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Everything posted by Ambroisette

  1. All these pics are so beautiful Whaaawww I finished sorting mine and am still uploading my videos...waiting to have them all to post them all together (it'l take some time since Youtube is slow). I'd like to post my pics, tho... but what hosting site should I choose? Something quick and easy please, cause I have a lot Thanks!
  2. What exactly did you do in 2007? I'd like to know, hihi ;-)
  3. Haha, do you want me murdered? Would be great!
  4. Thank you, at least you can see it as is should be seen! But that's the point, we have to click on HD 1080p to see it in good quality. And when sharing it on FB or Twitter, we can't do this and we see it in bad quality. Same thing if I watch it on my mobile phone Youtube app... When I uploaded videos a few months ago on Youtube, the HD quality upload was done automatically and I didn't have to click on anything afterwards when watching it. I'd like to upload it directly on HD 1080 quality. Maybe it is, tho...because I see "HD" written in the corner of the video when watching it on my TV Youtube channel. It drives me nuts not to understand anything, lol! I don't know if what I try to explain is very clear *EDIT* Found the solution: When uploading the video, I have to ad the following tag so that it'll appear automatically in HD 1080----> yt:quality=high But that still doesn't work on Twitter or youtube, tho
  5. There is something very strange about this video. I uploaded it in HD and when watching it directly on Youtube on my computer (or the Youtube channel on my TV), it's very good quality. But when I share it on FB, Twitter or even here, I see it blurred. How's the video for you guys when you click on the link I gave you?
  6. I so want to go to the Firenze New Year's Eve gig... Am persuading my husband (at least, trying) Who is (almost) sure to go?
  7. I'll just post this one whilst all my other videos are uploading and I'm sorting the pics: Loved this moment so much Confetti Love Today finale (snippet)
  8. Hi everyone, i love reading your reports I am uploading my videos on Youtube but that always takes a little time. I will also add my photos. Oh my, the gig was soooo fabulous. It was the first time I was that near the stage (row C) and I now understand how that takes the show to a whole new level. I'm still in post gig depression I will write a report later in the day, but just quickly wanted to tell you how I enjoyed the show. And my husband did too. There is something special about the UK shows, dunno what...but there is. My only regret is that I arrived too late at the meeting (my husband fault FYI), it was 6.30 so a lot of you were leaving. BUT I was just in time for the pic So happy about that. I'm also happy that I could have a chat with some of you, also at the theatre. Can't wait for another gig!
  9. I'm always lost: door opens at 7... But at what time the gig actually starts? 8? Is there a first part? Dunno what time I should be there (already ave my ticks) Thanks!
  10. I wonder: What time you guys are leaving the meet-up to go to the theather? I plan to come an hour or so before the gig, but I would not want to arrive when most of you are leaving (since doors open at 7) See you!!!!
  11. It sounds pretty! I hope it will fit.I just tried the dresses I had in mind and nope...does not fit anymore. Ate too much lately, lol. So it'll be jeans and a t-shirt. No choice! Oh my! The make-up!!!I think I'm going for a rather natural look.
  12. I'm relieved not to be the only one, lol! What does your summer dress look like? I have one in mind too but same problem here, don't know if it fits, just coming back from holidays and I think I slightly gained some weight Jeans and a nice top seems like a good idea too... I'll take both Yes you are right, feel comfy and having fun!
  13. Thank you all for the nice pics, vids and reviews I was supposed to be there, so it's great to go through this post!
  14. Oh! I forgot... I have the stupidest question ever: What are you going to wear? Jeans, dress, fancy, casual,...??? Told you it was stupid, but I need to pack today and I don't have a clue what to wear
  15. So excited, we're almost there! I loooove the idea of the hearts you came up! Thank you to all who are printing them Unfortunately I can't print any since I don't have any ink in my printer since February See you at the meeting before the show!!!
  16. Yeayyyy! So looking forward to this Thank you Deb for organizing Can't wait to see you all. I'll be there with my husband. Don't know what time yet, tho... See you in 2 days!
  17. Well, the tickets are already sold... My back hurts, but so is my hart!
  18. Hi everyone, Unfortunately I have to sell my 2 tickets for Mika's "Wonderland" gig in Paris on friday 27th mai. It are seated "Carré Or" tickets. Gradin E, row 26, places 25 and 26. It are electronic ticks I can mail you. I really thought I could go, but I'm coming home from my holiday's the day befire the gig and as some of you know I have bad back issues. My back already died now and I did not even take my 7 hours flight yet. So my changes of being able to go to the gig and enjoy it without being in pain is 90%. Luckily there is still the London gig... If someone is interested, PM me! Ambre
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