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zia Giovi

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Everything posted by zia Giovi

  1. Unfortunately "mafia" is not the only criminal organization in Italy. Mafia is based in Sicily, while "camorra" is based in Naples (but we have even more, if someone wants more details we can add an Italian culture section to the new "learning italian" thread!), so what you say is not wrong. I wouldn't visit Naples on my own, but I wouldn't be scared to do it with a group of people (also other mfcers, when there's a proper Mika gig!)
  2. It takes probably 10 seconds or so to stop the concert: just the time to sign a letter saying "the concert can't take place here". Stopping the robberies... it requires a long and deep education work above all, because to cut a long story short robberies are not always linked to the robbers' actual state of need, they are often the sign that loads of people do not recognize common laws and authorities. Italy is still a young nation from an historical point of view, 164 years have not been enough to eradicate thefts, robberies and criminal organizations but you can also say that no one really wanted to. Anyway I live in Northern Italy and we also have our public safety issues. And then there's the "commercial use" aspect: most of our monuments are state property, i.e. they are not meant to be sold or hired for profit purposes. In this case someone thinks that Nutella (or better Ferrero, the firm which sells Nutella and other chocolate stuff) will have a bigger profit using Piazza del Plebiscito and not another venue (let's say a stadium). This is quite stupid, imo, because as you all have seen Naples has an horrific reputation as a town and this gig is a good chance to let people know it's a beatiful town, it deserves to be visited and it's not necessarily a dangerous place
  3. Bere, you have already joint the Italian thread so you know that a lot of people are willing to help! If you are going to open a specific thread, you can count on me for Italian mother tongue support
  4. Elwendin and Sarina, may I tell you that you probably won't enjoy the gig if you keep worrying about Naples criminality level? Naples is a metropolis and sure you'll have to be careful about where you go and what you bring with you, but you still have a couple of weeks ahead in order to plan your trip, I'm sure everything will be fine!
  5. La paura è un istinto, non ti darei mai dell'imbecille! Razionalmente però devo dire che tutte le metropoli sono pericolose, quindi userei un livello di attenzione standard. L'anno scorso il mio capo è stata in vacanza a Napoli qualche giorno e mi ha detto che l'atmosfera in centro era assolutamente tranquilla e le persone molto disponibili: immagino che anche altri fan pernotteranno in città, magari potete mettervi d'accordo per trovare un albergo insieme e muovervi in gruppo, mi sembra una buona precauzione. Quanto ai mariti... il mio mi si attaccherebbe a una gamba uso zavorra per non farmici andare, e se mia mamma venisse a sapere che vado a Napoli da sola a un concerto probabilmente organizzerebbe un rapimento in stazione.Capito perché non sono ansiosa???
  6. A Napoli non ci sono mai stata, potrebbe essere un'occasione! A parte tutte le difficoltà logistiche, mi fa orrore la quantità di gente e di confusione che troverei: alla fine penso che non andrò, temo che non mi potrei godere lo spettacolo
  7. Avevo visto, ma la scelta per me è imbarazzante: sono del tutto inadeguata a dare un contributo personale
  8. You know what? I realize we have never "met" individually.

    Thank you for friendship request, it's the second one I received and as I'm not used to the whole social network thing, it came to me quite unespected!

  9. just my two cents... I don't like talent shows and I don't watch them, I have no Sky subscription and I'm not going to have one. Moreover I cannot stand those dreadful telephone ADs. Given these premises, I think that Mika last year tried to do something new to boost his carreer and that his new projects turned out quite well in terms of fame (at least in Italy and France) and money and maybe he discovered, during the process, that he can also have fun and learn something new. While I basically agree that his choices are inconsistent with the principles he formerly stated (and I repeat that I'd rather see him performing his own songs on a stage) and I'm afraid that TV overexposure can spoil his reputation as an artist, I must admit that at least in the short term he's proving he can still be successfull. I don't believe in "right" or "wrong" choices as total categories, I prefer to think in terms of what's best for a single person in a defined time frame: he's been brave and he's been credited for his efforts, maybe other artists would have acted in a different way but I don't think he's suddenly become shallow and he's doing TV shows because he loves wearing Valentino in his everyday life.
  10. Thanks for finding and translating this article! Anyway I don't think Mika is androgyn, he sums up so called femine and masculine traits just as every other human being. Unless we want to stick to the latin macho stereotype (none of my interest, too predictable imo...)
  11. Buona pasqua a tutti, o meglio ormai buona Pasquetta! E che il tempo assecondi i vostri desideri, che siano di riposo, di pic nic, di sole, di mare o di montagna....
  12. Come te, per fortuna senza allergia!

