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zia Giovi

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Everything posted by zia Giovi

  1. You can try to read Morgan's http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_(cantante) and Bluevertigo's http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluvertigowikipedia page and this is Morgan's official website http://www.inartemorgan.it/ All this stuff is in Italian, I'm not sure if it's helpful but if you find something interesting I can help you with the translation
  2. Ciao Vivi, I love your name!
  3. A hard task indeed, finding the MFCers living in that specific area I'm happy for the fans abroad having the chance to join this happening, I cannot complain after all because we have enough Mika in Italy. So, Deb, thanks again! Even if you weren't there you made happy a lot of fans, and this pays off your efforts at least partially The Italian ones were awful to say the least: I'm fine with him doing commercials as long as he sings his own songs (and doesn't make a fool of himself babbling nonsense words dressed up in a cheap carnival suit) or as long as his songs are used as background music. It's not hard to do something better, I'd say it's difficult to do something worse
  4. In realtà a mio marito piaceva Mika, prima di vederselo ovunque... e gli piace ancora abbastanza da regalarmi più o meno qualsiasi cosa gli capiti a tiro dove ci sia scritto "Mika", anche se ovviamente non lo ammetterebbe mai Ha solo bisogno di disintossicarsi, prima doveva sorbirsi un CD o un DVD nuovo a intervalli lunghi, invece l'anno scorso è stato un po' pesante per lui: "grazie" a X Factor la mia fissa è stata contagiata a tutti i membri della famiglia. In realtà non è geloso di me, ma delle mie nipoti
  5. I think the Barry Lyndon reference fits better to the duel scene, actually. And I'm not a movie buff but the black and white part with the blonde woman smoking reminds me of Humphrey Bogart movies. I don't know why, maybe i'm completely wrong. And about The Good, the bad and the ugly: I've never watched that movie, but the set is the same and is even open to tourists. Loads of movies were shot there in the 70s, and the set is still used for ADs, TV series and music videos so it has obviously underwent a lot of changes, but when I was there with my husband he was able recognize those places. I think he took pictures of every single grain of sand
  6. Mio marito è appassionato di cinema in generale, ma di Sergio Leone e Stanley Kubrick in particolare. Abbiamo anche visitato i set in Andalusia dove sono stati girati i cosiddetti spaghetti western (e adesso il video di Boum Boum boum), qualche anno fa... Ma credo che dirgli "adesso per favore siediti e dimmi quali scene stai rivedendo" non funzionerebbe, a volte è un po' geloso
  7. Era un bel po' che non passavo di qui! Ciao a tutte, e benvenute Capisco bene cosa vuol dire essere incomprese nella propria passione, ma non siete sole! Marcella, se riesco "casualmente" a far vedere il video di Boum boum boum a mio marito ti riesco a dire anche il minuto e il secondo esatto delle scene di Il bello, il brutto e il cattivo e di Barry Lyndon (ci dovrebbe essere il duello, adesso che ci penso bene). Non nutro molte speranze su 007 e Humprey Bogart
  8. Ciao Marcella! Non c'è problema, figurati!

