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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. The venue is for 4200 places. Not too much. We have to be ready to a quick action Each sector has 100 seats.
  2. For Paulo Conte the tickets are the most expensive. For other artists it's about 60-90 EUR.
  3. The festival takes place from the 7th to 16th. So for Mika has left 7th to 10th of July.
  4. The dates from 11th to 16th of July are already taken. So Mika.... the 10th? The 17th?????
  5. On the website it's said that for Paolo Conte has been scheduled for the 15th of July. And that the pre-sale starts the 22nd od December. But I don't find it on the list. Is it a special requirement to have an access to pre-sale? EDIT: I found it . On TicketOne.it Price: 161 EUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Yesssssss. Eriko is the first participant of our virtual fan action!!!!!!!
  7. It's a horoscope. So as any horoscope it can say true or not
  8. Ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too many doubts! I wonder if it's really in Tuscany. Or in his garden. Maybe they are all in France? All these lights in the whole garden look pretty like a place for parties not like at home.
  9. OK. So today I posted messages on Instagram and Twitter. I invite you to find it and share as much as possible. I posted as well the Santa Mika sticker for the profile photos. (I've already changed mine ) I will post a reminder on Friday evening. And maybe on Saturday as well? https://www.instagram.com/p/CmeEXzTAsDJ/
  10. Yes, it's Mika's voice. So yesterday he was in Italy! I can imagine the whole family is there for Xmas!!!!!!
  11. Well, if he was in the studio maybe there he received this CD gift from Stephane Reichart? Stephane does post-production and mixing job. So maybe they are polishing music for an/the album(s) ?
  12. He is still or again in Paris. In this hotel. Usually they prepare him the welcome gift. But what had he been doing meanwhile? I hope something for his fans
  13. Mika is in Paris. His Insta story. YouCut_20221221_102558933.mp4
  14. Well. Most of concerts I went to were in "normal" places. The strangest one was Caribana. Hopefully you took me in your car
  15. Yes, I am sure he will propose something new as well. I am checking the possibility to reach the city ect. Pretty hard. But possible to do. I wonder if I should start to rent a car with all these strange places this year
  16. Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You still have time to make something different. You know, when you made one, you want to make more! Well, that was my case. Now I don't know which one to choose for the 24th
  17. You have to combine the audio with the video in one of the applications. On Twitter you cannot post only audio.
  18. I don't understand. You added an audio to the video? And only on Twitter it doesn't work? And the final file is in mp4 format?
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