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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. Oh, Michelle. For sure not everybody will decide to go to Arena but I would like to confirm that I already know I will meet some fans in Verona and even we are going to travel together to Florence as our flight tickets back home are from this city. We will spend time together, visit Italy and have fan as much as possible. Mika family is for the good and the bad. Mika must be devastated as much as we are - or even more. We cannot just sit down and cry. We live in strange times: the pandemic, the war in Ukraine impacting the whole Europe or even the whole world. The inflation running up like crazy... We need a reference to keep clear mind and opened heart. It's so easy to get mad, insulte each other, blame the whole world for what is happening. Together we are stronger.
  2. I don't think this sort of decision is taken only by Mika. The tour it's a huge machine engaging a lot of people, companies and money. Cancelling a tour costs a lot. So whatever the reason is it HAD to be very important. And we don't have to know a real real reason. Logistics - it depends what you mean by that. Seeing an actual economic situation anything can be connected with the logistics. Fuel, energy, bankruptcy ect. I don't know if we will ever know the real reason. I hope Mika will post a video soon with some comments. Maybe it was a big surprise for him too. We all need time to accept the situation.
  3. Yes, postponed. As the big shows are for arenas I can imagine we have to wait at least till spring 2023....
  4. Wait. I think it's too early to claim a refund.
  5. I found this in Frequent Q&A. If you have a ticket for Arena di Verona - you don't need to do anything. If you have a ticket for other shows you can exchange it into Arena di Verona place. Starting from tomorrow the 1st of September 11am. But I will check news tomorrow.
  6. It's 2020 version 2.0 It's hard to believe we have it again...
  7. Sur le site TicketOne.it on trouve deja une info avec le lien pour confirmer le ticket. Ca va commencer demain le 1 septembre a 11h.
  8. Attenzione! Il The Magic Piano Tour è stato rinviato a data da destinarsi. Confermata la data del 19 settembre all'Arena di Verona. I biglietti già acquistati restano validi per lo show all'Arena di Verona previa conferma di partecipazione sulla seguente pagina a partire dalle ore 11:00 dell'1 settembre alle ore 11:00 e fino alle 23:59 del 7 settembre. Seguiranno maggiori dettagli. Attention! The Magic Piano Tour has been postponed to a later date. The date of September 19th at the Verona Arena has been confirmed. Tickets already purchased remain valid for the show at the Verona Arena subject to confirmation of participation on the following page starting from 11:00 on 1 September to 11:00 and until 23:59 on 7 September. More details will follow. So it means that for Arena di Verona you HAVE TO confirm on the website (TicketOne.it) between the 1st and 7th of September!!!!!!!
  9. I am mad because the Magic Piano Tour has been postponed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF?????? We had this already in 2020! Mika, where are you? Any explanation, maybe???????????????????
  10. Tell me it just a bad dream!!!!!! Friends & Partners announces that for organizational and production reasons that would have prevented an adequate and optimal staging of the shows, THE MAGIC PIANO TOUR by MIKA, with shows scheduled between September and October 2022 in the main Italian arenas and theaters - where it has already recorded several sold out, it is postponed to a later date. Numerous attempts were made to safeguard the integrity of the shows as they had been planned by MIKA with its usual care and artistic and production quality, but not being able to guarantee it within the established time frame, it was necessary to postpone it. It's a painful decision, but precisely because MIKA doesn't want to disappoint the audience with her, it was decided not to sacrifice the standards of her shows. By firm will of MIKA, only the date of 19 September at the Verona Arena remains confirmed, an appointment that had already been canceled in 2020 due to the pandemic and which before this rescheduling had already been conceived as a special evening, a great end of summer party. From the Italian temple of music in the world, MIKA will re-establish the long-awaited embrace with the public in what has all the flavor of a unique and unmissable event, a great moment of celebration to share with fans who have always loved it.
  11. I am checking on TicketOne.it. All has been blocked except Arena di Verona.
  12. Are you sure it's not a scam? They ask to click on the link!
  13. Now Andy opened an "official"account about the northern part of Greece called Epirusfalls. Yesterday he put a video where we can see the Girls a lot.
  14. Going further - I bet there were wine bottles in the box. What do you think? What can it be?
  15. Are the curtains the same as on this photo? I think so. So Karin you are right. He is in Hotel Crillon in Paris
  16. Ha ha ha! Me too I want to know what is in the box!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if it's a private apartment. There is a wooden floor which is rare in hotels I think. And there are books under the small table.
  17. That's why I am sure he was not in his own house. He wouldn't be using a napkin. He would use the lamp as a drum
  18. It was in October 2019 when they performed together in The Voice kids. I post the link just for a pleasure to see Mika with his curls and the tight trousers on stage
  19. Oh, where did you hear about 100 Voices at Stade de France? I've read about choir groups for which Mika is an ambasador. And MAYBE Mika performing at Rugby finals. But still just rumors.
  20. Well, Mika was talking about something symphonic before the pandemic. 100 Voices - it can be symphonic as well as a pop music. But as they put a part of the Versailles concert in the post I would rather think about the classical music. I don't know if it can be connected with the Tehu soundtrack. But with Mika you never know We have to be patient. Which we are used to (Mikasoon!!!!!) In the UK he was with Geraldine and his gig outfits so it was about recording. I would prefer to see some live events. I want to travel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  21. Maybe there will be some symphonic project? With the camel movie soundtrack?
  22. The 100voicesofgospel choir posted on Instagram a short video from the Versailles concert with a note that a great news will be announced soon. https://www.instagram.com/p/ChzOEb7I2qU/ "Throwback to this incredible moment singing “Happy Ending” with @mikainstagram and @idafalkwinland at Opera de Versailles ✨For @cultureboxftvWe have some big news for this new upcoming year and we can’t wait to share them with you all…❤️✨" I asked them if the project concerns Mika and they confirmed!!!!! "oui oui ce sera avec lui,on vous en dira plus bientôt ✨" - Yes, it will be with him. Soon we will give you more details.
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