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Everything posted by Dominika

  1. Lucifer will be back with 5th finale season!!!
  2. Hi everyone! Sharing some good moments in my life :biggrin2:

    Bought the tickets for Mika's concert

    Recived my ice cream towel

    Passed my final exams today

    I couldn't be more happy human being on earth right now :cheer:



    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Paoletta
    3. Mikasister


      But @Paoletta  if you want to see Mika at least once, your parents won't let you go to see him even in your own city, Torino? :sad: You are not a little girl, with 33 years old you are already an adult. :wink2:


      Mika's concerts are safe, nothing has to happen, besides there will be many fans.

    4. Paoletta


      @Mikasister yes ... i know that mika concerts are safe but for my parents not :dunno:.. so i cant try to speaks and i hope ... bye

  3. Hello Tanja! Welcome to the MFC and have fun here Enjoy the future show
  4. Do you know Elena? She made something special for our fanpage but I will share with this at the right time Also Mika has commented her recent artwork but one thing doesn't fit - Mika doesn't have facebook! or I'm wrong?
  5. Hi Mel! Welcome to the MFC and enjoy Mika wonderland with us!
  6. What a shame that there is no more photos of Mika. He looks gorgeous here
  7. I just use another browser and it showed me that something went wrong and could not reserve the tickets
  8. I know but it doesn't lead me to anywhere. It just spin around few times and stop on the same page
  9. What does it mean? That there is no more tickets? I didn't make the pre order.
  10. @mika_goldenfan StorySaver_mika_goldenfan_40681315_889864964690718_8151256323640384238_n.mp4
  11. @mika_goldenfan StorySaver_mika_goldenfan_27456372_2185804344790163_8625829543321347464_n.mp4
  12. Oh my, what to tell about myself... My dream is also traveling which I'm doing actually a bit now thanks to Mika. He encourages me to travels. I like reading books, watching TV serials and movies...
  13. Hello Gulce! I'm Dominika. Irem's friends are our friends too! Welcome to the MFC and enjoy the forum!
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