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Status Replies posted by Dominika

  1. Now I've got cumulation of bad emotions :emot-sad: I'm feeling exhausted, kids at school annoy me, I have enough of thinking all the time about different stuff like: prepare lessons, send information to kid's parents, collect money from kids for somehing, prepare and fill up kid's documents. At Saturday's I also have studies on Sunday's I'm preparing for school and on Monday the hole nightmare begins all over again :crybaby:My brain is hurting so bad. I'm angry because of the weather changing which affects my well-being and because I don't have enough time or being too tired to spend it here. I need vacations right now!!!



  2. :bye:  hello when mika album coming out? i'm wait :crossed:

  3. We had an earthquake. Luckily I didn't feel but it's scaring. 


    There is soo big earthquake gonna come to Istanbul asap :unsure:


  4. Have  a nice weekend!

    Today the sun is shining! 






  5. It's the weekend and there is sun. There is a spring tune...

    Good weekend to all :bye:



  6. Happy Valentines to all my sweet girls here! :huglove:


  7. Happy Valentines to all my sweet girls here! :huglove:


  8. Imagine Mika in videoclip Je Chante...






    You got it?


    Now watch this vid :teehee:

    It's cruel but it's funny as hell :floor:

  9. Hi girls, I hope some of you can join me on this very "girly" topic. Tomorrow it's Valentine's day and even though I'm not a fan of this holiday it always make me think of the fact that I've never been in a real relationship. It's kind of sad because it seems so easy for other people in my surroundings but impossible for me. I'm usually not the girl who complains about being single, I'm actually used to it. However, the society makes it hard sometimes, people are always asking etc. I think it's still better to be alone than to be in some toxic relationship but sometimes it makes me feel uncomfortable - once I was with two classmates and they began to talk about their relationships. I felt kind of excluded and then once of them mentioned some problems and the other said "at least you have a boyfriend" which made me feel quite bad as I was the only one who was single. Does anybody of you feel sometimes the same? 

  10. Freedom smilie_car_127.gif



  11. The exams went perfectly :yay::cheer::dance_man:


  12. J-1 Are you ready?



  13.  :yay:   Friday :yay:


  14. Fortuné decided to grow up, he took off the curls!



  15. Yes, amazing. Love it  :wub2:



  16. Pink announces a new single out in two weeks and a new album in April, she gives the title of the album and even sang a little part from the song and she is still on tour after her last album Beautiful trauma in 2017. MIKA COME OOOON

  17. Currently on internship for the End of Study Work (TFE in Belgium) :bye:



  18. Pic of the day




  19. Hi guys... i'm sad because tonight is the end of "La compagnia del cigno" :tears: don't forget



    Have a good Week       :hug:       Kisses !

  21. Hello girls !! :hug:

    I'm not here anymore but I often think to you... I want you know that I don't forget you... 


  22. Who visited today my website Mikapopolsku.com?


    OMG! We made a trip around the world!!!! Japan, USA, France, Belgium,  Italy, Poland and Pakistan!


    Thank you guys 💓




    Two days ago there was even more coutries: Holland, UK, Poland, Germany, Republic of South Africa, Irland, India and Singapor!

    You are fantactic!!!!! Thank you :pbjt:



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