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Status Replies posted by Dominika

  1. Wish to all of you nice weekend!!:huglove:




  2. 1ah.thumb.PNG.0d1218ebbf58c2e0ebb09413c64ca6fa.PNG

    In France, it's cold, there are " les gilets jaunes " . Fortunately, The Voice will start soon. I hope many of you will be able to follow itfrom where you are .



  3. Finally  Friday! 




  4. Pic of the day




  5. Cloudy Wednesday




  6. Sound of an Orchestra 😍 🎼 🎹


  7. When I stuck in the middle of teachers gang


  8. Hi guys!

    I've got a favor for you. Could anyone make Mika picture looks like these with Marilyn? I tried to do something with my programs but I failed :emot-sad:




    or -------> 1601250871_flat550x550075f_u5.thumb.jpg.ce02e7c3458bbb7ddcff66bef228e401.jpg




  9. hi my friend how are you today? i hope a little bit fine

  10. Hi guys!

    I've got a favor for you. Could anyone make Mika picture looks like these with Marilyn? I tried to do something with my programs but I failed :emot-sad:




    or -------> 1601250871_flat550x550075f_u5.thumb.jpg.ce02e7c3458bbb7ddcff66bef228e401.jpg




  11. Pic of the day. Happy Friday!!  Looking forward the weekend!! 



  12. Update on my project: It's not done yet, I want it a bit thicker, but it's going quite well so far... My original idea was to use the quote "I live for glitter not you" but then I thought it's a bit too long and complicated. :biggrin2: So I've chosen Love Today. 


  13. Pic of the day. Happy Friday!!  Looking forward the weekend!! 



  14. 'This song... '
    This song is MAYONNAISE for me...
    I explain why..
    I've just started to like MIKA and his art last summer when I was working in a bakery in Hungary. :) I was working hard, and a lot, and my break (like at midday) was about 10 minutes. I started to love this song, I was also planning to learn in French! And in that 10 minute:  it was so Hot outside, while I was chilling a bit, eating my sandwich with MAYONNAISE (I never eat BTW) I was planning to go to Milan to the Tempo delle donne(2017), planning to go to BALATON, just registrated to MFC, and I was  ALWAYS listening THIS SONG(if I am obsessed of sth....:P )  . .  so good memories, feelings, atmospheres....
    if you have time, and you want... choose one of MIKA'S SONGS ( don't have to be your favourite!) and associate with just 1 word, and explain for us the reason if you want! 
    bye @girls 

  15. (You don't have to read :) )

    Since when I was a child, I was wanting just one serious thing, except dreams. I wanna be the best in my job. I started to work on it last year. I go to vocational high school, IT department. IT is my life. I wanna be a good computer engineer. I hope I will win engineering university in İstanbul.


    Anyway, I talked too much. Let's talk about my goal. I've already can make a good website. I want to make phone application about Mika. I don't know what's inside but I want. I have not learned how to make an application for a phone but I will learn. MFC's phone application would be phenomenal!


    I talked a lot today, sorry! I'm just a little bit a sad and I want to do something different to forget.

  16. Pic of the day. Kiss me emoticon_3d_guinos_gestos_3d_animado_msn






  17. Please wish me luck with my new creative project, I've never done this before. :lmfao: Today I've finally received my hot fix applicator which I've ordered weeks ago and bought a new grey jersey and some hot fix stones and crystals. I want to do some Mika-related design, probably some quote, I hope it will work... It's the perfect project for my exam time. :biggrin2:AirBrush_20190109181126.thumb.jpg.f5ead46711ab40cc25e06d062f6d8352.jpg

  18. I've been busy to post the pic of the day, so I post the pic of the night :naughty:






  19. Hello from the other side! :lol:


  20. Let's go for the exam session :boxing:


  21. 2ar.thumb.PNG.3cc56193355672508b6740af2b7458c3.PNG

    Where can you buy dimples like that ?

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