  9. at the beginning the cowboy-dressed Mika is in a graveyard, and that's for sure a reference to "The good, the bad, the ugly". When he's leaning against the tree holding the girl he's probably recalling "Barry Lyndon", but I'm not sure if there's a specific scene showing the same situation. And I'm not going to watch Barry Lyndon again just to check, that movie lasts three hours and something! Never watched a James Bond movie, so I stop here
  10. Mika was wearing that jacket in Bologna, I'd say the pictures was taken the 7th of June. But it's quite funny cause I was there and I cannot recall this
  11. This is what I heard him saying during years and this is probably the main reason why it's so difficult to me to accept his side projects, above all the TV shows and ADs. But I'm not saying he's not good at whatever he does.
  12. This is turning into a new "Mika career choices" thread... Anyway, I agree with both of you but my personal feeling is that many fans not only dislike his side projects, but also keep questioning the quality of these let's say fundraising activities. I value the fact that he decided to describe his situation by explicit and fair words, but he's still wasting his talent. I won't add more because I think that my opinion is pretty clear, I hope that we'll get new music, good music within a not too long timeframe
  13. I deeply respect religious feelings whenever they are real, but I absolutely cannot stand the idea of someone else telling me what's right or wrong in my life. I understand every single word you say: I come from a working class family and my parents were determined to give my sister and me a good instruction because they didn't want us to be underestimated or isolated as they felt they were I think that most of the priests in the parishes are tolerant, because they are used to live among real people with a real life and actual problems, but I'm not sure this makes things easier for some categories (be it gay or divorced people, or women) because they may perceive tolerance as personal attitude by a specific person while institutions still neglect them
  14. I was on holiday last week, and I was able to watch the whole Dario Fo-Mika conversation only yesterday. I’m still moved by Mika’s statement about not being religious “because of who I am”: I think he’s still struggling between his need to be accepted and loved and his awareness of Catholic Church rules. Now, I’m not religious but I’ve been raised in a Catholic environment and I think it’s really sad that (a lot of) priests still focus such a big part of their energies on people’s sexual behaviours (not only against gays, if you just think about the birth control or the AIDS exposure issues but I could add more topics), while the core of Christ’s message is just to love each other, not to judge and remind that every human being is created as an image of God itself. It really makes me sad seeing a young guy, who is in love and has a stable relationship, who feels rejected because he’s not compliant to religious rules totally created by men. I don’t know exactly if the Bible and the Gospel openly speak about homosexuality as a sin, but as matter of fact the Scripture are written by men and are full of outdated notions. If we are meant to read about Adam and Eve as a rhetorical tale, then I feel authorized to give a new interpretation on all the statements about sex. Not to mention all the situations within the Bible itself which are clearly not allowed by the Church teaching (Jacob giving birth to a son with a housemaid, Loth sleeping with his daughters and probably other more that I cannot recall at the moment). I hope Mika eventually gets rid of his burdens, he has nothing to be ashamed of and he deserves to be at ease with his own nature. And his partner deserves to enjoy a happy and free relationship as well. Unfortunately the situation in Italy is far more complicated because of the Vatican and also because people tend to mix religion to national identity. I was in Assisi and then in La Verna last week and I bet poor Francis would not be happy of today's economic exploitation on his life and teachings. His message has been completely distorted
  15. Ciao! Benvenuta! :flowers2:

  16. Mario Venuti, Recidivo. It's the title track of his 2009 album but I'm not sure it was a single.
  17. Asking someone to sign a non official biography is at least impolite. Anyway his Italian, both unauthorized, biographies are a total cr*p (although one has good pictures), so I think it's normal that he accepted to write something official when asked by a well renowned publishing house. I'm not sure he's going to tell something new and totally truthful , but at least he can take advantage of his fame and control the information flow.
  18. I'm not fond of TV series, but my colleagues used to say that "Tutti pazzi per amore" is quite good. Another option, inspired by Mika himself, is "Don Matteo". Now Mika shot his new video in Almeria and mentioned Sergio Leone. Don Matteo's leading man (Terence Hill) shot a load of spaghetti western movies in Almeria in the 70s. Among these not very deep screenplays there's also "My name is nobody", written and partially directed by Leone.
  19. TV shows may be enterteining but poeple there don't speak a correct Italian. At least non for a student who's going to have exams. If you have at home any movie you like with Italian audio I'd suggest you to begin with whatever you have at home and you like. If you like cartoons, there a few Italian ones I really love by Enzo D'alò: La freccia azzurra (based on a Gianni Rodari novel), La Gabbianella e il Gatto (based on a Luis Sepulveda novel), Momo (based on a Michael Ende novel). We also have older cartoons by Bruno Bozzetto (Allegro non troppo, Vip mio fratello superuomo, il Signor Rossi) but they are meant for adult audience and are therefore probably more difficult to understand for non native speakers. You could try also with the Academy Awards winning movies: Mediterraneo (director: Gabriele Salvatores), La vita è bella (director: Roberto Benigni), Nuovo cinema paradiso (director: Giuseppe Tornatore). I don't mention La grande bellezza because I've not watched it
  20. Il grano ce lo possiamo scordare, mi accontenterei di un bel concerto acustico in un bel teatro: in questo caso ci sto Ovviamente tradurre un libro intero è un'opera immane e non sarebbe possibile anche per via dei diritti, però non sono sicura che l'uscita sarà universale e in contemporanea: in questo caso immagino che sarebbe gentile mettere a disposizione la nostra manodopera per le parti più interessanti (o per il senso generale) Se dovesse essere una biografia, sarà senz'altro migliore di quelle in commercio, se dovesse essere un romanzo... ho buone prospettive! Almeno adesso può anche supervisionare la traduzione ed evitare lo scempio che facevano regolarmente su XL. Di romanzi ne hanno scritti Francesco Renga, Mietta, Jovanotti, Max Pezzali e non so chi altri, quindi Mika è titolatissimo per farlo, e Rizzoli è un editore di prestigio Vi saluto perchè mi aspettano giorni intensi e sto scrivendo cose troppo sensate, non è da me
  21. Oh! Great news! The whole world has written a book, and only a few people have something to say. Now it's time to do the other way round
  22. Roberta IS a teacher! grazie Prof! Reading your words is like eating a grammar madeleine, now I'll spend my evening with a complemento oggetto interno
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