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Everything posted by Emelyne412

  1. Thanks Marta for your point of view ! I prefer Morgan's and Mika's team than Victoria and Fedez, vocally. They have like one think in more at others.
  2. Great ! Marco Mengoni has collaborate with Mika at home Visit of X Factor last year, no ? I like very much this singer !
  3. Maybe for describe someone... It can be useful ^^ "Comment vous vous appelez ?" -> "What's your name ?" "Où habitez-vous ?" -> "Where do you live ?" "Que faites-vous dans la vie ?" -> "What is your job in your life ?" "Quelles sont vos passions ?" "What are your hobbies/passsions ?" This is the more current sentences
  4. Your teacher are right. For a stranger, it's better to say sentences less personal, it is necessary to make sentences before begin one conversation in the worst case
  5. J'habite pas loin de Paris, je pense que je serais libre. (sauf si j'ai beaucoup de révisions pour mes examens de rentrée)
  6. Ok ! I give some examples To start a discussion, everybody says : "Bonjour, comment vas-tu" -> "How are you ?" This is the basical sentence To say that we are well or not, we says : "Je vais bien, merci." or "Non, je ne vais pas bien" -> "I'm well", "No, i'm not well" French people are characteristic to be always angry on all and for nothing (we have a bad image about others countries ) The sentence who most explain this characteristic is : "Quel mauvais temps !" -> "What bad weather !" We says always this I've not others examples for the moment ^^
  7. On the theme what you want ! It's not a problem for me:wink2:
  8. Not necessarily. French people understand Quebec people, but, in Quebec, there are some expressions that French people don't says. I lived this experience with a Quebecker ^^
  9. Thanks a lot for explaination ! I better understand this "history", now.
  10. Thanks Elwendin for resume of X Factor ! It's so hilarous !! Hahahaha !
  11. Access denied for me... Other link for person who cannot see it : http://www.deejay.it/radio/ _________________
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