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Posts posted by carafon

  1. 21 hours ago, mellody said:



    Anna, as for the fanaction - we can talk about for which songs at the meetup on Saturday, will you be there? I don't think it's a problem if it's only later in the show. Also I had an idea for a tiny fanaction that might be nice and elegant, and that was to bring tiny glittery paper hearts, not more than ca. 3-5cm, so you could put them in your pocket. But Deb reminded me of the fanaction chaos at Bercy and of Simon Leclerc's strictness, so IF we want to do this, it should definitely stay a small fanaction among MFCers (& friends), only for songs where we'd show hearts with our hands anyway, to make sure that no one throws things on the floor and it all stays neat and elegant. I'm still not sure it's actually a good idea to make that a fanaction, but for myself I decided to bring a tiny glitter heart, because at the Salle Pleyel gig I was always confused between making the heart with my hands and making it just with 2 fingers, and also Mika didn't seem to be able to decide for one, as the crowd did both, lol! :teehee: 

    What do you think about pining the glitter heart on clothes instead?

    We'd not have to choose a specific song or fear to have problems with anybody then

    Also not all the MFCers are on the chaise area , not sure that "random" people would be happy to be disturbed during the show :dunno:

    Btw back in Florence I remember that there was an announcement before the beginning of the concert   to ask people to be quiet 

    • Like 2
  2. 16 minutes ago, mellody said:


    I want to listen on their website to let them know that people are interested in Mika. Ideally live. But guess I'll listen to the podcast on their site instead, because I don't have the impression that the current show involves Mika, although it says so on their site. It's already the 3rd song, I surely would have heard him talk by now... I don't get it, did they cancel the program tonight? :blink:

    Don't stay on "direct" broadcast it's not Mika

    Go to the podcast and you'll get the whole emission

    • Like 4
  3. 7 hours ago, MyriamNeeme said:

    I want to see of yesterday 

    It's episode 6 then

    7 hours ago, MyriamNeeme said:

    Your website is very complicated 

    Sorry about that ...:dunno:

    But it's not mine :wink2:

    7 hours ago, MyriamNeeme said:


    You've got all the episodes on the same page , you'll just have to choose the one you want .


    THE VOICE ALL STARS 2021 - MikaWebsite[.Com!] - Le 1er site sur Mika en France


    When you understand how it works it's very convenient because you don't have to ask for a specific link and it's all in French

    You get everything at the same place (same for X factor and previous seasons by the way)

    It's not that difficult , just follow the instructions I gave you somewhere above or maybe ask someone around you to show you once and you'll be able to do it yourself afterwards .


    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, MyriamNeeme said:

    Hi did you have the episode 5 please 

    THE VOICE ALL STARS 2021 - MikaWebsite[.Com!] - Le 1er site sur Mika en France


    You can download it here , it's free.

    You just have to close the window that ask you to pay 2 euros (It's for the premium software)

    You may have some advertising popping up , just close them.

    With the basic and free software you will be able to dowload the after show only after a while , it's normal. 

    By the way episode 5 is not the one from yesterday but from last week...is it realy the one you want to watch?

    Otherwise you'll have to wait a bit till the webmaster upload yesterday's show


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Prisca said:

    It's the last night of The Voice Allstars. I don't think he'll just go to sleep after the final. But it's possible that he prefers go somewhere with the other coaches instead of hanging out with us. :dunno_grin:



    1 hour ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

    There is only one exit from the studio. So Mika just does not stop while leaving it in his car. And usually he leaves the studio as the last one. So you should be ready to wait till maybe 1am - 1:30 am. Without being sure if he stops.

     there is usualy a party after the final , so be ready to rather wait till 2 AM or more ....:naughty:

    1 hour ago, Prisca said:

    Where I looked, it only rains on Friday. But we will see... :dunno_grin:


    It's too early to have a reliable forecast

    The best one I've found so far is this one :

    La météo agricole Paris_ - Prévisions meteo à 10 jours et observations (lameteoagricole.net)

    • Like 5
  6. 25 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


    It's not "restaurant" but "restauration" (recuperation in French).


    It's the connecting page.

    You have to enter you family name you used to create the account..



    What I meant is that I only know one word in Russian , and it's "restaurant" which is obviously not on that screen 

    ( If I see the name  I may recognize "olympic stadium " too but nothing more:naughty: )

    • Haha 1
  7. On 10/11/2021 at 12:37 AM, MyriamNeeme said:

    What I have to do know??F0F62C8E-5269-48DB-B75D-1DD5BC056FF6.thumb.png.b470ea40cfeaae7f5d3137750739b7e9.png

    Ok , only got some extra spare time today to seriously answer to your question .

    I can't tell you what it says because I don't understand Russian ( the only word I can recognize is "restaurant" and I don't see it there ...:naughty: )

    Did you get this after you clicked on a specific link or does it apply to your whole Vk account ?

    In that case , maybe you forgot to save the langage's setting when you created it , and I guess it's possible to change it afterwards.

    I'm not using Vk on phone , nor tried that by myself, but you can ask for help on specific forums like this one :

    Comment changer la langue VK (VKontakte) en français? - Comment Ça Marche (commentcamarche.net)

    Otherwise in my opinion , unless you stored very important stuff , it would be easier to close your account ,to  create a new one and be carefull to choose and save the right language.

    By the way I think you'd also better have someone next to you to check the process because it's easier to help "live" than from a distance

    Hope it's been helpfull .......good luck 

    • Like 2
  8. 16 minutes ago, Prisca said:

    Unfortunately, I can't really disagree with them. I also almost had the feeling that Mika wanted Demi Mondaine to get ahead rather than them. :dunno:

    I had the same feeling , but with Pascal Obispo coaching them at the distance I'm not surprised anymore . It's like breaking a contract .

    I think PO had to stay away for "the voice" time and leave Mika do his job .It's a bit sad for the group because as we say in french they had " their ass between 2 chairs" :naughty:

    • Like 3
  9. Néo («The Voice All Stars») : «Mika ne nous a pas défendus comme un coach est supposé le faire» (lefigaro.fr)


    The group "Neo" about Mika's coaching


    "Disons que la situation était un peu en grand écart. On avait deux coachs, d’un côté Pascal Obispo à distance et de l’autre Mika dans l’émission. Je ne sais pas si cette configuration de double coaching a plu à Mika."


    Sure that it was not the best idea to choose a coach and don't give him your full confidence :dunno:

    Not surprising that he didn't support them that much .....but anyway the public doesn't care about the coachs comments otherwise Al-Hy would still be in the show :wink2:


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