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zia Giovi

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Everything posted by zia Giovi

  1. I am not furious, probably because I somehow expected a new X Factor season, but I do politely say that he's wasting his talent (even if he's probably earning a lot of money). And I dare adding that those horrific ADs do not show his artistic skills in anyway Only my personal opinions, of course, and I am fully aware that complaining isn't going to affect Mika's choices
  2. Stai parlando con una che quanto a fantasia... alla fine sei andata ieri a incontrare le altre ragazze?

  3. Thank you, girls, for sharing your time and your feelings through your reports. You are really super, I mean, I'd probably be nerve-wracked after hours of driving around, no food and being almost kidnapped by the TV studio security. I'm sure I'd have no energies left for trying to approach the man himself, not to mention having a chat with him! May I count on your help in case we meet at a concert? TV shows are not apocalypse for sure but I still hope one day they'll be over and we'll have a musician back at his main job, and I'd really love to meet him (possibly without making a fool of myself )
  4. Per ora non ho né twitter né facebook, non sono un'amante delle tecnologie! Nel caso specifico di Cattelan ero fuori x limiti di età, ma speravo in qualche concerto estivo, invece pare che non se né farà nulla. A the voice non provo neanche, rischierei il divorzio... Già ogni volta che passa 1 spot della 3 mi devo sorbire tutta una serie di commenti che ti risparmio. Cmq se vai meglio la mia e-mail è gioviper@libero.it

  5. They request a specific age, a specific dress code and specific colours I wonder if they are going to ask a particular hair colour or a minimum heels height But I'm sure God will help you, it's for a good cause
  6. I don't know if the photo is a new or an old one, but it looks like there's a menu on the table. I add it's probably a list of pizzas (mine is a well trained eye when it comes to pizza ), anyway that room doesn't look as a Swatch store at all
  7. mi fa un po' ridere 'sta roba degli over 35, in ogni caso penso che se devo farmi 250 km per andare e altrettanti per tornare (oltre a prendere 1 giorno di ferie) non ho molto da perdere: un concerto è senz'altro l'occasione migliore per vedere Mika in azione e se siamo fortunate anche per scambiare due parole

  8. Me too , so no regrets... Glad to hear you'll be in! Hope you enjoy yourself and have the chance to say hello to Mika I'm not very keen to XF, but if another XF edition means no CBB I'll support this choice warmly
  9. In effetti sono stata un po' pigra anch'io però meglio tardi che mai!

  10. I really hope you'll be able to get in, or at least to meet him before or after the show! Well, not only you of course but anyone who has the chance to go to Milan on the 10th
  11. I think that usually "Mistero buffo" is considered Fo masterpiece and the past Fo himself user to play it in French, anyway it may be that accidental death of an anarchist is his mostra famous play abroad don't know what you will read of this message anyway, I'm usino my mobile and the phone keeps changing every single word I type
  12. I'm pleased I could give my little contribution, I won't quote all your replies, anyway what's sure it that those were difficult times and I think we (including me, because I wasn't born at the time) can hardly imagine the pressure and the fear felt by Italian people in everyday life. Innocent people died and whole families were completely destroyed, Pinelli has two daughters and Calabresi also had two blittle boys (and a third one on the way when he was killed), and this goes far beyond politics. It's kinda sad, anyway, that students abroad know Dario Fo while in Italy schools simply ignore him: like it or lump it, he won a Nobel prize! What I still remarkable is that Mika's teacher choose to study "Accidental death of an anarchist" and not other plays, more famous and lacking of strong political consequences, but maybe distance is exactly what we need in order to give a plain judgement on such a deep script. Last thing, for Italian people who are eager to see "Morte accidentale di un anarchico": do you know that in the DVD one of the policemen is Claudio Bisio? Now I think we should stop this discussion, at least here, before we totally go off topic
  13. Vedo che ti sei iscritta al forum il giorno del mio compleanno! Non ho potuto non notare la coincidenza...

