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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. Yes, he was talking about new music. And that he will compose a lot. So I quite agree with @mellody that Mika maybe will work on a movie music or a play. I am dreaming about a new program like Casa Mika! Anyway Mika is very creative and I am sure he will surprise us many many times. He likes creating shows so I will be not surprised to see him as a main artistic producer for Star Academie - they were impressed by his ideas. And he was so good as a teacher. I like watching him in new roles. We don't know what about this documentary series he started before pandemic. Anyway I am not expecting just new songs. Like Mika I love diversity and I am ready to follow his journey what ever it is
  2. Yes, it's a great idea. I was checking it as well while looking for a double decker. If we are more than 70 for sure it will be easier to get together on a bateau mouche. It's possible to rent a boat for a couple of hours. And with the covid restrictions the boat is better than the closed space in a bus. https://www.vedettesdupontneuf.com/
  3. There is always a reason, Prisca. Maybe he likes our theory thread and now he has fun reading all this
  4. It's possible. But there is no snow on the ground. So hard to say.
  5. Marianne Boulet is a producer for Fair-Play. She used to work as well for Deferlantes - which works on Star Academie. I wonder if it's possible that Mika would become not only an Artistic Director but someone responsible for the whole program????
  6. I think it's too early for Star Academie. In September they will start a tour to find new talents. But who knows?
  7. Five hours instead one hour Well. I can imagine it was a bonus for all participants
  8. Sounds like a joke. Just wait for taxi prices if you need to take one visiting Paris.
  9. Yes, it's a photo taken in Rome (Nettuno?) in August when Pierpaolo was celebrating 28th anniversary of his wedding.
  10. I think it's region related. If you have VPN no problem. If not you need to watch on the Internet free websites re-broadcastiong TF1.
  11. I asked Deb, Angela and Gary to call the French Embassy - it's for the flight rules. But I think that when they are in Paris they will have to pass tests. It can be antygen test - possible to make it in many pharmacies. I've already contacted my hotel and asked for an address of a pharmacie close to it. So no need to look for a Test Center - there is one two metro stations from the venue. I did my research already The PCR and antygen tests are now in France valid for 72 hours instead of 48. SO it's already better for a short trip. For those who would like to stay longer - they will have to make another test - anyway they will need a valid QR test for their flight back.
  12. No difference if you have an app or a paper version. They scan the QR code printed on the paper. The problem is that in US there is no QR code. As Deb said once during the live - she has only a little piece of paper that she has been vaccinated. That's why I think she should make a test in France to have a document with QR code. Nobody will accept her piece of paper as a proof. And to enter a restaurant, a coffee shop, a museum, A CONCERT you have to show your valid QR code.
  13. I remember one or two interviews where Mika said that usually he doesn't celebrate his birthday. Usually he is travelling or working this day. On the Instagram from the past we don't see party posts every year. I think this year maybe he was on a boat with his family and friends and it was not comfortable for him to connect with us? Or maybe the internet wasn't good where he was at that moment? Even the cakes were shown on a simple wooden table without any decoration. Although there was left only a half of the second cake. So for sure he was not alone When Mika makes a party the table is full of food and beautifully decorated. As well the moment was not very appropriate to show off with a birthday party after having posted about Lebanon and Afganistan situation. Or maybe there is any other reason? For me it's not a problem. I am happy that so many fans and tv stations and radio stations and some celebrities posted for his birthday. When I opened Twitter all I saw were posts for Mika's birthday. And #happybirthdaymika was on the first place on Twitter trends
  14. I think the same, Michelle. All depends on the light. Anyway he looks happy and full of joy spending time with his family.
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