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Posts posted by carafon

  1. 18 hours ago, Sweetieval said:

    Hello everyone

    What a good idea 👍🏻yes !

    I have answered « it depends on the price » but this is not the true reason

    I have another gig from another artist postponed on that day


    but, if there is a party or a tour on the 2nd, I wish I could go to London instead 😉

    I was so hesitating 🤔 to go or not to go to London


    The other artist is doîng another gig on the 3rd of July in France and I have tickets too 😉 so… what shall I do ?


    gosh my husband is going to kill me 😅😂

    If you're going to London , I'll try my best to go too :yay:

    • Like 3
  2. I remember I watched this as a kid with my grandmother who was so deep into the competition that she was realy mad if Italy or german had a better ranking than France ( don't know why these 2 specific countries tbh , maybe related to the 2nd world war ??? )

    My only grief about the show is that it was sooooo long , especialy the counting points part !

    Hope they have made some changes because I'm realy curious to see how Mika will cope with his role 

    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, mellody said:

    What I don't understand is that French song bit in the end, what is it? A known song? Can someone make out the words? Or is it new material by Mika that he shouldn't share and that's why he deleted the story? He's such a mystery sometimes! 😅

    The words are "within 30 seconds" 

    Didn't recognize the song but it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist 

    • Like 1
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  4. 2 hours ago, holdingyourdrink said:



    Or just tell them that Wimbledon is going on the same weekend, so maybe it’s wise to look for accommodation now, before it’s all booked :wink2:

    Talking about Wimbledon .....(sorry @TinyLove_CJ...:( ) ....is there somebody there planning to queue for ground admission to the tournament ? (saturday or monday ?)

    The fact that world tennis and Mika will be at the same place at the same time makes me consider a trip to London....:rolleyes:

  5. 11 hours ago, mellody said:




    So if he's working in his studio in Miami, I wonder why he doesn't post any pix from that studio... Have we ever seen it before? Was it the place where he recorded with Danna Paola back in 2019 or 2020, where he posted photos? If we haven't seen any, maybe he doesn't want to show it, because it's kind of a sacred place for him that he doesn't want to share with the public... anyway he talked about it on his IG live in 2019, that he didn't want to put anything on the new shelves there because that's where the new songs would be going. I wonder if he has redecorated it, or is redecorating it, with new shelves or a new colour for the new album... or if the shelves are still empty, or again? I'm sure that for me they wouldn't stay empty for too long, I understand his point of wanting to leave space for creativity, I WISH I could do that as well, but when I finally manage to clean up my workplace, it looks the same as before shortly after. :facepalm:

    I remember that during the private gig he did for Peugeot  2 and a half years ago ( or maybe it was 3,5 ?) when there was a huge hurricane in Florida , he said that his house was safe but his studio suffered a lot. 

    Whith the pandemic ,he maybe didn't have the opportunity to rebuilt it properly.

    I'm just guessing , but even if I'm wrong ,at least I give you a good excuse to rewatch the gig ....:naughty:

    • Like 3
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  6. 1 hour ago, mellody said:

    A 5-minute interview on France Inter, where Mika talks about Mozart's opera "Die Zauberflöte" and about some of his own experiences with classical music: https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/classic-co/13h46-classic-co-du-vendredi-31-decembre-2021 

    It was probably recorded at the same session than "les larmes de mika"

    That realy makes me hope that he will do more , kindda "the art of song"  classical version


    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, TinyLove_CJ said:


    I don't think it's in the Philharmonie Live version either, I still haven't watched all way through but after just skimming through different parts I haven't come across it 😕



    It's such a shame !

    I was happy we'd have an official live for this song.....now mika has to sing it again next time one of his concerts will be recorded

    • Like 4
  8. 2 minutes ago, Rebecca Wiseman said:

    Wimbledon is also a hour away from Camden I don’t think it’ll be too much on an issue 

    I also don’t know anything about Wimbledon I just looked up when the final was and how far it was

    I went there 3 times .....but I think it was 20 years ago :rolleyes:

    Don't know if there are always tickets to sell for people  queuing .....I'll have a look at their website

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