Radio Disney Awards were partially based on sales, but none of us was aware of this condition. I can understand that lots of people were disappointed by the final result after speding hours voting: knowing that the awards were based on sales would have saved a lot of time and efforts, we clearly can not be compared to Swift's fanbase
  9. The choice of the right pronoun depends on its position within the sentence and on its logic function. Sometimes you can use the preposition "A" + the pronoun "ME" or "TE" instead of using "MI" o "TI" A me piace la pizza = MI piace la pizza A te piace la pizza = TI piace la pizza Dillo a me = dimmelo (in this case "MI" becomes "ME" in order to have a better sound within the verbal form) Of course the same rule is valid for the other pronouns "noi" "voi" and so on. You can also add two pronouns to one verb only as in the DIMMELO example above: di' (impreative verb) + me (personal pronoun) + lo (pronoun = questa cosa) We NEVER EVER use at the same time "a me" + "mi" as they do in Spanish A me mi piace la pizza is absolutely forbidden!!! I don't know if this helps you, now you've probably even more confusing ideas If you have a practical example I'll try to help you
  10. I've just finished Agassi's Open and now I plan to read again Italo Svevo's Zeno's consciousness Unfortunately I am very fast when it comes to buy books, but I seldom have time to read them right away: the result is that I loose interest in what I've at home and keep buying new stuff. Now I'm trying to buy e-books instead of paper books (no more room left at home...) but my tastes are probably peculiar and it's quite difficult for me to find what I want in electronic format although I agree I must admit that I've never read any of Moccia's novels
  11. Marylin, I prefer not to post this info in the "Facebook and Twitter updates" thread, but last weekend an Italian fan joint the forum again after a period of vacancy, and she was very nasty. Her posts are public but they are in Italian, so probably a few people have understood what was going on, and at least one post was removed.

    I don't know if the official "be good one to each other" message posted today is related to this, but I immediately thought it was directed to her.

    I'm sure no one can complain about you!

  12. Marilyn, I have no idea what's going on with Facebook and Twitter but I'm 100% sure you did nothing wrong. Sometimes discussions can get heated but it's not your fault, nor any other specific person's fault: it's sad to read that a friend disappointed you, but there are many people here and as a matter of fact there will always be someone who isn't able to express his/her feelings in a proper way As long as the bigger part of the people here are kind and polite this is still a good place to be a part of!
  13. È e sarà sempre la stessa storia: ognuno si diverte come può...

  14. Personalmente sono piuttosto tranquilla, mi dispiacerebbe però che questo posto diventasse meno vivibile. Ma come ti dicevo, temo che nei grandi numeri la presenza di qualche soggetto "particolare" sia inevitabile!

  15. A professional teacher! It's a relief for me, I'm not so confident in my teaching skills when it comes to explain Italian grammar in English. It always sounds me like I'm saying something weird when I translate Italian grammar terms into English
  16. Il messaggio delirante è in italiano in un thread aperto, quindi per fortuna lo possono capire in pochi.

    Mi preoccupa un po' imbattermi in una stalker...

  17. Non so bene quanto abbiano sistemato la situazione, ieri ho visto un post preoccupante nel thread "send a message to Mika"

    Ma presto o tardi sarebbe successo, che tra tante persone ce ne sia qualcuna un po' "particolare" è un fatto statistico ed è quello che mi ha sempre fatto stare lontano dai social network

  18. Ora io non so se quel post cancellato fosse riferito a una persona particolare, ho visto che tu hai risposto, comunque mi dispiace. Sono contraria per principio a un certo tipo di linguaggio in questa sede. Poi tra amici, in una conversazione vis a vis, è un'altra cosa, ma qui questo comportamento non è tollerabile :huglove:

  19. Magari potessi, tesoro! Troppo lontano e troppo costoso per me. Spero che vi divertiate, poi ci dovrete raccontare tutto!
  20. Devo essermi persa qualche passaggio...
  21. Ed eri alle superiori?!?!? Le intenzioni non contano, altrimenti saremmo tutti in galera Una certa dose di ironia e di distacco servirebbe in ogni circostanza, ovviamente senza ferire i sentimenti degli altri. Quando leggo o sento le storielle sull'albero di Natale o sulla paura dell'acqua mi faccio quattro grasse risate, però non metterei mai in questione la sofferenza che Mika deve aver provato per l'insuccesso scolastico o per il bullismo, al di là del fatto che si tratti di un disagio grave o di episodi entro certi limiti fisiologici in un contesto scolastico. Forse sembrerà strano, ma io sono una persona dannatamente seria. E' che quando sono qui in questo forum lo faccio per condividere una mia passione, per incontrare altre persone, per passare un po' di tempo in maniera costruttiva. Non mi aspetto che Mika risolva i miei problemi, o che colmi le mie lacune affettive... Esorcizzo tutto questo con un po' di ironia, e mi sembra cosa buona e giusta che in questo thread riusciamo a farlo (posso dire a differenza che in altri?) E dire che prima di iscrivermi questo thread non lo leggevo mai.. EVVIVA NOI!
  22. Il nostro uomo sostiene di aver portato a scuola un albero di Natale, trascinandolo per il corridoio, perchè quello che c'era non gli piaceva. Ha quindi segnato il proprio percorso con aghi, terra, eccetera (pensa, un novello pollicino: non sei commossa?) ed è stato punito non ricordo bene come. Le mie conclusioni? Fai tu
  23. I wanna be a butterfly too! A butterfly storm will fly to Montreal next February Congratulazioni per il tuo italiano! Sorry to break the bad news, butterflies care what preposition they are attached to depending on the sentence structure, just as any other term e.g.: Mi piace fare foto alle farfalle - Ho paura delle farfalle - Non mettere il sale nelle farfalle ("farfalle" is a type of pasta) Never mind, it all will come easier with time. And keep asking, if you think we can help you!
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