  13. Ciao Sarah! come ti va in questi giorni?

  14. Thanks a million! I hope to watch it soon, I originally planned to do it today with my nieces but they asked me to make cupcakes and... I still haven't finished to clean the house after this pink sweet hurricane and had no time for Mika concert yet
  15. Let me add Peter Gabriel I'm interested, of course! Thank You for the translations, I'm very grateful to you and to all the other members giving me the chance to share a lot of press releases I wouldn't be able to understand The discussion about the TV shows will last until a new album is released or a proper tour is announced and pops up in every single thread. My modest proposal is to change all the thread titles into "TV shows: pro and contra" at least until the next X Factor season is over.
  16. Grazie per il resonconto! Parigi è impegnativa, e parecchio, per i piedi, ma sono certa che quando avete visto Mika non ci avete più pensato
  17. Even if you cannot work it's a good thing you share your time and your feelings with other people through the forum. You still belong to a community and you have lots to give!

    I think it's normal to have different phases in a 7 years long carreer. Besides, we all love Mika for the artist and the person he is and he obviously need to retire from time to time if he wants to keep in touch with reality (otherwise he'd become another manufactured act as many others).

    I hope that the people who left the forum still support him in other ways, going to concerts when possible, buying CDs, speaking about him to their friends... there are many ways to be supportive fans

  18. Yes, it's sad but an everyday participation to the forum is time demanding and I can understand that a lot of people live a busy life and cannot afford to post everyday

    It took me two years to decide to finally join the forum: sometimes when I'm home after 9 hours in front of a computer screen I'm pretty sick of e-mails and all that kind of stuff, but most of all sometimes I had the feeling that there was a conversation going on among a few persons only and didn't know if I'd been able to join and be accepted as a part of the group. Probably lots of people stop posting because there's nothing new or because they don't feel at ease in such a well established community, but this is a personal issue because every individual has his/her own sensitivity

  19. Thank you! I know you are one the first fans to join this forum and I'm proud you accepted my friendship request. Take care you too, Giovanna

  20. I'm not going to watch X Factor, so I should be banned from posting in this thread but I think both Morgan and Simona are lacking in irony, they may be good at winning but I find them quite boring and predictable As far as new judge's name are concerned we could start a new poll, probably the whole Sanremo Festival playlist of the last ten years will be mentioned before the auditions eventually begin
  21. http://notiziein.it/2014/04/15/x-factor-8-giudici-mika-morgan-nina-zilli-ed-rapper/ Just found this article: they mention as possible judges Nina Zilli and one rapper (Fedez, who joint the auditions last year, or Fabri Fibra) Apparently Simona Ventura switches to another talent show (Italia's got talent), Morgan has confirmed his participation and Elio has left the show. I don't know if these info are reliable, anyway, mainly because of the bits about Morgan (this web site is the one and only information source confirming he'll be a part of XF 8, while he is usually quite controversial about the whole matter until the very last minute)
  22. Dal momento che non ho riconosciuto Owen Wilson deduco di rientrare nel target di Costner
  23. Dev'essere un periodo di grossa crisi: Kevin Costner fa la pubblicità del tonno! Vorrei sapere qual è il target di questi spot, perchè non vorrei mai rientrare tra le potenziali clienti dei biscotti di Banderas o del tonno di Costner Io la TV la guardo molto poco, direi che vedo solo il telegiornale delle 8 e Crozza al venerdì. Il problema è che la 7 avrà sì e no 7 inserzionisti (compreso il proprietario, Urbano Cairo) e quindi passa gli stessi spot a ripetizione, tra un po' mi andrà in disgrazia anche Roberto Bolle in slip tinta carne che balla con la regia di Fabrizio Ferri Ecco, quello con Roberto Bolle è uno spot artistico (e lo era anche quello che fece qualche anno per l'acqua minerale, sempre con la regia di Fabrizio Ferri) ma intelligentemente il buon Roberto si limita a fare quello che sa e per cui tutti lo apprezzano: balla (in mutande, vabbè, ma anche questo è un noto motivo di apprezzamento nei suoi confronti). Se il nostro Mika facesse uno spot in cui si limita a fare il suo "vero" lavoro, possibilmente senza nominare un'emittente televisiva o una compagnia telefonica, sarebbe tutto un altro discorso. Per esempio quello della birra mi pareva dignitoso, ma forse il fatto di non vederlo neanche per sbaglio incide sul mio giudizio Il perdono è l'unica strada, davvero Ma d'altra parte cosa non gli perdoniamo, a 'sto ragazzo?!?!?
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