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giraffeandy last won the day on April 8

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About giraffeandy

  • Birthday 10/24/1995


  • Bio
    I wanna go where the nights are blinding, the sun keeps shining

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    Prague, Czechia
  • Occupation
    Student of translation studies
  • Interests
    Foreign languages (German, English, Spanish), music, reading, travelling, art, creative stuff, dancing, zumba, friends, animals... :)

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  1. Today I had a terrible nightmare... One of those that feels so real! :tears: It was about Mika being on an event with about 50 other famous people on a boat. Then the boat got lost and people were assuming it sank for some reason. I felt so miserable in the dream, I even cried, then I woke up and was so relieved it's not true but I think I will need a while till I get rid of that bad feeling... Luckily Mika won't be on a boat anytime soon. 

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    2. giraffeandy


      @Starlight Yes, I have no idea why my brain came up with such a horrible story, I usually have rather good or neutral dreams thanks god! But I guess maybe the whole situation now produce some negative feelings that your brain proceeds at night... I don't know but it was by far the worst nightmare I had lately, I hope it was the last one too.

    3. giraffeandy


      @Mikasister Yeah, the reality is a nightmare already...


      Even though it's hard, I think it's a good idea, it's better to be safe than sorry...


      Btw, the night before I had a dream I made it to Mallorca (I should have spent two weeks in July over there) but I had to take a bus, a boat, a train and I think one another vehicle because the planes didn't fly... The virus was still a topic but it wasn't as bad anymore. Not the greatest dream ever but at least much better than the one I dreamed tonight... 

    4. Starlight


      @giraffeandy That's true... all that is happening now is a nightmare...

      @Mikasister A good idea... safety is so important at the moment...

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