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  1. Thanks to everyone who has shared reports, photos & videos. I wasn't able to make it to this gig but what you've shared here has enabled me to feel some of the atmosphere you must have experienced.
  2. I hope everyone going on Sunday has an amazing time
  3. Thanks Deb I don't think there's any chance of my health improving in time so I'm in the process of selling my tickets so they don't go to waste.
  4. I have a pair of tickets to sell for The London Palladium on June 5th because I'm too unwell to attend. They're front row of the stalls - Row A, seats 13 & 14. I'm asking the price I paid (£105 for the pair) plus postage to wherever you are. I have the tickets in hand to send ASAP. PM me if you're interested. *Edit - tickets are no longer available*
  5. ^ Thank you Rose. I was looking forward to seeing you again too.
  6. I won't be able to attend the gig as I'm too unwell ;( I hope everyone else has a fantastic time though.
  7. Am I right to assume the range of merchandise available will be the same as at The Adelphi last year? Thanks.
  8. Again I'm too poorly to attend a get-together first but hope to catch up with some of you at the venue.
  9. I'm pleased to see this is still going If you do credit the MFCers involved please make sure to include everyone - from the people who contributed to the lyrics, to the singers, to the poets, to the artists, to the people who did the technical work...
  10. If anyone's tickets from Ticketmaster don't arrive before they leave for London then you can usually phone them up & they'll arrange for you to collect them at the venue instead.
  11. ^ If possible please could the 6th line of the rap be changed from "Making us feel THAT we can fly" to "Making us feel LIKE we can fly" as I originally wrote it? I think it sounds slightly better that way. Don't worry if you see this too late though or would prefer to sing the word 'want' in that line, it's just a suggestion. Apologies for the capitals, I can't do italics from my phone.
  12. Mine were from Gigs & Tours. I was surprised they were dispatched so quickly, Ticketmaster might wait to dispatch theirs til nearer the time.
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