  14. so here we go, even if I'm afraid you won't find anything romantic in this story... On December the 12th 1969 a bomb exploded in Milan, causing the death of 17 persons. The police asked to a man called Giuseppe Pinelli, known as an anarchist, to go to the police place to be interrogated and kept him there for a few days without permission. He was completely innocent and finally died falling from a window. Subsequently the policemen stated that Pinelli threw himself out of the window committing suicide, while a large part of public opinion thought that Pinelli was tortured and accidentally fell during a "non-orthodox" interrogation. The play "Accidental death of an anarchist" is about what happened in this police place, embracing the idea of abuse by police officers. One of these officers, Mr Luigi Calabresi, the highest in degree, was considered responsible of the death of Giuseppe Pinelli by some extremist political groups and murdered three years later. In 1997 four people were judged resposible of the death of Mr Calabresi, and among these people were Adriano Sofri, who is Daria Bignardi's father-in-law (she is married to his son Luca, a journalist). Adriano Sofri is widely considered a sensitive intellectual, he has always claimed his innocence and he obtained the support of many intellectuals, politicians and journalists. I think Daria believes as well that her father-in-law is innocent and appreciated Mika's interest in this old and tragic Italian fact (even if i'm not sure of Mika's full awareness about the political depth of Fo's play) and wanted to acknowledge his deep interest in Italian culture and history. Obviously this is only a summary and I tried to be as objective as possible, and just for the record Luca Sofri mentioned "TOOL" as one of the best songs of the year back in 2012 in his Vanity Fair column so I think Daria already knew about Mika before the whole X Factor thing
  15. I eventually had the chance to see Dario Fo live last January after he cancelled a show in my hometown last year, and I can confirm that he is an amazing actor and a funny, fascinating, cute old man. Honestly I was quite suprised when I read Mika's XL column a few years ago, 'cause I think most of Italian singers of his age barely know who Dario Fo is. Probably Daria Bignardi (the host of "Invasioni barbariche") was pretty surprised by Mika's knowledge as well, and I think she worked hard to arrange the meeting of the two also because of personal reasons concerning her husband's family (as you probably know the play "Morte accidentale di un anarchico" is based on real facts, in case someone of you is interested I'll try to explain the connection between the play and Daria's father in law)
  16. I actually love Dario Fo, but only when he doesn't sing The origin of love So you are not alone, now I'm waiting for more brave MFCers to join us
  17. Raya, la cucina italiana è piena di ricette popolari: ogni regione ha le sue, dalle mie parti in questa stagione si cucinano asparagi con le uova oppure "risi e bisi" (riso con i piselli, ovviamente senza pollo ), altrimenti un'altra cosa facile sono i biscotti "zaeti", fatti con la farina di mais Sono cose abbastanza semplici ed anche economiche, se pensi che ti possa interessare e che gli ingredienti si possano trovare facilmente fatti sentire!
  18. La tua domanda è molto interessante, in realtà credo che vista "dall'interno" la questione sia meno complessa perché fin da subito pensiamo e parliamo usando il genere grammaticale creando un automatismo che direi equivale a quello che chiunque mette in atto (in qualunque lingua) scegliendo l'ausiliare dei verbi Se posso osare un piccolo suggerimento, chiedi alle persone di "darsi del tu", così potrai chiamare gli altri per nome senza usare il termine signore/signora e viceversa!
  19. Thank you, you really made my day! Thanks for your efforts, Elwendind! I do really appreciate your hard work, and even if I didn't watch the full episodes I think I get what you mean because I had the same feeling with X Factor. I watched the auditions and the show seemed to be entertaining, but when the final was aired I simply could not stand it, it kinda lost any rythm
  20. Ciao! La petizione possiamo anche provare a farla, al massimo non raccogliamo le firme ma non abbiamo molto da rimetterci, però penso che i canali appropriati siano più professionali (almeno per un artista come Mika e per una location come l'Arena di Verona!)
  21. Sono d'accordo con entrambe, poi resta il fatto che noi non sappiamo quanti zeri ci sono sul contratto Forse, a parte il fatto che magari per la mentalità americana fare gli spot non è così degradante, gioca un ruolo anche il fatto che adesso Mika sia in Italia e non veda il suo bel faccino irrompere nel telegiornale mentre si parla delle vicende russe o ucraine: se fosse qui si renderebbe conto un po' meglio di quello che sta facendo, anche in considerazione di uno suo tweet di qualche settimana fa. Invece ho notato che Crozza lo nomina abbastanza spesso, spero sia il segno che l'Italia si è veramente affezionata a lui, nonostante lo "scivolone" degli spot... http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJQplsperhI http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFGs8RXpvHk Intorno al minuto 5' 45'', in tutti e due i filmati
  22. Io e te siamo d'accordo, mi pare! Il mio commento non era rivolto a qualcuno in particolare, in ogni caso qui nel thread italiano mi sembra che siamo tutti abbastanza rilassati, per fortuna!
  23. Ma in realtà secondo me non è nemmeno questione di sincerità: diciamo che Mika è creativo anche nelle risposte che dà nelle interviste E poi in effetti se penso a tutte le volte che gli vengono chieste le stesse cose e al fatto che c'è sempre chi lo contesta qualunque cosa dica, il fatto che "inventi" o "arricchisca" alcuni fatti è il minimo che possa inventarsi per non essere scortese Io comunque mi diverto un casino a leggere tutti questi articoli, non riesco proprio a prendermela per queste piccole o grandi incongruenze: mi piace la musica, mi piace Mika ma ho anche altri pensieri
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