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Everything posted by Melyssa

  1. And here is part 2, just pretend the first one is not here all alone since a thousand years ago It's quite short as I had gotten rid of everything that wasn't Mika-related (so basically 88% of the whole thing) -> https://vimeo.com/100032636 (by the way, I put my little subtitled stuff in a channel, as it is more easy for me to organise myself that way, but as some others might be interested too it's all here https://vimeo.com/channels/774783 )
  2. Oh I am ok for that if it helps. Only I don't know how I can't put it on youtube anyway as it is too long for my channel - or as last resort I can cut it in two and put it on YT if it then works better for you Marilyn? I tolerate them all around me in the speech
  3. I don't know why, it is working fine for me on both computer and phone I assume you tried to copy/paste too but the link is good and the video isn't signaled as blocked so I can't think of anything .
  4. Here is a subtitled version of c à vous part one. As always, sorry if there are mistakes etc. -> https://vimeo.com/99333161 (with a special thanks to Log lady for support )
  5. I had a fight with TF1's website. I won for image, it won for sound. So sh**ty sound, but lovely images, I'd say it's not that bad [YOUTUBE]nCMO_kEzs4g[/YOUTUBE]
  6. FINALLY!! THE ONE!!!!!! I had lost hope!!! So thank you so much to Ysa who found it, the famous bit of RFM from wednesday morning, the one with this little talk about A TOUR AND A SMALL THEATER THINGY (I may have to calm down with caplocks) -> -Thank you to be there Mika, it's a pleasure to have you here - It's a pleasure to be here. - Is the coffee still good? - It's delicious. Even if I dropped the sugar everywhere in the studio! -So Mika didn't come with empty hands, he came with a hit, because it already is a hit -It's not a hit it's just a song! -Yes it's a hit, sounds like a hit, and with the radio director we were talking about it, it's already a hit, it'll be the hit of the summer. I am sure of it (... introducing the girl..) - Sorry we don't have a red chair (ref. to the voice) - Well the red chair really isn't comfortable. This one is better actually. Much better. - We know for this song you worked with the same team than with EMD. An album out in november, in two languages, half english - - How, a few titles in french, but not like the last time, this time they won't be there as a bonus, it's part of my identity so I really want to mix it all. That's me so why not on an album. - because we love hearing you in french and I swear BBB will be a hit. - A few infos about this album? - Everyone is asking is there a surprise? Last time I worked with a few artists, pharrell Williams, Ariana Grande, but this time it's me, even if you look at the cover, we're back to the world I created with my sister a few years ago! this cover was her and I alone again, I don't know it's very me. - And what about a tour because I know you love being on stage, it's your playground, are you planning a tour? - A tour in the making but before that, I am preparing something for the end of this year, it is supposed to be in a small theater, very very small, and it isn't a standart concert. It really would be an experiment. I will present the new album in a new way. With something I haven't done yet. because most of the time when you make a tour, either you can't take it everywhere, or you spend a lot of money for it to be able to be demontable very quickly. so this time i want to settle in a theatre, to build a show, and I don't want to prepare anything before we begin to build in the theatre so really it's gonna be visual and very different. - To let the magic talks for itself - Exactly. But it'll be visual and very theatrical. I started in opera, and the visual side of a performance is very important. Even if it's in a very small theatre, it can be even more beautiful and more... - Wel we can't wait now. - So now Mika, presenter, to introduce your new song, so we shush - It meansI have to use my radio voice! So: this is MIka, on RFM, and here for the first time - is it the first time? - Yes. - On RFM? Oh that's great! It's Boum Boum Boum! - Thank you a thousand times Mika! A thousand times! - No thanks to you. - So it was Boum Boum Boum - Yes it's good to hear it! It makes me happy to work on something and then hearing it on the radio it's completely different! But it's good. - You come back soon, yes? - I am lucky to do this job. I do music like this and it's my job! It's great. I am enjoying it. (thank you you'reback tonight etc)
  7. Here is the little bit from yesterday's C à vous, with quick subtitles -> https://vimeo.com/98120436
  8. I've recorded it, I'll just take a few minutes to make subtitles as it's very short ad then it'll be there
  9. So, he was back at C à vous for the twittothingydunnowhat - him reacting to the tweets sent during the show yesterday (when I say it was back, it was recorded yesterday of course). It was very short (less than a minute) - to the "what's your fave insult" he said he thought 'punaise' was an insult but he has just learned that it isn't at all (let's say it's fench for whoopsy daisy but a bit less old fashioned). He thought it wasmore rude than 'put*in (f*ck) but not at all -If you could live someone else's life for 24h? Johnny Depp. then I don't remember I think it was with who would you like to play or something and he answer Hilary Sw.ank (the forum doesn't like her name xD) and if she can't then Johnny Depp And then again I can't remember but it was a bit naughty and the answer was... Hilary Sw.ank and if she can't then Johnny Depp I didn't get the last question (it was a bit messy at home :/) then he had to take a pic in a photo bouth and... "this one is ugly"
