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Everything posted by Hannekj

  1. Hahaha, I love this, just because it is so "bad" My thoughts exactly. I'm expecting nothing less
  2. I just meant like, I have just been talking on this thread for a few months (but it feels like forever), and I was just wondering how long you guys have been here Ah, that sucks I hope you get it back! Are you sure it was stolen?
  3. I have rehearsal and dance performance. Other that that I have some revising to do etc. I really should get on with my x-mas shopping XD I watched the como concert on full volume last week. My percents did not have a choice if they were going to be in the same room They liked it tho I'm glad he helped you. I totally know what you mean. He literally changed my life around
  4. I already do quite a lot of dance both at school, and at my spear time, but I wanna take one more class. This spring I'm going to audition for this contemporary project that colaberates with the Norwegian opera, and I really really wanna get in, so I'm planning to just go all in with dance, even though I don't have time Did you see the new gig dates btw? Both of the Italian ones are during my holidays, but I'm a bit unsure, as it is part of a festival...
  5. This will be my new iPhone wallpaper
  6. Hello! Little bit of random from my life: I haven't had much time on here lately... :/ Lot's of school work... But on the other side: I had 2 dance performances last weekend, and then I have another one this weekend So much fun! I have this really big dilemma, choosing between starting to take even more dance classes after x-mas, or get a job, so that I can earn money to go and see Mika. Stuck in the middle of the two things I love the most!
  7. Ahaha, I just found this thread, and I love it. This post is the best one so far
  8. I love the smile, but also the sweater
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