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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. I think you're not the only one I missed it at the first reading. Only at the second one I realized that something interesting will appear tomorrow
  2. One thing is this interview in Vanity Fair France - or rather a monologue. And another thing - well, already in August - this new part of "I Love Beirut" concert Mika will share tomorrow!!!!! I think he's still in Tuscany. As for Snoopy - maybe Mika was watching a new season of the series? It's not the first time he let us know he loves Snoopy
  3. I love using Google maps. For checking the places I am going to in my home town for example (I don't use GPS maps). So when I am driving I feel like knowing the place which makes me very comfortable. I keep the map in my head. I don't feel comfortable if I don't know where I am. Maybe that's why I like going back to the places I already know? On the other hand I like visiting other places via Google maps. In real life I don't t travel a lot. Specially now when I have animals and I can't leave my apartment for a long time. So Google maps let me travel virtually. I like putting a little yellow guy in a street and walk around places. Like before our MFC meeting in London
  4. No problem. I took only a tiny part so I don't think it could be found on Google map. But it's ok if you think it's better not to post it. Anyway I was surprised seeing the trampoline I didn't pay attention before
  5. I've book the hotel the 27 of April And a few days ago I bought my flight tickets. And I am as ready as you are, Michelle
  6. Yes, the house (or rather several buildings) are in a huge field without any fence. I've seen it on Google map. Lots of olive trees and space. I've just checked it now. And you know what? The trampoline is there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can see as well two football goals. And it's just a small part of the property
  7. I think it works like on TikTok. When you add music you can see the artist's name and the title on the screen. I am trying to get the Reels but still it does not appear It's a quite new option in Poland and as I read in the internet some accounts have it automatically, some don't have it yet.
  8. Reels doesn't work properly in Poland yet - it started 2 months ago and it works only for "professional" accounts. I have changed my account profile and still don't see reels
  9. No problem. Heat around 32-34 every day in Poland. Just help yourself.
  10. So we have the interview (well it looks like a text written by Mika) in Vanity Fair France. It's about Lebanon and for sure it was very hard to him to talk about it. I post the link here.
  11. Well, some things do not depend of Mika. I think it may be something related to the explosion in Beirut the 4th of August. Today I saw in Polish news the family of the little George born at the moment of the explosion. (They were filmed in the "I Love Beirut" concert.) His mom said that they will celebrate his birthday an another day because so many people died and have been injured that it's hard to celebrate anything... Only one candle on the cake. And this child is a symbol of life of hope and strength for the country. Here is a link to a video https://mobile.reuters.com/video/watch/miracle-baby-george-turns-one-with-beiru-idOVENRGQBL
  12. This one was before The Voice live in May 2019. I was waiting to enter the studio when Mika posted this 40771818_583201182203707_2126754213404357908_n.mp4
  13. Here we come back again to our "fly baloon" for Paloma I think it's in French. Now we have to wait.
  14. Fortune seems to be in Austria. He posted some photos from a wedding in Attersee. At first I thought it was in Italy and that maybe Mika was traveling there as well. And there is a big lake.
  15. I found this video. Maybe this is Mika's camel? He's dancing and singing
  16. I don't think so. He takes care about his fans. Usually he serves by himself champagne during M@G. Mika - I don't drink alcohol but I will take a glass of champagne from you!!!!!!
  17. First I thought it was Emma (she is in Florence today). But it seems this person has no brest like Emma (?)
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