  10. It was in the first RFM thing from the morning, and the morning itv isn't in the vid they put on with Sophie something - it wasn't the same presenters actually. The video is from the evening, and he talked about it in the morning, both were live he went to RFM twice. It definitelly was the one thing I was eager to re-listen because I didn't get everything in what I typed here and on twitter (Maybe I was a little bit overexcited at that moment ) so I have been refreshing the podcast page all day but still nothing I can say again what I remember of it: He said there was going to be a tour, maybe end of the year but probably more beginning of 2015 because before that there was this thing he wants to do (apparently they have started to work on it already) . It will be something very unusual, very special, with lots and lots of visuals and it will be very beautiful to see, not only to listen. It will be in a small theater - he didn't say where - and he also talked about his Opera background while talking about it so I know there is a link but this is where my overexcited brain became unable to compute, sorry
  11. You're all welcome I could with some time because I can't extract it directly from the vid, I have to re-type it all, but I definitely don't have the strenght anymore tonight The radio wasn't working for me so thanks a lot Elwendin for your translated transcript of it!! Can't wait for the videoclip! I am betting on Almeria for the sets. from C à vous:
  12. About the interview at NRJ this morning: I went for subtitles because I was tired just imagining how to put the Donald Duck thing into words. Two things though: First, I've skipped the games, because it's just people you don't know winning things you're not winning, so appart if you want to know that Mika is unable to remember a short sentence he was just said and that next time he'll go to NRJ he will be wearing underpants only.... And second, some bits were missing in the only file I managed to get so I did with what i had. I don't think that much is missing though, in fact the only missing bits I remember (it might not be the only one but I do think it is) are those three: - At a point he said he has been wearing the same suit for days because British Airways has lost his luggages and he's been waiting for them since last wednesday apparently. To which the radio team added that he probably didn't take a shower since then either as his toilet bag were lost too; and he answered that it's not that bad as he smells good naturally anyway . - Fascinating stuff incoming: he also said he does his laundry himself, except at hotels because it'll be rude to ask them to put a wahsing machine in his room. He doesn't care doing it because it's easy, you just have to press some buttons . But he hates ironing. But he likes the smell of the steam and he likes to press the button because it goes pshhit. I told you it was fascinating - When recording in LA he used the accoustic of different rooms. He has recorded bits in the bathroom and, apparently, in the toilets. Leading to a misunderstanding when the team were joking about him without him even noticing (I'll let you guess, it involves microphones and toilets). For the rest here it is, I hope I haven't make too many mistakes -> And from C à vous (I am getting better at picking my tv )
  13. Didn't work for me neither, but I found it here ->http://direct-radio.fr/NRJ/podcast/Manu-dans-le-6-9-Le-best-of/Manu Just give me some time to cut the 3 hours of Mika not being here if you don't want to DL the full thing I am gonna translate this one then
  14. Right now on rfm: he is working on a tour, but before there will be a very special show, very different, very visual, on a small theatre. Linked to his Opera background apparently.
  15. I can do some audio stuff if it helps. If no one has started the NRJ thing already I'll go with it. 2 options then: a translate transcript or subtitles. If you people have any preference ; )
  16. So, the word is Lookoums, and it means turkish delights, it was quite a debate elsewhere apparently xD I am in love with his chest voice in this, I am extremely fine with the lyrics, here is a happy me (No Mels, this is a happy banana, you are not a banana)
  17. Ah ben tu m'arranges parce que je galère à copier les liens sur mon téléphone xd. J'espère qu'on aura quelques représentants sir place
  18. Mika is announced as a guest for le before du grand Journal next wednesday, you can ask for invites here -> https://myclap.tv/le-before-du-grand-journal/example/le-before-du-grand-journal
  19. You know that French radios are gonna have a glorious summer by the way? Here is another song competing in here for summer hit of 2014 http:// m.youtube.com/watch?v=boTS3c2FI68
  20. This one was worth a try though, it seems to work in some cases.
  21. As I still don't speak italian, I can't go further than willy willy willy. But if you want to I can do a full 15 minutes of him going willy (oh, willies are all that matters today)
  22. I am so sorry but I can't hear what you're saying with all those boum boum boum coming out of nowhere
  23. Thanks everyone, very happy to see that you enjoyed it Same trick again, I can't help myself with this one (also I should thank him, he is of great help when it comes to this ) . Let's say it took me enough time to developp an epidermal reaction at the mention of The Voice I am not weak, I am as strong as tea. And I am still taking it as a murder attempt
  24. He says "Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum" I shouldn't listen to samples. I get frustrated
  25. No lasagna then? I liked the lasagna theory... Also in the email: 'A surprise today on Mika's facebook page!'
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